The Two Or More Lied Sons Of Satan Conspiracy

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

The readings say

In Feb 2005 my Angel Board Crime Tip job sent to my name and address to hire me to do channeled crime tips privately with my in my in born psychic gift was stolen, the person had the UPS of mine sent to their address then they and their counterpart had sneaky liars vote them in to the job by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras instead of my psychic crime tips, and they all agreed by the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy to lie my job was theirs, and wrote slanderous letters about me nice Nancy Fox in Feb 05 when I celebrated 20 years sober as a spiritual long time sober AA lady and that month I did an Angel Board reading that spelled out ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” readings say word got out so a job was sent to me due to that and for my psychic ability to do crime tips privately on a game board and they stole my earned job, and they the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy text thumbs up symbols YES set her up to the CPS Secret Court hearings and to DCFS to do I D Theft, and they started lying about me an over nice mother the month I celebrated 20 years sober and I had lost weight by a diet, and done carpet paint tile to the house to sell it, and they made up slanderous letters and lied to people and said ” shes got big problems to do all that to the house, and to loose so quick and to wear a cropped sweater” a Free People spiritual sweater from Nordstroms I wore to my 20 Year Sober AA party, and told many lies about me nice Nancy Fox when I was feeling so spiritual and connected to heaven by the Angel Board reading and because I had accomplished so much, I was feeling so happy I lost weight, did new paint tile and carpet to the house, and celebrated 20 years sober. A month was going great by all I did and accomplished and readings say they slandered me and stole my job, and my money from banks, and they lied my Son of God Nancy Gail Fox channeling psychic crime tip job sent for my in born psychic gift sent to my name and address by a UPS was their job when its not at all and they are called The two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy in the readings since 2008 my channeling readings name them this.

Readings say they set it up to take me down to set me up to DCFS to do I D theft and they lie and steal all day and night for over 19 years.

They broke the mail box off the post two times at the one story house I bought and closed escow on in the middle of June 05 probably they smashed it on the ground twice, they probably are the ones who broke in my suv parked in our driveway May 9, 2006 and stole $500.00 worth of property, and they stalked the house parked drove around the street in 2008 and early 09 in white BMW’s, sport cars, in a Yellow Corvette, that could be the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker the sister in law of the in home investigator who frames nice mothers and pretends he does secret service in home investigations, and he probably was the one stalking in a black cadillac with tinted windows that drove next to me when I drove my daughter to School in early 2009.

In fall 2008 10 liars lied to the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker the readings say, the 2 counterparts who stole my angel board psychic crime tip job in Feb 05 to do I D theft to me lied by liar letters in Oct 08, and a realtor lied, AA people etc. and readings say the 10 were caught for slandering me an over nice mother and they were told to pay Nancy Fox or Nancy G. Fox-Taylor slander fees of $700.00 each and never did, it was raised to $7,000.00 each and they said ” Lets not pay say we did and keep on lyin instead and set her up to DCFS like we planned”

I was set up by lies to DCFS in spring 2009.

Readings say in around May 2009 their arrest warrants were sent that said you have 1 year in your County Jail because you did not pay $7,000.00 to Nancy Fox or confess and aplogize in writing to her, you did not get the receipt to us you paid slander fees therefore you have 1 year in your County Jail for lying about a nice mom, and they said ” lets not pay say we did set her up to DCFS as planned and keep on lyin” and stole their own arrest warrants from mail and slander fee demands as they steal all the important mail by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and by lurking on security cameras as they are very bad persons who also stole my angel boards jobs sent ups and fed ex off the one story porch by security camera and spy cam lurking, and still they say ” they will not admit what they have done,they will never admit it” and they stole stop sex slavery internationally psychic crime tip jobs sent to Nancy Gail Fox to do psychic crime tips, and The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County by angel board word spellings and they lie ” They got big important Son of God job positions with commander authority” and do I D theft and they are the Son of Satans lying they got a Son of God job.

The 2 Counterparts were ordered to their County Jails for 1 year in May 2009, and a mortgage broker woman got prison time because she was caught for framing and the CPS Secret Court hearing set up she did in Oct 2008, and many kids were ordered to Juvy then, and they hack and rob my Medium For God paypal and send it to the 3 Sons of Satans who were ordered to County Jails and Prison, and the in home investigator 6 ft 8 man in his 80’s probably now who stalked in a black cadillac with tinted windows was ordered to prison in spring 2009 along with the mortgage broker and an AA and a realtor who lied in Oct 2008 to the CPS Secret Court hearing his sister in law runs, whos a supposed CPS case worker, and they stole their arrest warrants and tossed them out, and said lets set up Nancy Fox to DCFS and keep on lyin and pretend we are covering the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family for safety by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras secretly by stolen mail that said Nancy Fox needs her owned money sent to deposit in her Nancy Fox checking account, they stole mail that said Nancy Fox needs body gaurds, limos, and people protecting her like secret service men protect a Politician, like the body guards in town cars with walkie talkies cover a Govenor, and she shes to have a Motor Cade and be in a limo going very slow as shes to live to be 107 years old to get all her psychic crime tip work done to save the human race and the world and they stole the instructions sent for me to follow to protect my family and myself, and lied they got the job to cover Nancy Gail Fox and her family, and said they are doing top secretly by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras without them knowing, when its supposed to be nice honest good protective people covering in person, and they stole the money sent to Nancy Fox that said for deposit only in Nancy Foxs checking with a note on the money that said ” spend this to have top security for your family” and they lied that was money for a job they got, and they lie they cover for safety and well being, and steal mail that said ” Nancy Fox is to have a staff that treats her with kid gloves, shes to have many assistants to delegate to, and she should buy many mansions with her funds sent to the banks so friends and family can live in them to protect her children wherever they go, to School, to Ballet, Horse back riding etc. as Nancy Fox will be reporting the occult” and the 6 ft 8 man is the occult leader who stalked in spring 09 in a black cadillac with tinted windows when I drove my daughter to her High School in around April or May 2009, and his sister in law is the CPS Secret Court case worker who bought a house near the High School in a gated estate community with gaurds at the gaurd gate in 2007 or 2008 2009? for around 4.7 million where I was to have a friend or relative live to gaurd my daughter in 2009 when she was 17 and in the years before then from 2005 from because of this devil, and they stole mail that said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on the streets she loves where she sells real estate, in Country Club Estates, Windy Mountain, Pathfinder North Ranch, and on Golf Course Road North Ranch, and they bought estates on that Oak Tree estate Street and set up their CPS Secret Courthouse build a rooms in those estate garages, and stole the names of people suggested for me to hire from Ulysses S Grant High classes of 1970 and 1976 1978 and 1977 mostly and told them to do reports in the Golf Course Road estates to set up moms in the CPS Secret Court build a rooms built in the garages with a microphone and podium where the CPS case worker will read them, and they set up moms to the CPS Secret Court and lie they are doing a Son of God Save Life On Earth Job From Los Angeles County and Ventura County around the County Line, and they also got many parents to frame moms in the Estates on Golf Course Road whos kids were in 1st grade in 1997, the parents framing mothers have sons and daughters, and many of their kids were in Kindergarden in 2000 on the L A County side of that area, and many frame them in their suburb tract home neighborhoods on the L A County side and some are moms and kids from the Ventura County side around County Line all the way to Newbury Park, and some are in Oak Park, as there are 3 School Districts in that area, so they do the opposite of saving life on earth and lie they got Son of God jobs, and lie they investigate moms when no they set them up with framing and slander, and the one who stole the ups Angel Board job Feb 05 and angel board jobs off the porch of the one story in July 05 says those are her great people from Grant High, she says they voted her in to pretend that she got a big important Son of God job position with commander authority, and they stole message box equipment and letters sent that said Nancy Fox should send her angel board psychic crime tips to 5,000 people so they can pass them on to save life on earth, to save the human race, to stop sex slavery internationally and it may have said that in 2009 and said for Nancy Gail Fox the Medium For God channel writer the Son of God psychic Angel board reader crime tipster, and they lie about nice moms and slander them to 5,000 in the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who set up nice mothers to their CPS Secret Devil Occult Court and do the opposite of saving life on earth, readings say millions are dead due to this that could have lived.

Today their arrest warrants are sent that say 50 AA Visions Meeting Hall AA members are on the list because they wont stop lying and stealing, and many of the kids who were ordered to Juvy in spring 09 are ordered to many Prisons as they are baby child molesters for 15 years, they molest the babys and kids of mothers their suburb moms set up, and they hack and send the owned Medium For God paypal that is Nancy Foxs to stop traffick and sex slavery to the 3 counterparts email addresses, to the ones who stole Nancy Foxs angel board jobs Feb 05 and her jobs off the one story porch by spy cam lurking and to the mortgage broker, these 3 were caught for framing Nancy Fox by lies to the CPS Secret Court case worker in Oct 08, and they are stealing Nancy Foxs paypal, it is sent to their emails by the hackers, they message and say ” my great girls you great kids keep on takin paypal and keep on sendin it to us remember we are all sayin we got the big huge important Son of God job taken away that was sent to Nancy Fox in Feb 05 by us agreeing to pretend we are better suited for that utmost important job and thats why we did her in then and said she did her hair and make up all up and wore a sexy outfit to a hot shing ding is what you call her AA party, and we said she did gaudy tacky shiny tile that looked cheap and did too much to the house for a single mom who barely could make ends meet and agreed to set her up way back then to take her big large huge important Son of God crime tip job and we did not take it we assumed her identity by lying shes not the spiritual Saint Son of God psychic medium clairvoyant as mail states so keep takin the mail of hers and her ups fed exes paypal cash app venmo gifts Prophet pay and all sent and say thats for us we took that big Son of God job away, by voting ourselves in and by you great girls being in on it with your parents way back then, and I say I took it away as I say she should have been ashamed for so many to stalk the house, as to us that means they did not like her when really its by what I say to people to make them so stinken dam mad as I do to everyone, as I hate people who act so nice in person and so sincere in public, and then behind their backs they complain or say someone is fat or write a list and put it in a God box of who they are mad at, so I tell everyone the private information to make them mad to set up hate crimes, and always do it for years to many as thats my mission to make people suffer who act nice in person so I took those jobs away I say by lifting them the notices say I got again ha ha” This person was ordered to go to 1 county jail for 1 year in spring 09 for not paying 7 thousand in slander fees, as they were all to confess and pay up to stop all this, and its gone on and on to this and a Motorcade did drive around me on the Freeway in around April or May 2009 and seemed to escort me when I got on the freeway until I got off at an offramp. Readings say that was an instruction sent and they called and said ” oh we don’t need that” and ” oh the Son of God instructions are for us” they lie they could be voted in to do a job they stole in the mail, and they follow the instructions for about 19 years that said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on streets she loves where she sold real estate, in North Ranch estate areas as said, Gated Sherwood Estates, on Golf Courses and Lakes etc. she may delegate the estates she wants to buy with her funds sent to banks to realtors to go the leg work as she will not have time to do real estate as all her time and energy will be spent doing Angel Board channeled Crime tips, and they stole that mail and called and emailed realtors, 20 realtors at 5 offices, and said ” hey I am doing the Son of God job instead send me some flyers so I can pick out some houses as I am choosing what to buy by flyers” when it said Nancy Fox can pick out estates and homes she wants to buy by searching the Real Estate MLS and email them to other agents who can do the footwork for her, and she may buy them by the custom designed map we sent, a suggestion to buy estates and homes near and in areas where her daughters are, the equestrian horse back riding center by a lake, Ballet Class, their Schools, friends houses, some are in North Ranch and Gated Sherwood Estates, etc. and the Son of Satan two or more lied conspiracy followed the custom designed map, and still are buying properties with stolen funds, as they steal money from bank parking lots in California and lie thats their Son of God job money, and they steal Medium For God money since 2009 from mail ups fed exes, and from paypal for over 11 years by hacking, and they follow Medium For God housing instructions for 15 years, and lie the Medium For God instructions go with their Son of God housing instructions sent years back when they do not, and when none of it is theirs at all to follow, and they have stolen many Medium For God house apartment instructions that say Nancy Fox should buy many properites in Sherman Oaks since 09 south of Ventura Blvd etc. They got 5 estates for her in the hills of Studio City it said in May 2010, and they lied the Medium For God channel writer houses were for their Son of God job etc. and it said 20 estates for Nancy Fox in the hills of Encino are bought or buy them with her funds, in around 2018 2019. Nancy Fox should buy apartment buildings near where she is in the Noho Arts District where shes lived on and off for 10 years for people she hires to live in to assist her with her Medium For God work to stop sex slavery and traffick, and they stole the mail and bought 5 apartment buildings on a street, on 9 streets close together in Noho.