The devil bank robbers VERY BAD PERSONS say they are taking money from 50 persons times 8 areas of The San Fernando Valley, California, and say they do that to them because they hate the way they spent money and log it and write notes and vote, and they hate over nice Moms buying household items who buy a lot a once at places like Target Big Lots, etc. they hate them when they spend two hundred dollars of their hard earned money by a list all planned usually, and they hate them buying a bunch of crap for their family home, To make their house a Home, the great moms in America they loathe, and say they spent too dam stinken much thats frivilious spendin to them, thats not necessary or needed, they should have made due gotten by with what they had, and not bought so much stuff at once, that makes them so sick they buy alot at once, and lie they do it without thinking to set them up to rob their pay from them and keep stealing it from then on and never stop because they hate the ones who are like that who go out and load up a shopping cart to buy things for the whole house that they say that they say do not need, and they lie its a waste of money when its their hard earned money they want to spend to make their home nice for their family, and the Moms may buy rugs, place mats, picture frames, vases, and things that will match their decorating scheme, and they may stock up on wrapping paper, gift bags, and also buy things they like that are a great price, and buy for the whole year often this way, and get a lot done, and feel they saved hundreds of dollars buying alot at once, and they may shop in bulk at Costco also, to stock up, and they buy clothes on sale forty percent off etc to save money and to have their closet set to wear nice clothes to make money, and feel so great at all they got accomplished and at the money they saved and the time they saved, and go home and happily put the rugs in the kitchen and bathroom, flowers from their yard in the vase they bought, happily frame family photos and put the soap in a new soap dish, and feel great making their house a home, and put wrapping paper and gift bags in a drawer, and feel glad they are stocked up to wrap presents for their childrens Birthdays and Christmas and for friends gifts, and try on clothes they bought , put outfits together, and see what they can wear with what they already have, and write a list of what they are missing and need, and feel good they got outfits set and a list for the next time they are at a mall, as they are ones who plan ahead save time energy and money by the way they do things, and these are the ones they hate the ones who are so smart with money, where if you divide it up by 12 months you could see they spent two hundred on clothes a month for the whole family four hundred on food a month etc. and saved hundreds on gift bags and wrapping paper and by buying in bulk and by shopping for things on sale etc. and they lie thats frivilous spendin on things not necessary or needed they lie they are out buying a bunch of crap without thinking, and they set them up by lying about what they are doing and they do not divide the amounts by 12 months to see what are they really spending, as you would have to total receipts for food for clothes and divide it by 12 to see, and they say they buy a couple outfits or a top at a time throw them out, and buy new outfits two months later, and they do not invest in a wardrobe, in mix and match seperates that you can wear for years as many buy basics and build up a closet, and save money and time this way, and they hate them for being that way, they think they should not spend any time trying clothes on, they say any extra time should be spent cleaning and mopping, when the moms they hate are many who pay a maid, they pay a maid and spend their time working and making money to pay the household bills as many are single moms they hate and frame, who do alot fast, and save time and energy and do a million things at once, and are so happy if they buy 20 things they need at the same time at Big Lots,etc and feel they got so so much done, and they hate single moms and unwed moms, and frame many pregnant moms, they hate moms who breast feed, they set up moms they hate to their CPS Secret Court house and lie they got spendin problems, they spent too much money without thinkin, they had frivilous spendin on things that were not necessary or needed, they should have gotten by and made due and not spent that money the devils say when its the moms money they spent the way they wanted to spend it in their way in the free Country America, and frame many home owners in the USA where the American Dream is to own a family home, and thats what the Moms work hard for buy nice clothes to make money to pay for their home and they spend money to make money, they invest in their wardrobe their home where they may have a nice net working party with a nicely decorated home and a nice outfit as the host, and they do much to cut corners in their budget such as a ten dollar pizza and cake at Costco for a Birthday Party, and 40 % off coupons at Bed Bath and Beyond, and they write off their mortgage interest on their taxes and look at the big picture what are they spending in the long run? divide it by 12 is how you know what someone spent, and they refinance get second loans and go by the monthly payments their nut amount for household bills, and the liars who frame the nicest parents in the world. lie equity money from their home is Free Money, and they lie they are Swindler Very bad persons for transfering their equity money into their checking account, to update a house, or for whatever they need to spend it on for their family and they lie they are Swindlers, They want Free Money, they are Very bad persons, they are lazy bums looking for a mere hand out, their funneling and kiking money to their account and thats how they frame nice mothers with their own money by many hypocrites some who spent $50 a day on lunch at restaurants and some $100 day a day on cocktails lunch and dinner at restaraunts, and some spend $1,000 a month at Gelsons Market, and they spend $400 a month on 2 new outfits, and they think people are very bad persons if they refi update a house buy a lot at once on sale, who spend less than they do a month, the moms they hate may spend $80 or less at the market a week cook 3 meals a day or cook dinner half the week spend $50.00 a week eating at restaurants on food to go, and they spend probably $500.00 a month total, and the liars who frame them spend $1,500 a month on food and restaurants or more their shopping carts are many that are often loaded up to the top. and they spend $500.00 to $1,000.00 a check out also they buy Alcohol and platters to nosh on are many doing this wicked framing to nice single moms, and to unwed moms, unwed couples moms and dads, and to pregnant moms, and they spend money at happy hours from 4 to 7 as many drink alot of alcohol, where many they frame drink none, and they may spend thousands on alcohol a month, and the money they liars spend on drinks food and clothes would pay a familys household bills, and those familys they frame may have bills of rent or mortgage of around $2500.00 to $3200. utilitys $200 food $500 a month total, and their total nut is around $4,000.00 and they write off mortgage interest on taxes and see what they saved on a Cost of Homeownership For One Year MLS Realtor print out and plan ahead see the big picture, and what they spend in the long run, and they buy clothes and household items at once for the whole year, and that would be divided by 12 months or 5 years even, and they save money buying a lot at once, and buy seasonal decorations a wreath for their front door, a pot with flowers and a new door mat for their porch an umbrella stand by the front door for friends when they walk in and who are their friends? its hard to say who anybody can trust these days, as the gang stalker CPS Secret Court secret bank robber framer liars pay everybody the moms money they rob from their mail box from their paypal cash app venmo by hacking, and they pay people to gang stalk who dont know they are gang stalking as they are told here is pay to help us cover this person, because they spent too much money too quick on things that were not needed or necessary so we got them on the County Watch List we set them up to the CPS Secret Court we are all calling in to set up a case file at DCFS CPS etc because of the way they do things, when they are doing things the way they have always done them by planning ahead budgeting calculating making lists

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA