A Mortgage Broker Lies Homeowners Have Mental Health Problems If They Don’t Have Fixed Rate Loans Like She Does

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

The mortgage broker woman whos robbing money from alot of familys tell banks that is someone does not think of paying their loan balance down, and of the interest they will pay in their lifetime then they have a mental health problem, when they do not at all. She says she takes everyones money this way by saying this to banks as she does loans for years and is conservative with loans, and locks people into a great mortgage fixed rate in 20 or 30 year loans, and tells people the interest they will pay in their lifetime and thinks people should only be concerned with paying the mortgage balance down, and they should notice what interest they pay each month on their mortgage payment, and she lies if people are not thinking this way then they have a mental health problem, and tell banks she needs to manage the finances of people on lists who are like this and says its wrong to her when people refinance alot to get money from their house for things they want to do it, and to live on it for a year makes her sick such as during a lay off time, or stike, she thinks they should move and sell and buy something for less instead of staying in their family house, and she thinks if they get a second loan or a jumbo loan for 40 years or adjustable they got mental health problems for doing these things, when the people have payments they can afford and invest money into their house and care of the value going up by work they do and by money they spend, and see spending money on their homes as increasing its value then they have a higher appraisal and they see that is having more assets, being worth more money, feel secure and spend money on their house to make money, they know someday they may refinance the loan and second loan when the appraised value is higher and get a good rate by the money they spent on the house and by the work they did on it themselves, and they know someday they will make more money when they sell it, and they think of their future and the big picture the long run, not just today, what interest they spent this month, not what they will pay in interest in the long run, and not of the loan balance, they think of whats my house worth? whats the appraised value? what can I do to it to have it appreciate more? they think of the future, and their entire life not just interest on a payment or their loan balance, and she lies they have mental health problems if they do not think like her, she locks people into great mortgage rates and does conservative loans, and says they should not spend on a dime on anything extra that they do not need they should think of paying down their loan balance instead. The people she slanders think what money can I spend on my house so it goes up in value, what money can I invest in my business ? to make more money? what clothes can I buy for my career? what work can I do on my house to have it increase in value, they dont care what the balance is they care about what is worth, and she lies they are wrong to think this way and says it makes her sick and so mad, and that they should not think of upgrades for appraisals, but of paying down the loan, and she says she tells banks people on lists are nuts bonkers and don’t know how to live at all by her mortgage broker evaluation investigation she does into finances,and lies they have mental health problems when they do not at all, and says shes doing this to 10 familys in 10 States right now and pays them stolen paypal thats Nancy Foxs she pays hackers stolen money to rob it, and deposits it in atms by her banker passcode, then texts kids ” go take 100 bucks pocket 90 cash” and they are paid to lie and brain wash neighborhoods where shes trying to run familys out of their houses, and she sends faxes all over the USA Private Confidential Mortgage Broker Fax, and says thats the way it is, their system they devised to run people out of house and home, and lie they deserve for that to happen, they lie their house cost too much, and lie they cannot afford their house when they can, and says its her way of thinking and that is to put all your money down to have a low balance and to look at the interest paid in the persons lifetime, and to think of interest paid each month, and locks people into great fixed rates at 4 am when shes up watching the stock market, and hates adjustable mortgages, and hates people who refi alot, and hates them when they spend their equity by a second loan and lies thats free money, and lies they are spending money they dont have yet when its borrowed from their house by the appraisal that the lender approved, and its money they will pay back when they refi the whole loan or sell the house, or pay down themselves, it just means they might make more on their house later in the future,if they borrow 100 thousand might make 100 thousand less when they sell it, for example, and she says shes got 199 people slandering the ones on her hit list, and they are lying these persons named have huge mental health problems they got free money, they do things without thinking, and we are telling you this by our mortgage brokers evaluation, and she says she hates the way they are so does her counterpart doing false reports as they are cheap, and stingy minded,