They The Hated Devil Named The Hated By Jesus and God, The Two Or More Lied Sons Of Satan Conspiracy Are Lying They Do The Son of God Medium For God Job

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

My readings says the gang stalker I D Theft ring are sending out a fraud statement with total lies all over the USA that lies ” Miss N. Fox did not do Medium For God Prophetic channel writing and reporting for over 14 years as she so claims and she is disabled handicapped and dislexic and did not write one word of it, and those big jobs sent in 2005 in Feb and June and July for Nancy Gail Fox The Son of God Family we say was two other persons jobs to three and not for as a psychic and her two children as her readings say, we say that is just not so and that others were named to do the big Son of God crime tip job and that was assigned to them by many voting on the jobs sent that we took, as they were named to be hired” etc. When I do Medium Channeling for 19 years since 2005 that started by Angel Board channeling in 2005, and I do my Medium Crime Tip Prophetic channel writing since 2009 June and report my medium crime tips for almost 15 years as a real medium, and I am not disabled, or handicapped, or dyslexic, in fact I have had perfect spelling my whole life, I always got A’s in English, and majored in English in High School and Creative Writing was my elective and I am a Poet since I was a child, a song lyric writer, and I am a Screenplay writer, and I was placed in Academic English at Valley College and I am a WRITER my whole life, and an expert in English, it seems by the reading they are lying channel writing I write by spirits as a real medium is disabled writing then they steal all the money sent for what I wrote and readings say they lie they hack to cover disabled typing when I am not disabled, and they steal all the money sent for what I wrote and started robbing it in 2009 and in 2012 from my P O Box and in 2013 from a P O Box I set up and rob my ups fed ex money and paypal cash app venmo sent for what I wrote, readings they steal every penny, and lie my Medium For God Prophetic channel writer money etc is for a big Son of God job they got years back, and readings say they stole Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family Jobs sent to my name and address for my two daughters and I the Angel Board Reader Family, and they stole the jobs in 2005 and lied people got Son of God jobs who were named in mail they stole that said Nancy Fox might want to hire so and so and pay them one thousand a week, and they stole the mail opened it read it and lied people named got son of God jobs to do crime tips by spy cam hacking bugging equipment when they are according to my readings for my Prophet channeled crime tips and they stole Angel Board I generated and earned sent for my in born psychic gift and my angel board channeling I was doing in 2005 that I also with my older daughter alot, and readings say angel board jobs for the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Famiy to our names and address that they outright stole and they are sending the fraud statement all over many towns in America, and lying what she claims is not so and please do not listen to that, and they are sending fraud profiles out, and saying that was big important job was assigned out to so and so by us kids taking the mail and sending it out.