by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

10 girls got in this in 7th grade in many suburb Schools the readings say, they are the child molesters hacking the crime tips about them and changing them and they lie to banks that the money sent for the Medium For God great work of art writing work is for their crime tips they fed ex in folders which is altered work , they copy kat, hack copy paste change the crime tips, fed ex the wrong tips and cover up crimes, and lie to banks the Medium For God money they take and deposited is for their tips when its not so people will think their tips are right and so they won’t know its for my Medium For God work, and they steal it by hacking paypal etc and from mail ups fed exes they steal, and readings say 5 of them in 89 places call and lie to banks all day and night.

They are lying on messenger about mothers and daughters, and do this evil 24 7 to capture them to sex slavery, and they won’t stop lying to their suburb friends where they are from and they got into this in around 2007 in 7th grade as said, and they were told its to take moms and kids away to get rid of them, and they are lying about 1,000 people on messenger and so are many others they work with, make up arists, Title Representives, Mormon Realtors, etc, and their Mothers are lying also, and many lying do not know these pedo girls molest rape sex torture murder the people they get them by lying, and they think the kids are adopted out when they take them from their moms they set up and they are not, and they are nice moms who should not loose custody, the evil wicked conspiracy doing this think if a mom looks sexy they should loose custody and they go by how they look in privacy in spy cameras when no one should see them getting dressed changing clothes showering etc. and they say a mom should loose custody by her undergarments when of course she should not, as CPS DCFS is for dangerous Moms not nice good ones, and how a mom looks in a spy cam has nothing to do with parenting, and they frame nice good great wonderful moms with happy loved kids with everything fine in their happy family home life, and they take people to a horrific sex torturing death, and think they are adopted out and think the moms are taken to remove their clitorus, and say they get them cut off so they cannot orgasm, and they think an orgasm is sin, and they think moms who buy clothes are sinners, and they lie they are bad mothers because of those sins, passionate orgasmic sex and shopping which has nothing to do with parenting at all in any way, and they run around lying the moms named on their lists are bad moms, meaning they think they are bad because of what they do that they think as a sin, when its not, its normal love making with the dad they do peeping tom on, and normal shopping for clothes and for things for the family home, and they say if a mom looks so good in the day to see her man they name them bad, when some Moms do this when their kids are at School so the kids wont know they had sex with the man they are in a relationship with and its obviously nothing to do with parenting if the kids are not there,

5,000 may be lying about mothers and daughters on messenger