The Pig In A Trough Serial Killer Pedo Girls Are Parked All Over This Country

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

The baby child molesters are sitting in many parked cars with dry drug Cotton Mouth, Vagina Mouths sitting parked all quiet since 5 am or 6 am having sex with each other, 9 in a vechicle sit wiggling their friends clitorus, and licking each others vaginas with their Methed Out Dry Vagina Cotton Mouth, and sit so quiet with no underwear on and their legs spread wide open spread way apart is what the vagina addict molester girls and women say, and they say they are lying about many nice Moms to get their newborn infants, tiny tots, babys of each and every age, sons and daughters to eat out their private areas, and the moms vaginas and clitoruses, they are addicted to the taste of it, and sit quietly parked in a pack drinking shots of alcohol with Methed Out Dry Cotton Vagina Mouths chompin at the bit to eat out another person til their dead, and they get shot up with meth when they get people, and sit lying about many on cells and in texts and in emails, and get the family members to eat them alive as naked pedo pigs in a trough they pile on the victims drunk on meth and all eat their private areas in their satanic sex torture orgy ritual, and they are lying about 15 or 50 Moms in many areas of America, and fool people by acting like goody two shoe good suburb kids, and say Yes Mam No Mam, Yes Sir, and lie they are just sittin and talkin just a hangin out, and run around in a giddy glee like immature children on a School Yard as they never matured, they were brain washed into this satanic sex ritual serial killer pig in a trough cult when they were children and teenagers, some were molested by their Mom whos in the cars parked with them when they were 7 years old, and some were 11 snd 12, and 13 years old when their moms started molesting them, and they say they ate them out and trained them to eat out a babys soft fresh cum like goooy vagina and say they eat out cunts on meth very matter of fact as they think thats a normal? thing to do, to molest a newborn or toddler or young child, they have no regard for human life, no empathy or compassion to care a baby or child is in pain, they say they hurt them on purpose to punish moms for being passionate in love making, they are taught that if a mom orgasms it means shes a very bad person, and are told the mission is to eat out the infants,tiny tots, young ums, wee ones, munchkins til they bleed to death in their mouths, and say they are killing off very bad persons by them the good ones their blood passes through so when they reincarnate their souls are purified by passing through their goody two shoe body, they think they are Saints and the good ones, when they are the very bad ones molesting sex torturing and murdering infants, babys, todders, young children, sons and daughters and mothers, and they say they are ending sexism, that the bad ones blood passes through their Saintly Selves and into the river they toss some they are a sayin and really they pack many on dry ice in a box or tin to rape them over and over again by necrophica men as they do corpse trafficking, and send the children and toddlers they ate out with their mouths until they are near dead to be raped 999 times, they say they force 999 orgasms on them strapped down with plastic shipping straps they pick up at Greyhound Bus Stations, and a pack of these pedo girls run in skipping in glee ” Pickin up a another del iver eee Sir Mam yes sir right ee oo cool huh? we are shipping more of our Prophet presents sent for our Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission a job we all got a way back when” when they are the Son of Satans who are doing Satans Mission, they steal Son of God jobs sent to save life on earth, to stop sex slavery internationally for 19 years, and do I D Theft, they stole them from mail with their parents wizzing past in cars taking mail, and stole them running after School to Post Offices to steal Son of God Save Life On Earth Jobs, and say they ran after last period class to take them, and were text to do so, and all got in on it way back then and agreed by texting thumbs up symbols that they would to the opposite of saving life on earth, they were told its a reverse mission, its to set up moms they hate to the CPS Secret Court to get take their babys toddlers childrens custody away so they can eat them out all lined up in a real row in front of the moms they eat out at the same time to punish moms they hate, because they hate the way they look and act, they hate they cum in intercourse and see this in spy cams, and in the morning they sit naked cross legged to view their peers vaginas and clitos to get excited to eat out the babys they have in play pens til their stinken dam all dead, and thats their mission, and at around 9 am they sit in a devil satan ring naked 9 girls staring at each others vaginas and say spread it wide open hon a babe, for me your gal who shall lick you after we are done staring at the moms in spy cam shots over head on the ceiling and a head a day we say, we pack their heads on dry ice and pretend they are car crash victims, and pretend they are so nice donating heads for medical research, and say thats their Son of God mission, its to donate for medical research to save life on earth when they murdered the people and are killing life and say they are sitting parked on many streets not after 1,000 babys and tots and kids, they get them by papers on their clip boards, and they have no underwear on, no pubic hair, and are drinking alcohol and they have the sex torture tools in their trunks, dog muzzles they say they place over every age persons mouths, and say they are tight lipped a holes they hate about nice Moms, and Dads also lately, as the men tie them off shoot them up with speed balls when they do that to infants babys tots kids of all ages sons, and they lie they are allowed to force heroin meth shots into people against their wills and to kidnap familys by fraud framing papers on clip boards, and by medical court warrants they get by lying to Courts, when its illegal to force medical attention, and its illegal to frame someone, and its illegal to kidnap, its illegal to molest and sex torture and murder people, and its illegal to sit drinking alcohol in the car, and they say no one will check them because they lie they are investigating very rotten persons, and say they call everyone and say Hi Cutie Pies we are just hangin out a sittin talkin when really they are eating out theirs peers vaginas and video it on cells and text camera devices they do short porns with each other to get shot up with more meth, and it could be easily proven if someone would check and say.The