by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

The gang Stalkers are saying in Feb 05 they took angel board crime tip psychic jobs sent when I was told I was put in earth to goodwill and to save the human race and they voted by texting thumbs up to pretend it was their crime tip job to do tips by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and in July 05 took more angel board crime tip psychic prophetic channeling jobs sent and instructions sent to Nancy Fox that said your money is sent to the bank to be deposited in your Nancy Fox checking at Downey Savings please protect your family with your money by buying many mansions leasing offices hiring a staff etc as you’ve been sent your Nancy Gail Fox Son of God spiritual very psychic jobs for you and your daughters to save life on earth etc. Readings say they stole instructions sent for the mother to protect her children and stole money and lied they were doing the Son of  God protection job by hacking.  Bugging equipment etc secretly when it said for the mother to have in person protection to gate the driveway have a motorcade etc etc and in 2005 they asked a mortgage broker to evaluate money Nancy Fox spent updating a two story house buying another house updating it buying furniture etc and told a mortgage broker who did not to the loan on my one story house to give their opinion and to write a report and they made a dangerous fraud report and lied the house was too much and lied she funneled family trust fund account money into her account and said it will put the mom in the hole, when it was my money I transferred from a joint account and none of the money was my mother’s and others lied she’s kiking money and lied that’s free money she updated her two story house with when it was refinance money I invested into the two story to sell it and doubled the money I spent uodating it and used many words to frame me a hard working honest person spending my own money and used framing words and sayings like

That’s free money

Kiking money

Funneling money

Spending money on expenditures that were not necessary or needed

Frivolous spending

Spending money without thinking

Spending money without much needed permission. Etc

When I spent my own money and transfered it to by checking account and did not need permission. To spend my own money T

Hey said she spent too much money to fast and said they wanted to set her up and put 80 persons names on the money sent, the ones who agreed to steal angel board jobs to pretend they are their jobs by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras who pretend money sent is for then to cover on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and the readings say the 80 persons names are on bank accounts The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family money The Son of God Foundation money. Medium For God 15 years of my money they stole from mail ups fed ex PayPal for 11 years Prophet rent etc Fox-Taylor Family victims money including cars gift cards etc etc etc readings say they lie what they take is for the Son of God jobs they took in Feb 05 July 05 and 80 persons were sent letters from the mortgage broker who lied that purchase price was too much and dhe said she’s spending too much money too fast and funnels it into her account and bought things that were not necessary or needed and bought too many clothes and spent too much on furniture and did all this without thinking so we should tie her hands run them out of the house etc.

Readings say someone asked this mortgage broker who did not do my loan to find out why she’s spending so much on the two story house and why she did that so fast as they were worried it cost too much and thought it was wrong for a mom to do all that so fast and asked her to find out details about mortgage amounts on both houses and what it would cost in the end with payments etc and to do an evaluation and explain it was done too fast without thinking of cost to write a report about a better choice such as a house for less more money down a great fixed locked in rate etc and to explain to banks the purchase was stupid and lie a retard did this who didn’t know what they were doing to stop her money up, to get it put in another account and to say we are over seeing the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God money sent and to send it to their account and they would set her up to their cps secret court hearings and to DCFS then lie she’s gravely disabled and tell banks and post offices etc we are covering the mother and children’s money by DCFS papers taken to banks and do I D theft this way

As I was a professional realtor who sold and bought my own properties in 2005 I invested my money in 2005 all planned and calculated as a home owner does when they sell and buy a new home I

I shopped for a house in the realtor MLS from 2001 wrote offers on houses similar to the one I bought and in 2004. In 2005 I am selling and buying. I put in to refi my two story to take 20 grand out to upgrade the house to sell it and had carpet paint tile done with the refi money all planned calculated budgeted for, to get the house ready to list and sell.

I listed it the end of Feb 05 I

In April 05 I saw a house of about 1 million on the MLS I was interested in, then it was in escrow

May 13th, 2005 exactly or approximately the house came back on the market and I saw it that day at an open house wrote an offer that was accepted put the 40 grand 3 percent deposit down that I had in the bank with a loan approval letter and I got a swing loan on my two story house that I had 365 grand equity in on my sellers net sheet I ran May 13th 2005 and I borrowed about 250 grand or more from my two story house by a swing loan that went into a Downey Savings joint account I opened with my mom that only had my money in it none of her money. I transfered my money to my checking Nancy Fox and bought the house I then had flooring done pavers had the guest bath remodeled all planned for budgeted calculated and updated the house with my money bought furnished for it with my money that I budgeted for calculated measured for all very planned by me the home owner.

Readings say they lied about me and stole 70 grand of my money 5 thousand at a time from Downey and transfered my real estate earnings and my two story house equity I made selling my house o a floater account at Wells Fargo and said they did that to take her down and to run them out of the house and to set her to be a not needed case file to lie she’s gravely disabled and they are running accounts with the mother and children’s money and framed an intelligent realtor who bought and sold my own properties that went brilliantly all by my planning calculating realtor expertise and I invested almost half a million of my money into the one story house and lost that and planned to make 300 grand a year selling homes a year from the great house location and would have for the past 15 years if I had kept selling real estate and This alone is a 7 million dollar loss and readings say they planned to set me up an over nice mom

It was a very smart investment and the family he i planned to have the rest of my life.

The payment was $3,000.00 a month $200.00 second about the same as the two story mortgage and I planned to add a guest unit and rent it. For $1500.00 a month and I planned to refinance it to a fixed loan when it appraised for 1.9 and everything was very planned by me the home owner and how dare anyone would do fraud reports and not ask me the home owner the realtor one question the professional expert and to not ask the mirtgage brokers who did the loan a question is disrespectful and sickening to m