by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

The pedo serial killer girls say they are supposed to off them all to get rid of them and do hate them with a fierce passion of revenge also for some as they bug the people they grew up with many who are moms and hate them because they don’t like them and they hear everything in bugging and know all and put them down to get revenge and hate some of the people’s mom’s from their areas and their moms hate them too because of the way they dress in low cut jeans tight work out sweats even as their moms wear sweats and big crew neck t shirts to bed and Fruit of the Loom pajamas they order for years online and bought a Big 5 probably and some wear flannel nightgowns full length to the floor and thereby they always say thereby they hate the moms who wear a fancy pajama top or camasole to sleep in seen in spy cams installed in recessed lights on many ceilings in their suburb hometowns and where their hacker squad rooms are they travel to and have local computer techy apartments and say an apartment a day keeps stop traffick teams away hey hey what do ya all know? Hoo hoo online and fool everyone we send Paypal to that’s not stolen at all they lie as it’s sent to stop traffick to Nancy Foxs emails paypal cash app venmo and they rob it by hacking and send Paypal etc to their Private Bankers Confidential email address and she lies her name is hypenated as Fox when its not to do I D theft YES the lying brat serial killer child moledtor baby killers yell to one another and their mortgage broker gal in their hometown tallys up the Paypal they stole and sent to her email and to CIA Northern CAs email it’s been for so long but now not a lately a anyway maybe not maybe so .. they always talk this way and they say they hate moms who are not like their moms and decided long ago to steal the mail sent to save life on earth and to stop sex slavery internationally to rob money from bank parking lots and stole deposit slips from mail and were told they could get 80 mil at the end when all the people are gone their told to get rid of and vote on who looks sexy in a spy cam a changin a gettin dressed and aim text messenger it message it to a thousand or 5,000 on the spy watch cam comittee who vote thumbs up 👍YES they look sexy and that’s how they decide by a Votin and online they send spy cam close ups of intercourse nice mom’s have and choose unwed sexy ma ma las with the dad who are not a married and say their very bad persons for not havin a wedding day a huh a huh a huh a huh a huh!!!!! 5 times is their code, and say a little ol me looky here gal lie time after time and lie their hot sex ma mas who should not be on this earth based on how they look and act and appear and a Jewish woman she tells them oh my God their so wild dancing at home alone singing in the car and in the shower she can’t stand them and says they should not be cumming in the day in bed or showering that thats a sin her Born Again friend told her this and she says her friend is an expert and if a mom cums it means she’s lustful and she said that’s a sin to orgasm and for a man to see the full view of their wives body and for a mom to do that hot sex orgasm act it means she’s full of sin and lust if she’s like that and to dance wild and to see their own body in the shower is bad to them as they do not look or see their shape in a mirror even and pull on nightclothes so fast so they cannot see themselves, a Born Again Christian who went to Catholic Schools and the Jewish Mom tell these girls cumming is a sin and it’s lust inside that’s stuck and that means they are born bad with sinfulness inside and they tell them okay kids keep on taking the many files around that describe this type of mom they name bad for having cumming times in the day or standing in the shower as they are full of lust and sin so tell everyone about the very bad mom’s and show the spy cam shots of them doing nasty in and out cumming times with their legs wrapped around their man’s back the dad’s back as many are shots of unwed couples and tell them they got marked down for something they did by their in home investigation their mortgage broker gals investigation who pays them stolen paypal to lie with the files and the Jewish Mom tells the liar kids she will bring them a goody bag and sends them free new clothes fed exed to their doors from Nordstroms all by stolen money they run this ring and the Jewish Woman Born Again woman friend and CIA Northern CA hate women in love with a sex drive who have passionate love making and orgasms they hate clotoruses and hate women’s body’s it seems they loathe them and when women are in love they have a sex drive and it’s blissful air to them not lust at all as lust is cold sex with a person just for sex that they don’t love and these are moms in love they do this to old souls who have passion inside and who are sentimental and who want to look nice for the man they love and they are very good persons who have done nothing wrong at all they frame the mom’s they hate and say it’s sick the way they walk around in a tight top with a padded or push up bra and they say they hate the way they dress and act and should be so ashamed says CIA Northern CA for being in love right after a divorce are many on the list and they do not care if they have not been with their ex for years or in love for ages and they hate unwed moms and all their baby’s and tiny tots and kids and youths and infant new borns just for being born because their top secret CIA Northern CA mission is to off them all YES to get rid of their fat stinken cunts they hate so stinken much for being full of white goo when they are just born they see in spy cams and say take that yellin brat away go eat them out in the dam elevator and the mom who just gave birth before they stitch her or she breast feeds as they are so sick to me and send the shots to my many cells of you guys my great girls eating them out with the case workers with the elevator on stop as I pay you guys a whole lot of money to do that to all of them named all over the USA and keep on pressing the clitoral vibrator keys on the long black cells I sent you on the greyhound to torture their fat huge ugly sick clitos I saw cumming so do the clito vibrator keys in new cars and vans I got you by pretending it’s my son of God save life commander job with my counterpart Jewish woman who I told in 1978 you can do the Son of God job by us taking mail and she was told in 1979 the Son of God job comes with glamorous life with many estates with alot of perks and we planned it in 1978 and stole the mail in 2005 and always have and we said we will cut off huge stinken big fat grose clitos so they can’t ever cum again and make all their baby’s and kids cum til they die do this sick type does not exist as I hate them so dam stinken much I want them all gone and killed off 857 million a paper says they stole from son of God save life mail as they steal it all and have 900,000.00 left to get 9,000 times 10 States by waving the wand I took from a UPS and no one thinks it’s us up North or a Jewish Mom and her Born Again Catholic friend and a bunch of yuppie kids and their suburb mom’s etc. etc. As we lie we are helping and say on voice recorded messages to the USA hey hi it’s me from Northern Cal I got some people I want to help out I we are so dam worried we want you to all help us get them some nice really relaxing shots my crews give people to help me out to get them taken away by the shots or hand cuffs by papers I we got as they have such big huge problems and my gals are patroling the neighborhoods and taking notes on their whereabouts so here is some pay to keep an eye on the pieces of crap for us write down whereabouts and send me a really bad report for more pay as making them look really dam bad is really helping says the serial killer who’s mass murdering the population with the worst painful gruesome sex torturing says God with Jesus to say these fake leaders are from around 63 to 70