It Should Be An “Emergency Broadcast Warning”

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

Rapist women are piped in their Keys Toyota cars lying 5,000 women amomg  girls youths want a hot sex time when they DO NOT! They are setting up RAPES by lies they tell to men online when the females would NOT HAVE ANY SEX AT ALL With No One At all! unless they are married in love have a boyfriend and they are lying they would be with anyone when they would be with NO ONE and that is RAPE they set up with their liar rapist mouths who say the opposite of the truth reverse the truth and they have on underwear on no pubic hair and readings say there are 5 in 8 cars sitting with their legs spread out doing each other’s vaginas filming short porns on their cells and they stare at kiddy porn on the car dash board screen and they are drinking alcohol parked in the new cars and shot up meth heroin and are sending lies about 5,000 females and they are lying a really hot one you men can all be with at the hotel we reserved to do that to them this is the plump Dept of Health Welfare County Worker named Marlene it’s been Mary Lee Lou Lou or just plain ol Marilyn ya all I say to the Southern States North Carolina where our suburb good two shoe girls who do eat out films were sent to do that to them there and they do not know they are girls teens mostly and young adults from the AAs at Visions Thousand Oaks in our land of good ol Cal if orn I a who we send the Medium For Bill W’s gifts to and questions lengthy letters we take from mail since 09 that are Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the Medium For Bill Wilson the Medium For God sent since 09 as Bill Wilson is in her Prophet stationary and we lie she’s not a real medium for 1,000 as her I am a medium resume’ says and we lie our full moon wicca little gal does the Medium For God work when she does not and is not a medium and did not write a word of it and we tell that lie to take the Prophet pay and gifts mail ups fed exes Paypal cash app venmo sent for Nancy Foxs work and none of it is theirs and they pretend it’s for their fake crime tips fed exed in folders that cover up they are rapists serial killers human torture addicts human traffickers child molester meth heroin junky drunks gang stalkers mass murdering the population and say they send AA people stolen property since 09 sent for Bill Wilson’s medium and they are lying to those 5 men from the Thousand Oaks meeting about 5,000 females to rape and kill them and telling them pass it on to millions of men lie they can have at it in a hotel room we arranged by me Marilee the plump county worker from the POD storage unit office on Lurline Dr and she’s far from there on the other side of The San Fernando Valley and she says she’s with Kimmy Nelson who lied she got a Stop Traffick Secret White House staff job when they stole the White House Medium job in 2010 summer or fall that says Nancy Fox The Medium For The Passed On White House Presidents and she says she’s a size 15 not really a plump 29 maybe so maybe not a Large Big Lady size from Nordstroms Lane Bryant and her counterpart is 500 pounds one may have very short dark hair a man’s hair cut and no make up and these fat pedophile rapist child molester criminals molest babys toddlers kids naked with their fat rear ends in the camera shot for the kiddy porn snuff film business they work for and lie they do really fun films and say their plump lady job is to press on baby’s clitoruses with their fists in front of mom’s they eat out by a pack of them strapped in gyno chairs to punish mom’s for looking sexy for having a cumming time is what the fakes say who lie they got Son of God jobs by stolen mail and they say if a mom cums just once they think that means they got a sex problem and should be punished and to tie them off shoot them up and make it hurts where it counts for doing that even one time says CIA Northern CA who’s in this with the six foot eight antichrist serial killer since age 9 and brain washed many to think an orgasm is bad as a game for his cult to get him people to sex torture and murder them and they are the antichrist cult full of hatred for sexy looking mom’s and moms they see orgasm in peeping tom voyeuristic criminal illegal spy cams and they say the AA people from T O and in that valley sent their grown kids to North Carolina and their peers and they sex torture and kill people there and drive around with no underwear on on meth heroin drunk the same as the suburb serial killers who have taken freeway buses at 5 am to murder people for years and got local work apartments buildings bought with stolen money by the same woman who buys them clothes at Nordstroms with stolen money and cars as they rob money by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and they are parked all over trying to get more people to sex torture and murder people my reading says someone needs to get them for DUIs drunk driving for sitting parked drinking alcohol for indecent exposure sex offender crimes for not having underwear on for having lesbian orgy’s in the cars for meth heroin they shot up for needle marks in the bottom of their feet and back of their necks for bungy cords twine dog muzzles they restrain people with for pad locks raxir bkades murder tools in their trunks for DNA in their mouths and under their finger nails of people they murdered in homicide hate crime serial killer crimes as serial killers kill a certain type of person and they kill sexy mom’s and all their kids of all ages and they need to be checked so they will be death row where they belong so they cannot murder anyone else as dangerous criminals are not allowed in society and it should be proven and on T V and disclosed to the public as an Emergency Broadcast warning murderers are parked in packs in cars all over America  do not open your door or go to a park or mall or anywhere stay inside until they are caught the same way people stay in when there is a flood or hurricane

medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA