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The Two Or More Lied Sons Of Satan Conspiracy

The child molester girls with their molester Moms and County Worker perps say they are just sittin and a talkin and their mere quaint peers are hootin rollerin rackin up paypal way up to the highest heights in many computer hacker squad City Hall computer technician rooms and it is really the Medium For Gods paypal, Nancy Foxs money we take that is sent for her medium tips that report us and we get it so quick by a hackin and its her money to stop human sex traffick we send to many on messenger for over 11 years as we take it since she set up her paypal and we lie thats our money for a big hugest Son of God job position we got many years back, and really we stole Nancy Foxs Son of God Save Life On Earth From L A County angel board crime tip word spelling jobs sent for her in born psychic gift, and we were text as youths kids teens in School then in early 09 and it really began in Feb 05 for many of us doing this rudeness to steal another persons job in the mail, and to send it to some others who pretend thats their Son of God important job position to be the commander of saving life on earth when really its hers Miss N Fox we do name her thus in many emails and when we all call out and tell a looky here little ol me lie an in Feb 05 80 some people were named as suggestions for Nancy Fox to hire for her Angel Board job sent by a ups that someone took and that the gal who brings us guys us men we say goody treat snack bags at high noon and she took the ups angel board Save the Human Race job sent for Nancy Foxs in born psychic gift to do channeling crime tips on an angel board Feb 05, and we were text then hey guys and your great moms and pops we are sayin thats our job sent okay dokay? just pretend with us and vote us in to lie thats our job instead of Nancy Foxs and they said Nancy Taylor and still are often even though thats not her name and it was with a hypen then as Fox-Taylor a realtor in our area we all mostly knew and they said send a thumbs up the mail we took says Nancy Fox can vore someone in to answer some crime tip questions if shes too busy and so on, so we are pretending thats our crime tip job to do by spy cam hacking bugging equipment instead, and some other mail came that we took as we lie we are the Son of God Nancy Gail Fox family and take all that mail by a lien filed at post offices for ages, and that mail says some minor voting could maybe be done perhaps if Nancy Fox is too bogged down with things, she may assign out some questions, so we are prtending we can vote ourselves in are ya in man? guys and dolls the CPS Secret Courthouse gal text that question also to many parents in Feb 05 and they all said we are setting the mom Nancy Fox Nancy Taylor up to our CPS Secret Court then to DCFS by you folks all callin in and lying, and they decided then to do her in to take her big huge important job away that was sent because she was told in an angel board channeling reading Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race and the stolen mail said for Nancy Fox ONLY in red caps to do private crime tips, and that the job is for her in born psychic gift, and they took that ups of hers as they knew by spy cams, security cameras bugging and a hackin as always they know everything going on and they said give us a grand thumbs up guys and dolls some said to our cell phones and email addresses if you do not text alot yet or at all but you may soon learn as your names are listed as suggestions for Nancy Taylor to hire you in the very near future, and we say shes not the type or equipped to do this important crime tip psychic mission we say a game board is a dumb way to do crime tips and that we are so much better suited for this important job position so we are planning to set the nice mom up to do her in so write a really bad report to the banks for us and post offices, and lie alot okay dokay? as shes just celebrated her long term AA sobriety and spirtual 12 step life she leads since 1985 and shes the nicest Mom and known as such so lie alot as we say she wore a hot cropped sweater to her shing ding and did gaudy tile and gold paint and we say thats a hot ma ma, and we say she did that to have a hot time, and thats the lie we are tellin as she lost weight so quick on a fast diet and wore hip hugger jeans from Nordstroms, in fact mail states shes to open a Nordstroms Studio Shopping charge account there with funds sent to the banks in her name that say for Nancy Fox deposit ONLY into her account, and it says she may charge her staff she chooses to hire Nordstroms clothes, and buy and lease them many upscale cars on auto row with her owned money so her staff looks good, and many parents and kids are named as suggestions for her to hire, and we say shes not that spirtual type of person because shes wearing a cropped sequin sweater thats jeweled, and lie it showed her naval okay dokay guys? when really its a Free People spirtual geru sweater that looks majestic that she wore a white tank top from Nordstroms under, and we are lying about everything to take that big huge important job away and you are named as suggestions for her to hire and it says pay them one thousand a week and two hundred fifty to children and teens as a suggestion as its your owned money Nancy Fox it says so you do whatever you want, and we lied that money of hers is for a big job we got when its not, so you may receive 80 mil at the end as it says who saves their lives gets reward money, and keep on lying and we are sucking clito off instead to end cumming times and saying its our cps secret court mission to rid sexy moms from the earth


Stop Baby Child Molester Tips Channeled by my medium

The child molester kids say they think it’s fine to suck off a baby because it tastes so delicious to them they are all evermore so dam very addicted to this act says one I  channeling. Their mom told them to do this to her when she was a Showerin she says or right after she said to suck on her long red pubs for the spy cam shot list or they would come after us as a mom with kids from two dads are ones they pick to target and she said lay down first put the cloth diaper on with ducky pins like the instructions sent by text say and said after you suck on my clitoris I will give you more head you love it anyway so lay down it’s your lucky day my little lady and still says this many years later as this was over ten years ago when it began and this girl I am channeling says she was six or seven when it began at home right before the first period class bell rang and she said today at high noon my cutie pie and then she said your taking the street bus by our house with us meaning her and a teenage youth doing the kids porn eat out films whos apartment co op condo was across the street and still may be as we live in local computer technician apartment buildins bought for us to eat out kids and many tiny bangs strapped down and place them in a mere sack and place them in a leaf crate in our apartment attics and live there mostly by our kids porn computer work stations and took street buses then to the freeway bus it was not but a few times that many of our neighbors and peers do take at 5 o clock snack tab we yell at the top of our lungs and she says she’s about 18 now and had a pretend work permit to be off campus to train at a computer lab class far from home and many are saying not to do this again many stop traffick places are calling she says and she says it’s to make moms cul by us picking them to death literally and most die fly right out of their body when we place our lips on their baby’s bottom made of silk we love to touch ever so gently and softly at first then go down on their soft hot cunts til they scream it’s not as we place nice soft dog harness muzzles over their sweet tight lips she says then the moms die usually at the sight of 29 of them sucking on their baby’s cunt and tiny tots pussy and a infant sons penis and every age kid and baby and the men with us do the tweens and teens and so does the CPS secret court gal who gave us instructions by texts and she goes down on them with the men her brothers son in law etc and it’s a ritual yes to terrorize the nicest moms who cum as the spy Watch cam committees name moms very bad persons of they look a tiny wee bit sexy a cjsngin seen in spy cams and if they cum Layin flat seen in spy cams placed over many beds in America  in ten States and that’s California.  Ohio Noryh Carolina Tennessee Utah Colorado Arizona Nevada Etc as the mission is to get rid of moms who orgasm seen in spy cam footage and to do in all their baby’s tiny tots young children and every age kid and youth

The kids molesting babys tiny tots young  girls and many sons are stalking in cars trucks in the deep south are their peers they call them and locals to boot who also got all evermore so addicted to sucking babys off to get meth is really why and because they are addicted to the taste says a pedophile child molester serial killer or one who sucks on babys in baby porn movies who says they think it’s allowed and lie they are not child molesting at all as they were told to do it to them many young kids laying in a real row by their own mom who told this girl it was really very fine to suck on crotches of such young sweet things they tell now out their windows rolled down and out of the back hatch and say ha ha we are a jokin all around and are not at all man oh man we are paid to say these lines a girl says who’s in her teens or twenties probably and her mom said they could get eighty million or a whole billion it says now from some pretending its their funds but its not

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK UPDATE! The Children And Youths Molesting Babys and Children Til They Are Dead Are Not Being Caught YET

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 22:14

It’s come to light in the readings that children have and are being turned into baby child molesters as said in my other articles I prophet wrote as a medium channeler and the readings say the children, teens, and young women molesting babys and children are lying they are not doing that and they are saying ” no Sir No Mam we would not do that no way, that is grose man and so sickening, how on earth could you accuse us of such a thing? we are a colorin with mere quaint babys each day and a helpin out lots of kids also each day and at a night and have many crayons and coloring books to boot and we are so sick of being asked these ridicilous questions, we do not like these accusations at all in any way, and feel so bad and awfully ashmed its not, as we are not doing that at all in any way, so no way you want to check to see if we are a wearin any panites, or have pubs on our crotch us over 11 years old that is, and no way you want to check our breathe for Alcohol levels and to pee in a tiny Dixie cup to do a urine stick drug alcohol test, as we are not bad at all in any way to dam day we say hey hey all together now, we are a takin babys and young kids from very bad ma ma las who are named to hot and sexy lookin and they are ones who cum seen in spy cam shots by spy cams placed on many ceilings over beds, and that is how they judge them and do personality profiles based on how they look in the sack and on top of the covers making noise, any sound at all means they are very bad persons to get custody taken away from, and we take babys and kids from the moms named on long lists to get, The Books they call it, and we work for the family who does in home in depth investigations which are done to see if a mom cums, or lays a top the covers doin it smack dab in the middle of the dam day in the broad daylight, and lie they are floosy broads when they are not at all , and we see if the do it in the daylight of Gods, and if they let their man they love view them naked, or in a nice bra and underpanties, and we are told that means they are very bad persons if they are like this, and the in home investigator men decide who to target based on their spending habbits, and do choose many nice appearing moms with a good shape to focus on, and then investigate them if they buy a lot at once, such as to decorate a family home, we say its not for that at all , we say its to have a good ol hot time, and thats a lie we tell time after time and are taught to say it again and again on messenger to make it look like very nice ma ma las have a sex problem, a vaginal trouble, when really they do not at all, and we view them naked in bed and a showerin in love with the Dad and we are paid by the in home investigators who place spy cams on celiings over beds, and in shower heads, they just flip those on instantly and in smoke detectors all built in in factorys to view Moms naked and then they set them up so dam bad to their relative the CPS Ventura County Case Worker, and a group of 9 or 10 go and lie to her in a room with a podium, and they are given edited spy cam footage, and photo shopped spy cam shots that props are edited into, and looped bugging, and edited texts and emails to frame the moms and to set them up to get custody taken away for us to eat them out long and hard is really why, as we eat babys and young kids privacy areas til they dam stinken bleed to death in our mouths, then they are packed in leaf crates for dead child corpse trafficking and they are placed in the sacks we got and then placed in a garden leaf wooden or steel crate we all buy and they are placed in our apartment building attics after we suck on them for many longest hours lined up but naked on our floor as the mission is to get rid of them, any person of any age whos born to a mom with bad dna, and those are the ones who cum and make noise and who cum three times in a real row, as we are taught this many moons ago whe we were in Kindergarden at 5 years old, and at 6 and 9 and 11 and so on, and we were text instructions from the CPS Ventura County Secret Courthouse gal the in home investigators sister in law, and she told us to prepare to do vagina soothing on babys and to suck off our friends in our suburb homes from 7 to 9 pm under the covers silently, and to pretend to do homework at the friends house we pair up with to do round n round clito to each other, and we were text okay you great girls do round and round clito and side to side up and down and back and forth til you get off, and when you cum doing that and by sucking on each others crotches video it on your cells and text it to me Rena the CPS Case Worker, and then you will be fed exed free new Nordstroms clothes right to your door and get Goody Treat Bags after class” That is how many began doing the baby molesting at 5 years old etc. and they were and are sent spy cams shots of Moms having intercourse to their cells during their School break recess time, and they are told ” hey kids my great girls look at the hairy monster would ya now? can you believe how grose thatm moms big furry hair muff is? that means they are labeled a horny pussy pot key mom, the moms who look like this in thier private area are the ones we set up so dam bad for being like that, okay kids? my great girls, now go tell the whole School yard you got bad moms that custody needs to be taken from, tell everyone they are so dam bad and really sickening, and do nasty in and out in the day a top of their bed, and a standin in the shower, and that means they are very bad persons who should loose full custody of their babys kids tweens and teens, so tell everyone to help us get custody taken away from them okay dokay?”