Prophet Premonition Dreams & Clairvoyant Visions Of Crimes Sent By Jesus Christ

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

I have Clairvoyant visions, remote viewing, and Prophet premonition dreams of things before they are happening and while they are happening and see crimes by Jesus Christ showing me to stop them.

Above are stairwells that I had visions of years ago. My readings say they go down to the sex slavery rooms and that a Born Again Christian woman who frames moms and takes car loads of kids from mothers had them put in by construction men.

I also dreamt of them putting people in sacks down pipe slides late at night for their human smuggling human traffick etc. Readings say they do this at 2 A M, and put them down hatches in Streets that are dark.

I dreamt of two rows of Chicken Coupes with babys and kids in them the other night, a vision dream sent by Jesus Christ. Jesus then wrote by me and explained they are under the very back of many bank parking lots, the us men hacker pedo girls and women put people they mutilated and sucked on for hours restrained in their local work apartment buildings and houses on many side streets near each other in a white sack, then they drop them off in the hatch to the Chicken Hen Coupes, and sew them up after they terrorized ate their private skin on many shots of meth, drunk on Peppermint Schnapps shots, and go there 9 or 10 in a giddy girl pack acting in glee saying literally ” Oh me oh my another dear baby we must take care of later and attend to, the poor things” describing what they did to the 9 week old infants, 2 day old Sons they name them from premie incubators, they move into Chicken Hen Coupes as the hated devil mass murdering every age person, all the very good ones in the entire population as its their save life mission in reverse which is to kill the very good ones old souls reincarnated by them the very bad evil cruel wicked ones who do this inhuman terrorizing painful mutilating to every age person from birth on up. They drop the victims in at many times in a day at the very back of a bank parking lot by trees and some have planters and shrubs. Then some go in a long or short steel heavy metal pipe by jumping in a street man hole to the Chicken Hen Coupes full of many babies of many ages and young kids they took there from up top, and two or three or one say they tend to them, they change cloth diapers with ducky pins, probably suck on them, and video Baby Kiddy Porn on cells and text n go cells and a device hidden in their sachels named an ipad maybe also, as they film vaginal sucking all day and night, of themselves sucking on one another and on many victims they literally molest with their long sharp sick tongues and describe them as long and soft a little wee bit rounded, soft and short and a little tad bit wide, pink and brown and thick like their lips and clitorus are ones half white, and they say on a loud speaker ” give me a short tongue lap up on the new sweet looking girl dressed in the outfit we bought last evening alrighty?” They feed them from baby food cans, they drink from a tin pin, some have grey dog muzzles on, and they take them wrapped in many blankets towels of many colors, big beach towels when they are bleeding by what they did to them ate them alive til they are raw, then put them wrapped in colorful towels in a plain white sack, a garment bag sack it could be named that says Jesus Christ, there are 199 satan cult pedo serial killer girls and teens and young women with older aged women, some are their 9 hated moms.

Last night in a dream I saw a pregnant woman laying on a table, and they were doing a C Section with a razor from her clitorus straight up her stomach. They take many babys this way says Jesus and God.