The Murderers Are Not Stopped

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

Kate is hacking a 22 or 23 year old who kills infants everyday at 9 am with her pedophile mouth after shes shot up with 9 to 15 shots of meth, shes from Sycamore Road Newbury Park and is about 1 hour east of there for years killing newborns everyday, and many kids babys tots and moms with her serial killer mouth, and say she offs them to get rid of them,and shes 5 ft 3 or so with long straight brown hair pale skin, and is wearing nurse scrubs, her pedo friends call her mere quaint Kate la Katelett.

CIA Northern California is hacking, saying I do this to get rid of them so dam stinken bad for cumming thats seen in spy watch observation cams, and thats why our men install them over beds and in shower heads, and everywhere to see what moms are doin it on thier stinken dam backs, and cumming as that means they are a very bad person, to get to make them and all thier babies kids youths cum til they are stinken dam dead unless they are put in a dog cage they buy online and ship on the greyhound bus with the plastic shipping straps they bolt them down with to eat them out eat them alive til they are raw and bleeding to death YES thats seen in spy cams wherever I am I watch they say, and say thats the whole stinken dam reason they do this to them is to watch them all bleed to death as they were taught a a youth ages ago that a mom whos a floozy is so dam stinken bad, they are wrong to cheat and have flings affairs and to lay on thier backs and cum so much, and that means they are very bad persons born with a bad gene of passion within held inside even if they do not cheat ever they are on the list for cummin as that means they are sick and tainted, and they were taught this as a child and as a youth years ago, as they are now in their early 70’s and work with the underground men and women to get them the people since 1978 with their counterpart the Evaluator

The Evaluator bugs phones and houses and apartments and is told to frame moms to look like they do things without thinking, and to make it look like they do things in the wrong order, to get control of their mail and money, and they have a body chart they check off body parts on, big full nipples, fat clitorus, big rear end like an African American, dark thick pubic hair they hate and loathe as that means they are born with passion within, and tainted by a bad gene they were born with and so are all their babies and kids and they take people since 1978, and say its to cut the tip of their clitorus off so they cant cum as she sees them cumming in her in the nude spy watch cams, and she frames moms to be not needed case files with all the other cruel devils who are so dumb to think a mom who has orgasm and a certain body type have a bad gene, as they fell for the devils brain washing.

The pedos are piled in cars drunk on Peppermint Schapps high on meth and heroin in nurse kidnapper costumes the evlaluator got them, and had dyed a light tan wardrobe tech for kiddy porn lighting, and they have no underwear no pubic hair, they are having sex together, a pack of women in a new vechicle they got at Toyota, and they are lying about people to show up with clip boards with fraud papers to force shots to sex torture them in their houses and apartments, and in their local work apartments the Evaluator woman got them, and in their rooms under drug store parking lots full of gyno chairs and child pelvic stands CIA Northern California got them, who lies the chairs are for much needed exams their girls do to help gravely disabled persons, ones named on long lists they made by evaluating them by the Evalutor women whos not even a therapist or MFCC or qualified in any way to do an evaluation, she frames people and lies they do things too fast without thinking, when they think about everything and are normal people, and they are in many vechicles now parked all over and there are 9 or 10 in a van , 6 in a car etc. and some molesting babys in their Baby Kiddy Porn films are 10 years old one is 7 and many are 15 and 16 years old, and some are 18 or 19 and 22 or 23 is Kate, and some are 28 and 29 years old and 30 years old, and some are 33 years old, they were in 1st grade in 1997 , and graduated in 2009, and many graduated in 2013 and started school in 2000, and some graduated in 2010 probably, and there are realtor business women with them who do eat out movies with them, as they are addicted to being shot up with 9 to 15 shots of meth in the bottom of their foot, and to eating out victims private areas til they bleed to death in their mouths, then they get shot up with heroin, they play loud music, and are drunk and speedy in a mad meth euphoris, then have a big orgy together after the murders and are addicted to the orgys also, and there are realtors who are in their 70’s the reading says, and they are in lab coats, and nurse shoes, and they are with DCFS molesters who may say they are an MFCC therapist, and they are a child molester, they say they do it go get dope, and they say they do it to eat out case files pussys, in a real pretty dress, and they put their case file kids in child pelvic exam stands in a pretty dress the Evaluator woman bought, and plan sizes and murders in advance, and the DCFS molestors take their clothes off, and wear only a maroon DCFS sports shirt, and their DCFS name tag for the movie scenes on the Call Sheet, DCFS Case worker eating out a case file in a nice dress, and the DCFS Molester women get shot up with 9 to 15 shots of meth, and tell the children tots babys shes going to stick her long latex glove way up inside their tight pussy to feel around, and straps them in the child pelvic stand or on a changing bad in a gyno chair, and molests them for 8 hours and her counterpart DCFS videos it on cells, and the pedo girls in thier 20’s Kate and Sid, and Meghans Jennas La Lisa etc mail the sim cards at Post Offices in a giddy giggling pack of pedos they yell ” Got mail!” ” Here ya go” and mail the snuff films at post offices they walk to from their apartments the Evaluator woman bought them, and they pick up the torture tools at Greyhound that CIA Northern California sent down, they are thrown into bushes by a counterpart who rides on the bus, they get on at the stop before.