Gang Stalkers Rob Money From Nice Moms They Frame To Their CPS Secret Court

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

My readings say gang stalkers stole $70,000.00 from me $5,000.00 at a time from 2005 to 2009 my money I made working as a real estate agent and my equity money I made selling my two story home in 2005 and readings say they transferred my money they robbed into a Floater account and they did that to take me down to set me up to their CPS Secret Courthouse and did fall 08 in October the readings have said and to DCFS in spring 09, and readings have said that 10 liars lied about me an over nice good Mom in Oct 08 to the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker lady and framed me, and readings say they planned this out Feb 27th, 2005 when I had a 20 year sober AA party at our two story house that I had carpet paint and tile done to to get it ready to list and sell, and readings say they lied Nancy Fox has such big problems she spent money on her house so quick without thinking etc. when paint and carpet done to a house is normal home owner maintance, and readings say decided to frame me that day to their CPS Secret Court hearings and to DCFS and lied she spent too much money to fast when I made 140 thousand selling homes in 2004 and 150 thousand in 2005 and was in the top 100 agents, I made a great living as a realtor when I was a single mother, and I had the carpet paint and tile done in Feb 2005 to sell the two story house, and readings say the conspired by texting thumbs up to frame me an over nice mom, and lied Nancy Fox has such problems because she lost weight and bought new clothes, and did carpet paint tile had a party and spent too much money so fast and we say shes not thinking straight when everything was well thought out by me when I was a proffesional real estate lady an expert in selling and buying homes, and in 2004 I started dieting and decided to do a make over on myself, and I planned to sell and buy in 05 and everything I did was very planned, and readings say they lied she did all that without thinking, and said we are setting her up first to our CPS Secret Courthouse hearings with our CPS case worker lady who does the secret hearings for being like that, for loosing weight so fast, for doing the house all up so fast and for having a party and readings say they hate moms like that who look great and who decorate, and set them up for being the way they are and that is made them sick to their stomach I spent so much money so fast, and lied I did it without thinking when it was all very thought out and planned for years, and I spent about 18 thousand updating the two story house to sell it all planned by me in 04 that I would get it ready to sell in the spring real estate market as real estate experts know the best time to list a house, they know how to time it and what to do to sell a house, and I refinanced in 04 to get equity money out to update the house to sell it, and shopped for a house for 4 years before then, and wrote many offers contingent on selling my house that were not accepted so I decided I am selling the house and then buying in 2005 and did, and readings say they lied she did all that to act bitchen and to show off when I am not that kind of person and I did that to sell the house, and planned it all out efficently, and it was my house and my money and nobodys buisness to be in or to judge at all in any way as its supposed to be a free Country in America and it certainly is not a reason to frame an over nice mom to CPS and DCFS as updating a house and dieting has nothing to do with parenting at all in any way. Readings say they planned it all out that day, on Feb 27 2005 when I had a day time AA party from 2 pm to 5 pm and slandered me all over town and lied I had such problems when I had no problems at all we had a great happy suburb home life and I made a great living as a realtor, and everything I did was positive new carpet and paint and tile and loosing weight on a diet, and normal people would say Nancy Fox is doing great! she lost weight and had new paint carpet and tile done to their family home, what a nice mom and succesful realtor who provides so well for her family alone as a single mom working so hard selling so many homes and she just celebrated 20 years sober in Feb 2005 good for her, wow thats amazing how does she do it all? thats what normal people would have said, and readings say they lie what I did that was so good and great was a problem? and then lied I bought a house so quick without thinking about it at all and lied she did that on a whim so fast on the turn of the dime, she just walked in an open house and bought a house that cost too much without thinking and lied then she ran and listed her house, when I listed the two story house the end of Feb 05 and I saw a house I was interested in April 05 on the real estate MLS, then it was contingent in escrow, then it came back on the market the middle of June 05, and I had studied it in April 05 when it was listed, and knew all about it, and had shown a house on that street, and I knew it was the same City we lived in since 1997 and the same School District we had been in since then, and a one story, clay tile roof, the right square footage, mature trees etc. I already knew it met my buyers critera, and saw an open house sign and said ” thats the house I want to see that just came back on the market today” and went in and then wrote an offer on it that day that was accepted, and I had the $40,000.00 in my checking account, and readings say they lie she just bought a house on whim without thinking, and lied I did not have money in the bank or that account at a bank where I opened a checking account Nancy Fox earlier in 05, and they lied she opened accounts at that bank when she bought the house, and they lied she just ran and listed her house so fast when it was already listed in Feb 05 and all planned out by updating I had done etc. and readings say they lied she bought that house with family trust fund account money without much needed permission, when I bought the house with my own money I had in my bank accounts, I had 3 bank accounts at that time in 05, and I bought it with my two story equity by a swing loan I got on my two story house, the money borrowed against my two story house went in the bank where I had a checking account Nancy Fox since Jan or Feb 05 into a savings account, and I transfered my money from the savings into my checking account and bought the one story house with my money from my two story house, and then updated the one story with my equity money from my two story, and decided I was spending about 70 thousand of it on flooring and remodeling the guest bath, and had that work done when the escrow closed the middle of June 05 and then we moved in around July 1st 05, then I bought family room dining are furniture we needed for the one story house and spent about $2,500.00 on that and then sold my two story house and paid off my swing loan with my Seller Proceeds in escrow, and it all went very smooth and was a succesful move and readings say they lie she did all that without thinking, and they lie she spent too much money and had friviluos spending on too many expenditures that were not needed or necessary and say she should have made due and gotten by with what they had and not bought Fiestaware dishes 40 percent off for the new house or a couch for the family room etc, when that is what I wanted to do with my money, and they lie thats reason to set a nice mom up to their CPS Secret Courthouse hearings, and they frame moms to look like their not thinking, and lie they have to get control of their mail and money because of the way they do things when I am one to always decorate when I move in a new property and for me that is Normal, and everything was very planned out, and calculated by me the Seller the Buyer and the Real estate expert, and the readings say they are lying she bought that house in a crooked way, when I am over honest and I was a very by the book over honest ethical realtor, and would not do anything crooked, and they are lying she bought that house with family trust fund account money when it was my own money, and they are lying she funneled family trust fund account money into her checking she opened up so quick to do that when I opened a checking account at that bank in early 05, and I transfered my money into my checking from a savings account the mortgage brokers told me to open with my mom because she went on the house with me with her assets only, so they framed me with my own money and stole my money in 05 06 06 07 08 09 and always take moms down this way to set them up to their CPS Secret Court hearings the readings say 10 lied about me secretly in Oct 08 and were caught and told to pay slander fees to Nancy Fox aka Fox-Taylor and said lets not pay say we did and keep on lyin instead and set her up to DCFS as planned, and readings say they were told pay or you go to County Jail for 1 year, and they never paid, and readings say in spring 09 they and others were on a two or more lied conspiracy arrest list for lyiing about a nice mom, and they were ordered to Prisons the mortgage broker woman who frames mothers and the in home investigator man relative of the CPS Secret Court case worker, and others were ordered to County Jails, and to Juvinelle Hall for lying about a nice Mom, and readings say a real sting operation proved this, and they threw the arrest lists away as they steal mail ups fed exes emails etc by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras as they are gang stalkers who frame nice mothers to their CPS Secret Court hearings then to DCFS etc. and I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 and the lies were dismissed, and readings say they rob my mail and money from it by this stalker liar group for 19 years and my Medium For God money for 15 years, and loot my ups fed ex gifts, and hack and rob my paypal for over 11 years, and lie they got control of the mothers mail and money by the DCFS case file in 09 and they lie shes a bad person who bought a house so quick with family trust account money she funneled into her account without much needed permission, and she did all that in 05 without thinking so we are taking her money and say she spent money too fast in 05 and had frivilous spending and did her house up so fast, then another house, and bought furniture and spent way too much money so we tied her hands, and take what is hers by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and take her victims money sent to the Fox-Taylor Family DCFS Victims who were stalked and cat napped years ago, and run out of house and home by lies to DCFS etc. and they take that victims money and lie shes just trying to get free money.