Prophecy Reading Information

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

In Feb 2005 a crime tip job sent by ups was taken to the 1978 woman by the man who lied he could assign her to job that said, for Nancy Fox to do private crime tips on a game board, as she was told she was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race in a spirit board channeling reading, this is for your in born psychic gift to save the human race.Then Feb 27th, 2005 when I had a 20 year sober AA party her and the one from 1970 text people, and said vote us in for the crime tip job, vote YES all agreed with a thumbs up that we are better suited to do this crime tip work by spy cam high technology equipment with the men underground instead of Nancy Fox doing word spellings on a dumb stupid game board, and write really bad report about her, and send it to the banks, so we can take her money sent and say its for a crime tip job we got, as money is sent each time a psychic job is sent to Nancy Fox and notes on the money said the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family money has arrived, 20% goes to her family her two daughters as always since their birth, and they never recieved this money neither did I, and readings say it says this every time, and the ones from 1970 and others lie that 20 % is for them for the Son of God jobs they have been assigned, as the sex slavery man sends them the 20% each time money is sent for Nancy Fox, nand he lies thats Son of God money for a job for the City when its not, and they lied others could say they got Son of God jobs, and they wrote slanderous letters to banks, where I was often dressed in a suit and pearls as a busy realtor, and my realtor business was based on how honest and ethical and nice I am, and readings say they lied about me to banks, and may have called me Nancy Taylor possibly which was never a name I went by, I had gone by Fox-Taylor, but many knew me as Nancy Fox, readings say the day of my 20 year sober AA party on Feb 27th 2005 when I wore a spiritual geru Free People Sweater, and had done carpet paint tile to sell the house they started lying to people and lied shes got such huge problems spending so much money too quick to do carpet paint tile to the house, and wore a hot outfit to have a hot time backyard shing ding, here is pay to keep an eye on her, and slandered me to hundreds that day when here I was a realtor in that area with an all referral business, I started selling homes in that area in 1999, and we had lived there since 1997, and I did carpet paint tile to sell the house and listed it right after the 20 year sober AA party where I celebrated my spiritual life, 2 decades of being sober and living a 12 step program life, and readings say they slandered me all over town, and text with people, and said lets set that mom up to cps and dcfs, shes wearing hip hugger jeans and a cropped sweater, and did sparkly caprpet tacky gaudy tilework when it was tastefully done, I had off white glazed expsensive Italian tile put in the kitchen, and I had off white paint and smooth ceilings done downstairs, and new nuetral carpet put in that had light flecks in it, and I planned to do this work in 2004, refinanced the house to take 20 thousand out, I decided that was my budget to do paint tile and carpet to get the house ready to list and sell, and with the all the hard work I did normal people would have said your house looks great, you lost weight you look great, as I started dieting in 2004, and got back to my normal size 2 or 4 and was a 6 at the 20 year party probably I had lost about 25 pounds then all planned by a diet I went on in 2004 Dec. and everything was planned, and budgeted for by lists, and a calculator to get the house ready to sell, and readings say they lied she did all that without thinking she spent too much shes got big problems when everything I did was positive, and they text with many and said we want to set this mom up to our CPS Secret Court and to DCFS for being like that, for looking so good so fast and for doing the house so quick, they said that to them is a bad parent and bad person, when to me thats a good parent, and good person, thats a nice parent to do carpet and paint that children love to have in their family home, and thats a good homeowner and normal for a home owner to do to their house. They text and said they were setting up to their CPS Secret Court for that? because a nice mom did carpet paint tile to the family home, lost weight and bought a Free People sweater, and designer jeans that were just below my waist, and they plotted to set up a nice mom when I celebrated 20 years of sobriety on Feb 27th 2005 and text people and said give me a YES in caps and a thumbs up symbol YES set the mom up for being like that? for being ambitous and productive? and they said they all agreed to frame an over nice mother that day to take the big Son of God crime tip jobs away, to lie they are for them when they are not at all, and they set me up to do I D Theft, and started slandering me an over honest ethical real estate lady to ruin my real estate business and plotted to rob that out from under me too, and stole 7 real estate calls from my cell phone to ruin my income, and did this by bugging my cell starting in 2006 or 2007? and intercepted my real estate calls, and lied Nancy Fox has such problems, when they are the problems, and stole $5,000.00 at a time of my real estate commision money I earned selliing homes, and stole 5 grand at a time totaling 70 thousand the readings have said, and framed me in reports, and the one from 1978 says shes the DCFS finance evaluator, and she lied to banks to steal my big important Son of God psychic crime tip jobs and my money that she planned to rip off in 1978 and says she always planned to take her big Son of God job when it was sent, and they always knew they would do this, and she takes people underground for many years for the antichrist sex slavery man who brings her Son of God mail and lies he can assign her the Son of God jobs top secret, and she says she does not care what happens to the people they take away she hates them so much, she does not care what happens to their babys and kids, she says they pick them out by first her Financial Evaluator Reports done top secret that courrier services take to banks that say the Son of God Finance Evaluators Report for DCFS CPS, with the background investigator reports from those who got in on this inthe 1970’s, for the Secret Service in home investigator etc. and she lies people have problems with money who do not, and she sets them up, and lies they need CPS DCFS case files, and lies they need to get control of their money and mail, and lies they are bad persons when shes the bad person slandering and stealing from people , ruining many happy home lives, and in Feb 05 she stole a UPS spirit board crime tip job, then had many vote with the one from 1970 and they lied people could vote them in to do the crime tips by the high tehnology equipment instead of Nancy Foxs stupid game board word spellings, and said they always planned it for ages to take the big jobs and money sent, and stole letters that said Perhaps Miss Nancy Gail Fox and her two daughters can vote on their Son of God family jobs, and assign each other questions,and it said 20 % of the Nancy Gail Fox money is theirs as always, and none of us ever received this money my readings explained, and the ones from 1979 and 1978 lied thats thieir Son of God money when its not,and lied its money for a job they got, and many voted by thumbs up YES set the mom Nancy Fox up, and the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker woman voted with many others to set up a nice mom who did nothing wrong, whos over nice and not child endangering, and they told many write a really bad report to the banks about Nancy Fox just make anything up, she just had a party a hot backyard shing ding wore a cropped sweater and low jeans, and was all done up so just say that, and she spent too much too fast on carpet paint tile, and we say that means she did it without thinking and has huge problems, etc. and told them to lie in reports to banks, and lied they could take that Nancy Fox money sent for her and her kids by setting the nice mom up first our CPS Secret Court then to DCFS by our false analagys we do on moms we hate, we hate moms who spend alot on clothes, and furnishings, and who do things so fast and lie they do it without thinking, to make them look really bad, so say she spent too dam stinken much and should not have done all that so stinken fast we say thats a mom with spending problems, who should be shot for being like that, so write a really bad report and we will send pay, and keep an eye on her for us as we say shes got such huge stinken problems for doing all that so stinken fast, and for decorating with gold paint in the entry, shiny guady tile in the kitchen, sparkly carpet, for a party where she served spagetti etc. Thats how they described a nice daytime AA party from 2 pm to 5 pm on Feb 27th 2005 where I had Marias Kitchen pasta and chopped salad,and I rented party tables and table cloths, and wore a Nordstroms outfit, and did classy looking nuetral upgrades to sell the house, and readings say they described everything wrong on purpose to banks. Then stole my angel board jobs from the one story I bought, the woman from 1978 stole ups fed exes at 9 am, an made false reports, and lied the house cost too much when it did not, and lied she spent too much too dfast without thinking to set me up to do I D Theft to rob my mail and money as they always do since 1970 and before and since 1978, and they lied shes a bad person for doing that so fast, and for spending too much, and say moms like that make them sick to their stomach, the ones who shop fast to decorate, and she says shes the Evaluator to see if a mom should be a CPS DCFS case file and sat stealing 7 or my realtor calls a day from my cell plotting to steal my realtor business out from under me, both from 1970 and 1978 said they will run that buisness by running them out, setting her to first to their CPS Secret hearing court meetings, then to DCFS by all calling and lying, and readings say they stole real estate instructions from ups fed exes off the porch that the one from 1978 took, and lied the instructions for a psychic crime tip angel board channeling job was a big real estate job when they were not real estate jobs at all.She stole it all off the porch, and framed me in fraud reports, and says shes an Evaluator, she evaluates finances, and lied I bought a new living room set and spent too much, when it was from our other house, and readings say she lied to people when I had a house warming party with real estate customer in fall 2005, she told the same lies to them that she told in Feb 05 the day of my 20 year sober AA party, she lied Nancy should not have bought this house it cost too much, she spent too much decorating, and has such problems, and made me look bad to real estate customers I sold homes to, and for, and did false reports about my spending as she stole my money from banks by bank slips she stole,by banking authority papers she stole, and set me up to banks and lied I should not have banking privleges, an on over honest hard working realtor single mom who has no spending problems I am one who budgets well, and who made a great living working hard, and I planned to sell my two story house in 2001, and I updated for years, I refied it in 04 to take 20 grand out to finish updating it to list it and sell it, and I decided 20 grand was my budget, and I decided what price range square footage I was looking for when I bought a new house in summer 2005, I planned it all out very throughly and efficently as a realtor selliing my own house, as a proffesional expert in buying and selling homes, and I bought a one story with my real estate income for about 1 mil and bought it with my equity from my two story, and the payment was $3,000.00 and a second of $100.00 that I could easily afford as I made 150 K gross income, and my readings say she outriht lied the house costtoo much, and lied she did that without thinking to set me up to banks to rob me blind planned in 1978 as shes a very bad person.