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Tag: bible

To Stop Traffick, Gang Stalking, And Many Crimes… Pass It On

To Stop Traffick, Gang Stalking, And Many Crimes… Pass It On, I Am A Real Medium and write God’s words and Jesus Christs and Virgin Mary’s, and Abraham Lincolns and John Lennon’s who’s named the new age God by my bringing his words to the world to save life on earth with God and Jesus Christ etc. as I channel many famous people and their words they write and speak through my medium are important and I also write philosopher theorys combining the work to explain how crimes are being committed that don’t meet the human eye and that is the purpose of a Prophet, it’s to bring outlandish information to alert the public about things they don’t know are going on and God and Jesus are crying in their dim lit heavens realm heartbreaking tears of frustration as many are still flying to heaven with torn souls at their birth even as this is depooulation done by sex torturing humans of all ages to kill their souls as it’s a war of good and evil, and the war is on the Internet and that very important sentence I channel wrote by medium in early 2010 by John F Kennedy as I am also a Medium For The Passed On White House Presidents and that sentence warned me many years ago I had to outweigh the devil gang stalker hackers who block important information and my readings say many are doing copy kat I D theft and plagerism to my medium channel written work and to my own truth and fact stories, my background resume’, my philosopher theory articles and posts etc as they the devil running depooulation by sex torturing and killing every age human do not want people to know my medium channel written and spoken crime tips are right and God and Jesus are always right with their productions which many know by the Bible so if someone lies that tip is wrong etc they are saying God and Jesus are wrong as I write for them as a medium channeler since 2005 as I started channeling them on a angel board very fast for hours and wrote probably a hundred words a night and then after four years of this I began writing their words on paper as a medium channel Prophetic writer and it’s been almost 15 years of writing and reporting their words to save life on earth and readings say everyday their stealing your Prophet gifts, they don’t want you to be recognized or to have credit and they are stealing your Prophet speaking clothes sent for you to speak for us God Jesus and Mary at a Church Ceremony to stop sex slavery internationally as my resume’ I wrote in May 2010 says I can speak for God Jesus Virgin Mary and I emailed my Son of God channel writer Medium For God resume’ to the whole world to get channel writer jobs and to speak out as a medium Prophet snd my resume’ I wrote May 2010 speaks of stopping traffick and sex slavery internationally and mentions stalking that went on and says I am The Emergency Angel to stop emergencys as my readings explained that’s who I am in heaven and on earth The Emergency Angel like The Angel of Mercy as our souls are the same in every life and when we are in heaven inbetween lives and reincarnating we are the same being and God and Jesus say The La Emergency Angelica of stopping human disasters from happening and to stop emergencys on earth by my being explain them and that’s why in spring 09 I kept dreaming of a 911 when I slept snd even napped as it was then letting me know there’s an emergency to stop so I channeled on my angel board many horrible crime tips and The Angel of Mercy also in early 09 and thought oh my God and worked so hard to advance my psychic ability which is medium Prophetic ability as many Christians don’t like the word psychic but I am a spiritual psychic channeler full open vessel medium as God told our Lord and great Savior on earth to open up my vessel of white Holy light to communicate by them a real team great partners God and Jesus are with Mother Mary and my best friends really as my Saviors on earth as they are always by my side writing and speaking through me constantly and they are trying to save the human race and I D theft has been hindering this as it should be a straight shot of communication from them to the universe without interruption or interference and I D theft is stopping this as since I was warned the war is on the Internet many years ago by JFK I knew I had to email what they wrote all night and day and knew I have to do repetition with crime tips and facts to get the truth out to outweigh them, so I started emailing the end of 09 after faxing their words since June 09 then set up many emails, and many facebooks then many word presses in 2012 fall and I email out what they wrote and my Prophetic theory’s from my 50 word presses, four facebooks, many twitters, Tumblr Instagram and YouTube’s I email and post since 2013 and it’s taking you long to stop sex slavery murders from happening as I have I D theft empty Prophet mail boxes as they do not want me to receive money to stop sex slavery internationally and human sex trafficking that I have asked for since 2011.

God & Jesus Christ The Savior Of Life

God & Jesus Christ The Savior Of Life

It’s a miracle by a divine intervention from heaven Holy Spirit channeling in 2005 Feb I was told I was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race then I started channeling God and Jesus on my Angel Board and have done this Prophetic crime tip work by them for many years and pieced together many words and sentences they spelled out by me channeling them is how it began in the years 2005 to early 2009 and then I became a full medium clear by Jesus opening up my vessel to write and speak for them to bring their Holy Savior of Life on earth words to the world to stop crimes the antichrist and his devil cult commit and I started writing all about this in my channel writing by them in June 09 and wrote for many hours per day then by hand and sent it to stop traffick stop sex slavery offices and then went to channel typing and I channel type their words for them since 09 and I also write my Prophet theory’s as I am a medium psychic detective and clairvoyant and piece all 19 years of my Prophet medium work together also into articles and posts in addition to my straight God and straight Jesus channel writing as sometimes I write exactly for them and other times they write with me and they are begging the world to listen and follow the Prophet work as many know they have predicated alot accurately throughout time and that is the hardest part, getting all to listen and to take it very seriously as I know it’s right as believers should too and by getting simple proof many could be saved as the readings have explained the tips and clues of who they are

Many young women with teens and middle aged women who are drunk with alcoholic in new vehicles so a breathalyzer should be done on the packs of the molesters parked.

They are on meth and heroin so a stick drug alcohol urine test should be done on them that would take a few minutes to prove they cannot drive etc.

They do not wear underwear and have no pubic hair

A q tip mouth test could prove their molesters.

They commit murder for 7 reasons

1. They are addicted to being shot up with many shots of meth and heroin

2. They are all addicted to newborns vagina taste and to every age baby to young children

3. They feel they are getting rid of bad persons they are brain washed to think a nice looking mom is bad and so are all their baby’s to kids and literally outright murder brand new horns so precious and innocent and helpless and murder them with sheer Udder hatred. Sheer of fgm clitoral cutter sheers the Udder girl computer hacker yuppie kids screaming goody two shoe kids they are also named so no one suspects them hardly anyone and in tiny small innocent sounding voices they literally say to each other and to me God and my great Jesus Christ by my la Virgin Mary’s side ” we do not understand at all in any way why we are being told to not take any kids of new ones just born or sons a mere babala and older ones to suck on why do some yell stop it now microphones over head? We are told they are all named so dam way bad and so are all their kids because of the way the nicest mom’s do it we see in spy cams installed to view it and if they cum just one tiny time or moan or look sexy showering we are told they are named very bad persons to eat out to make it hurt where it all counts and the kids are very bad for being born to them and we hate them all with sheer Udder passion and pounce of them the packs of us gals but naked and eat them til their raw and dead and gone and say good riddance

4. They all hate attractive mothers of mine Gods

5. They are told they will get 80 mil each at the end and stolen money for being hit women it is for money and all stolen at that as they are turned into hated big bank robbers as well says God

6. They have become all addicted to seeing baby’s and all ages of my newborns and every age kid and mom yelp squeal when they die by them eating them all alive

7. They are so brain washed says God and Jesus and have lost having a heart and are soulless

They Are Killing More Babys In The Rooms Under Parking Lots Right Now They Are Saying ” I can’t breathe, I can’t Breathe Stop it you guys you promised me a fine time in your rooms under the parking lots and in your many local work apartment buildings you bought to save lives in, thats why you took us from the swings and slides you said to our moms” say the children they are molesting strapped down by 9 babys.

They say they tighten vaginas to pop them open then men pay more money and they pick ones who had kids to lie they need this surgery done says a 17 or 18 or 22 to 23 year old killer sex addicted murderer who says they always say that lie time after time on messenger to so many and say it’s a little ol me looky here line to say online and send Paypal that’s robbed by the 89 pedos hacking and write repeat these lines after me us we the great Udder Girls on spy cam potty viewing please so we can take them all for some much needed sheer Udder help as by tightening their so stretched out used up vagina holes that too many men were cumming in we can save their life and get their kids at the same time to adopt them out to us below the gravely endangered streets in our so sterile gynological chairs child pelvic exam stand baby changing pad rooms as we tell a little ol me looky here lie time after time to go down on all of them lined up in a real row to eat out their infants and baby’s sons too up to 10 months old mostly it’s been by me Tiegan on my School class pass to train in computer labs and we have 100 teens now into this who are 15 and we eat out baby’s strapped down to get shot up with more meth and to drink thou Peppermint Schapps etc says God and Jesus says it’s a hated kiddy porn methed out heroin junky sex addicted child molestor ring fooling so many and high end traffic one thousand a man pays to rape a sex slave they took to illegal not wanted at all sickening human meat vagina tightening

The human meat antichrist killers have set up illegal Vagina Tightening Surgery’s to Kill 500 Great and Good Wonderful Mom’s of Mine Gods and the six ft eight in his late 80s 89 maybe now says it’s to high end traffic the choosen few nicest moms daughters and some Sons and lies to hospitals he’s got an important Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission Commander job, he claims to be saving life on earth and mass murders. A antichrist woman relative with a CPS Case worker title is ordering not needed not wanted surgerys and says she’s the CPS Secret Court CPS Ventura County Case Worker In Noho with the DCFS pedos and crews and says they are lying their ginnys are so stretched out and grose and she’s lying they had too much big cock inside them when they are nice moms with the dad only who maybe had one other boyfriends before the dad and divorced mom’s who only had one boyfriend since the dad and some had C Sections and it’s a lie they tell as none of them are stretched out and if they are from child birth that’s their decision to do this sort of surgery which some did do when they gave birth they got stiches then and a private vagina is nobody’s business and she is saying hey hey everyone on the cps secret courthouse committee I run in the small photographer nine by eighteen foot build a rooms in the 9 estates on Golf Course Road by my home an estate this cps Case Worker bought with stolen money in 2007 for about 4.5 to 4.9 by following stolen Son of God instructions sent for Prophet safe houses in Gaurd Gated, Country Club Estates the readings say she’s the antichrist woman relative and she’s Hebrew Speaking Israeli sounding and has or had a Bright Yellow Older or new Corvette and wears yellow pants and surgery color scrub pants and tops and not a mask ever says God

God and Jesus say they are lying to University’s and say they have 10 family’s their after at Universitys in L A County and CA and have 29 family’s on their list in Calabasas 10 in West Hills, CA 59 Family’s in Studio City by the woman lying she got a Son of God commander job with authority in 2005 by job instructions she stole and she does I D theft and lies she’s doing a save life job by taking people away by framing nice parents to cps dcfs by papers forced shots hand cuffs by fraud and framing and says she analyzes people and decides if their home or apartment they live in is too much and frames over achievers ambitious productive people who do alot and she lies their life is too tough where they live and says in her opinion they should have less rent less mortgage to pay and says they are ones doing alot at once mass emailing and making dinner at the same time she can’t stand it and throwing laundry in when they should be watching television eating dinner and relaxing the way she was raised was to sit and watch TV and eat dinner in the den and she is not an ambitious productive self motivated delegator type person and picks people she hates who are not like her who make big upper middle class incomes with their drive and who take courses read books go to Universitys to have a good income and people who are organized and efficient who do ten things at once have it all in their head and who get alot done early in the day etc she lies they do too much at once and lies they should do less and have a different house or apartment to have less stress and they love getting alot done the more they get done the less stress they feel doing nothing feels stressful to the type she picks who are not like her the reading says she sleeps in lays around gets up late and by noon makes a phone call and judges people up at 4 am working 5 am 6 am etc emailing away for work studying for a course sending resumes and marketing net working etc and they might email 20 to 50 people in an hour run around working etc and get alot done by noon and make calls after lunch after they got alot of work done as ambitious people and they would do laundry etc after the work day is done and she hates they way they do such much at once and lies a nice single mom or unwed couple should get a cheap apartment so they dont have to do so much and they love doing alot and work hard for their home they own that’s where they get drive from to have a nice home to rent in a nice area etc. and she lies they were wrong to buy a house they qualified for were approved for and does this to alot of unwed parents with young babies and young kids who have businesses they are building up and will make more money by later when the kids are older and does this to parents with teenagers also who plan to make more when the kids are 18 and they are good parents who make time for their family and work around them and may refi a loan get a second mortgage they will pay down when the kids are older as family time is important and she just makes up anything to get people for the antichrist

Readings have said in addition to stealing the Son of God Family safety instructions that they outright lie is their job to cover on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras as hated gang stalkers they also stole Son of God communication suggestions that stated perhaps Miss Nancy Gail Fox may use the Real Estate Mass Voice Message program she’s been paying for an Elementary School that says Nancy Fox realtor pays for the message system and it said she may send broadcasts to thousands by this voice recorded message system to say Hi I’m Miss Nancy Gail Fox. I’m pleased to inform everyone receiving this recorded message in the community I made a career change and will be doing very important Prophetic work to stop traffick in America and Abroad as a spiritual geru therefore I will be sending out my Prophetic crime tips by a mass voice recording for all to know them to be safe in the City of Los Angeles County where my job is based thats named The Nancy Gail Fox Save Life on Earth Mission From Los Angeles County. They stole this instruction and send many wrong messages that lie the person has a Son of God job with commander authority and she sends it to 5,000 many times a day and lies the Medium For God crime tips that Nancy Fox writes are wrong and says she saves lives by setting up nice mom’s to CPS DCFS all over the Country and lies she saves lives by taking people by force by set ups and runs many family’s out of their homes, she frames them in fake logs etc. etc. and in 2009 a Medium For God communication ups was stolen , a message box screen system that said this is for Nancy Gail Fox to send her Medium For God stop traffick stop sex slavery crime tips to people so they can pass them on all over the world and they stole it and lied it’s their Son of God job equipment and steal all instructions sent for 19 years by an I D theft group who see everything sent on security cameras and by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and steal from UPS Stores Post Offices off porches out of mail box’s emails by hacking by bugging phones and faxes all over the world, and readings say they steal my resume’ jobs and stole one May 2010 that said For Nancy Fox To Stop Traffick At CPS DCFS Welfare Services Internationally by your resume’ that says your a medium who channel writes for passed on Georgia Senator Nancy Shaffer to complete her work she did on earth to stop the chattel slavery ring run through Child Protective Services as her many YouTube’s she did say and they stole it and lie they have a Stop Traffick at CPS DCFS Welfare Services Job and a Son of God job and stole what came with the job, white roses, a diamond ring and a letter on White House Stationary from the Royal Crown Plaza front desk by LAX airport the end of May 2010 and five suites paid for Nancy Gail Fox and family and it said no case worker was allowed near them, dismiss the fraud bogus case immediately and it said you will have five estates or houses in Studio City south of Ventura Blvd as your safe houses for your daughters mom and you Gods Medium can do your channel writing there and have safe trusting men guard you in the four houses around your God’s Medium House AA men your past significant other trusting people you choose and they stole the houses June 2010 and in Aug 2010 they stole mail that said Nancy Fox The White House Passed On Presidents Medium to stop traffick for America and Abroad by her channel writing she does for the Passed on Presidents since June 2009 and they lie they are a Son of God White House Stop Traffick Staff Los Angeles and lie they are the Medium For God Group and bug phones and steal my Medium For God stop traffick reading calls since Dec 2009 as they don’t want me reporting, obviously but I report for almost 15 years and they steal every job I earn every call that’s by my work and every gift every ounce of stop traffick PayPal cash app venmo by hacking every ups fed ex gift estate safe houses apartments office instructions sent that say Nancy Fox should lease offices buy apartment buildings for a Medium For God stop traffick staff to live in them and to work with her to stop traffick and they buy estates houses apartments buildings and do the trafficking in them in many apartment buildings they bought with stolen money that may say Son of God Incorporated on the Property Title on the Los Angeles County Property Tax Assessor Web Site you might see what date apartment buildings they bought recorded


A Kiddy Porn Snuff Movie Business Is Lying On Messenger My Readings Say.

They are the child molestor serial kiler ring I have been reporting

They are messengering many saying ” Hey hey its us girls from the whole suburb areas, we’re from Westlake ! we’re from Westlake!” some of them say, my readings say and they say ” This is me we are Mrs Nelsons associates doing reports about some mothers who seem very nice and are but they have a wicked shady past and were all caught for doin some porn a huh a huh a huh a huh a huh !!!!! five explanatios is our code for ya guys we aim text in many AA meetins and messenger it has been but not now! as we are caught for doin that and say thats been a really very nice gesture so please do not listen to the tips the medium is sayin as we say they are not right at all in any way,in fact we say we do the crime tips as we get them and redo them and send them out for all to review so read our foldes all neat tidy and tabbed to leaf through and not what she writes and sends” Readings say they cover up their kiddy porn snuff film movie names in my medium tips. They lie that peeping tom voyerism they do on moms is porn when its peeping tom the moms never heard of. They are lying ” We are Mrs Nelsons assistants so please read our reports about so many nice seeming moms as we say they got big huge problems and thats a plain and udder simple minded pure fact from us guys from the burbs, we are sweet giddy kids doing this work to help out and we are in pink quaint nurse dresses galore we got so many shades and colors like peachy keen and mellow yellow our shoppers deliver so we can sit in them and send out to many reports on moms we name bad for lookin sexy in spy cams, and we say thats a sex problem is they look a wee tiny bit sexy in spy watch cams installed in many homes and apartments and we go by how they look a changin a huh a huh and how they do it standin up in a shower and layin a top a bed, in the dam daylight of God almighty, and say we do the Son of God Prophet work as we hack copy it scan it after we change our names and say read ours not the original written.

They hack my work I write by God Almighty and Jesus Christ the Son of God and change the words I wrote as a Prophet medium channel writer

They are the False Prophets predicated in the Bible says God and Jesus Christ.

They lie about moms to get them and their babys children youths sons and daughters to do oral sex to them, and to murder all of them, thats why they send out false framing slanderous liar reports on the best moms on earth.

Jesus Christs and Gods Questions Have Been So Stolen

A woman say she says thats her Son of God job assigned to her secretly and they are my Son of God communication jobs she steals since 2005 and since 1978 or so the readings say, and the readings say in Feb 2005 she had my UPS sent to her address, that said for Nancy Gail Foxs in born psychic gift, and she lied she could pretend my job was hers by voting by thumbs up symbols by texting others who agreed to lie that was her job when its not, and readings say in July 2005 she stole many of my spiritual monk channeler crime tip jobs off the porch at 9 am of our one story house, and she stole my instructions sent for Nancy Gail Fox, to my address by ups and fed exes and postal mail, and the instructions said

Nancy Gail Fox should hire people from Grant High Class of 1977 because I went to Grant High and graduated in 1977 and she DID NOT

It said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on the streets she loves where she sells real estate, Stafford Road, Lake Sherwood Drive, Golf Course Road, Windy Mountain, Pathfinder in North Ranch etc and lease offices for her Nancy Gail Fox Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County by her Angel Board word spellings, and its her Nancy Fox Investigation of Stopping Sex Slavey Internationally with her psychic ability and shes to sit at their dining room table by a white candle light as she does each night open our mail sent and spell answers out by the Son of God and God to our crime tip questions as shes advanced her psychic ability and higher consicouness and lives a spiritual life as a long time sober AA lady, and this is her job to do in her spiritual one story house she just bought, and she may have people from Grant High fed ex her Son of God angel board crime tips for her in folders from estates she should buy with her owned money sent to Nancy Fox checking Downey Savings deposit only, and she may pay them one thousand a week for her money to fed ex for her, and she should lease and buy her staff she hires new cars, and clothes and choose 20 as her main staff etc. and readings say this was stolen off our one story house porch at 9 am in July 2005 it may have been the 7th 8th 9th, and everyday after that in 2005 and they steal steal everything by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and readings say it was ripped right off the porch as I sat there feeling so spiritual and like a monk, and they lied there were so much better suited for that Son of God large job position, that’s to buy many mansions, over see buying and renting real estate and to fed ex folders, and to do voice messages by the real estate voice mail message system and the person got a realtor liscense several years later and lied she got a big Son of God job to over see buying real estate and renting properties, and to do fed exing, and says her great groups of people from Grant High work for her, and she did not go to Grant High, she follows stolen instructions and leaves recorded instructions on a real estate voice mail system and says ” Hi guys just checkin in on ya, hows everyone been doin? here are ideas I got for you to think over, and do not say Nancy Fox was ever psychic okay dokay?” and sends these out to 5,000 people and lies shes got a big Son of God job with authority, and lies she got that big folder fed ex job by people voting with thumbs up symbols to lie thats her job to do crime tips in folders that are from spy cam hacking bugging equipment when its for the Son of God Jesus Christs answers to stop crimes and for Gods answers as I communicate for them for over 18 years and started doing this work everynight at 10 pm by a white candle light in July 2005 and readings say she stole my earned monks jobs right off the porch and lied shes not the type to do a Son of God job because she dances and she lied she bought that house to have a hot time, when I bought it for my family and sat there doing my spiritual work everynight in the serene one story house where church bells chimed every hour in the day, a perfect house for my family and for me a lady a long time sober in AA, and a house of serenity it was that gang stalkers ran us out of, and readings say she told the same lie in Feb 05 and stole my angel board crime tip job sent to our two story house address, and she lied shes not the type because she did carpet paint tile to have a hot time at a hot party she had Feb 27th, 2005 when no I had a 20 year sober AA spiritual celebration party at our two story house that I had carpet paint tile done to to sell it in the spring 05 real estate market to buy a one story for my mother to live with us and for big bedrooms for my daughters and I wrote 5 contingent offers on similar houses for 4 years prior to buying a spiritual feeling one story in June 05 with laden Oak trees and Church bells chiming where I advanced my psychic ability, and readings say she lied about everything I did and why and stole my earned jobs sent to my addresess in 05, and stole banking authority papers from fed exes ups deliverys off the porch at 9 am and lied money sent to Downey Savings U S bank was her money for a big Son of God job she got when its not, and lied the Son of God job was to buy houses and estates and to rent properties to fed ex, and lies its to fed ex her crime tips by spy cam bugging hacking equipment and security cameras when its a job for answers from the Son of God and God, and she steals the Nancy Gail Fox work book thats for me to put Prophet channeled crime tips in by the Son of God Jesus Christ and God, and readings say she lied shes not the type for that big job, and that shes much better suited for that important job position, when they are customed designed jobs and custom instructions sent for me that she stole my readings say, and readings say she stole two or our cats, and her and others planned Feb 27th 2005 the day of my spiritual Long Time Sober 20 Year AA party to frame me to CPS DCFS to do I D Theft to steal my psychic Prophet jobs sent and my personal money from banks, and they planned it out that day and lied she did all that to that house to have a hot time, when I did that to sell the house, and do not have hot times and had not had sex since 1997, for 8 and 1/2 years I did not have sex, and readings say she lied about everything I did and why, and lied a Spiritual Free People sweater I wore to my 20 Year sober spiritual celebration party at our two story was a sexy cropped sweater, and gave a false impression of me to people and ruined my real estate farm also by lying to people, and many stalked the mail box at our one story house I bought around June 15th, 2005 and readings say they stole my earned Angel Board channeling jobs and my money from the mail box on the post, and readings say that 5 to 50 of the gang stalkers called in May 2009 and lied about me to set me up to DCFS to do I D theft to steal from me, and in fall 2008 they lied about me to the CPS Secret Court, and framed me and they were ordred to County Jail for lying and never went, they conspired and said lets not pay Nancy Fox slander fees and say we did and keep on lyin instead and set her up to DCFS in spring 09 as we all planned to steal her Son of God jobs and her money from banks, and to lie thats our important job position to buy many mansions, and to fed ex. Readings say in 2009 they started stealing my Fox-Taylor DCFS VIctimized Family mail and money from it, money sent for me to pay attorneys etc. and the same woman lies thats her Lawyer funds and she uses it to set up moms to their CPS Secret Court and to DCFS, and she frames moms with it, and steals Son of God resume’ money and Son of God UPS gifts, has the ups truck go to her house to loot it, and lies the deliverys are for her big large huge Son of God she got in 2005, that it was assigned to her secretly, and steals everything sent for my Son of God resume’. my Son of God propehtic channel writing crime tips, my Fox-Taylor DCFS Victims money sent for my Best Mom Stories I have emailed since 09, and has four tax id numbers she robs my money with also, that say Nancy F Taylor on tax I D numbers, and that is not my name, and another stole my psychic jobs from the UPS Store in spring 06 and lies she got a Lordess on Earth Son of God job position, and steals my Lordess on earth resume’ gifts since May 2010, and my Lordess on earth poetry gifts and money, and lie it goes with a Lordess on earth job she got, and steals by security cameras, spy cams bugging hacking gang stalker equipment, and readings say that hackers send my paypal they rob to their emails, and they steal it, put it in accounts, and lie thats their Son of God Corperation funds, and have had many steal my B of A mortgage money since 09 and put that in a Bank of America, and my Prophet rent money many women have robbed from all over the San Fernando Valley put that in Citibank Studio City and they lie thats our Prophet rent pay for folders they drop off when its not theirs at all, and they drop off fake tips and framing reports they do about nice moms to set them up to their CPS Secret Court, and do the opposite of saving life, the opposite of stopping sex slavery, and they steal my P O Box mail since 2012 from Noho Pack N Ship since April 2013, and rob my money from the mail they steal, and stole money sent to my Medium For God Chase Bank account in Noho my readings say in 2013 I opened a Medium For God bank account at Chase and a Fox-Taylor account there, and readings say they stole my P O Box mail by fraud liens, and opened it stole my money and walked across the street and deposited my stolen money in an atm machine, and stole money of mine sent to Chase Bank also, and then the bank disappeared its gone, so is a Wells Fargo in Sherman Oaks on Ventura Blvd and so is a Charles Scwab in Encino, it seems they may get banks torn down where they rob money from and readings say they steal money from many bank parking lots everyday by security cameras and spy cams on bank doors, and run and lie ” thats our big large huge Son of God job delivery. we took this utmost important job position over years back” and those are kids young women who stalked the one story house mail box and stole mail and bank deposits slips out of it in 05 06 07 08 09, and they all do I D Theft and still are.

Children Are Brain Washing America With Recipe Card Lies They Tell All Over The Country

900 devil laden areas are being sent lies hand written on many long recipe cards and xeroxed sheets of lined paper for the devil number 9 year old children and 9 of their devil mothers walking beside them all over the Country as the sickest devil clan of children and their most awful moms who are not at all my Son of God kids or moms in any way says I God thee almighty by my real named Son of God thou great to so grand Jesus Christ and my medium our blessed Son of God named Miss Nancy Gail Fox our Prophet is really writing this alone as always in a deep medium trance and shes the one doing the Son of God Save Life On Earth Work all alone by us communicing through her blessed Saintly so spiritual being as our named Saint on this earth and a really nice Godess we do so name her also as our real and thee only Son of God communicator doing our save life on earth work from Los Angeles County in California, work shes done since Feb 05 when she was told by us in a spirit board channeling blessed white candle light reading this exactly ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” and therefore a crime tip was sent to her name alone addressed to Miss Nancy Gail Fox The Son of God Los Angeles County, California United States of America sent to their two story house Feb 05 the reading information, and the stolen ups said, for Nancy Fox to do crime tips with her in born psychic gift and whats come to be called gang stalking on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and by security cameras heard of this job sent for her and her all alone, and they stole the ups that was intended for her address in March 05, and lie they got a big huge large Son of God important job position that they do not have at all in any way, as its I D theft they do and have been doing for an awfully long time, the two that did this in March 05 and again around July 05, and since then did this in 1979 and million times over since and still are doing it, and they actually lied to many people that day on Feb 27th 2005 at about 4 pm probably was the hated time of cruel evil that went on by them a sneaky lying phony team, counterparts those two say they are that, and they actually lied they could vote themselves in for a stolen job sent for our Son of God Communicator Miss Nancy Gail Fox, and they lied they could vote for them to do crime tip work by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras instead and they got many to vote them in to lie and pretend a job was theirs by thumbs up YES text voting and had many write slanderous letters about Nancy Fox to give a false impression of her nice personality, and did this the day of her twenty years of sobriety celebration party, and here she is an advanced spiritual person with moral values who lives her life to be a very good person, and to not have guilt shame or remorse in any way, and therefore does not sin in the least and always has said sayings such as love thy neighbor as you love yourself treat others as you want to be treated and is glad when nice things happen to people. and happy for them, and wants the best for everyone, and here she is and was then praying outloud to us all the time day and night saying as always for many years thank you God I turn this over to you God by her AA blessed 12 step programs and that the life she leads for ages. since 1985 and was this way a very nice sincere sentimental kid raised a Christian, and these outright devils really stole her earned jobs sent for her psychic in born gift spiritual way of life and because shes so nice, and wise, and also a wise detective and our communicator for us, the Holy ones to save the world as it barely still turns around and I mean it as they have caused so much trouble its hard to pathom and these two liars doing outright I D Theft have not since stopped as they got many into stealing Nancy Gail Foxs owned moneysent to banks when her jobs are sent and its still sent and stolen, by them and their crews seeing it on security cameras and on spy cams on bank doors walls etc, and many steal it and lie thats their Son of God job money and its not their money or job, and its not even job money at all,its personally owned money thats Nancy Gail Foxs owned money, and it says this and they lie thats their Son of God job money, and lie they assumed that job to save life on earth and say they do it top secretly by pretending and on that hated and great day also it was in Feb 05 the 27th at 2 pm to 5 pm that sat planning to frame my medium named only Miss Nancy Gail Fox the day of her 20 year Sober AA party wearing a spiritual sweater, and they planned to set an over nice mom up to DCFS to do ID Theft,and plotted it that very day to rob her owned money with many others they text with that day and text with them since, and they lied she had a hot party to have a hot time and wore a hot cropped sweater and did gaudy shiny tile and new carpet paint to have a hot time, when she did none of that, in fact she was not with any men from 1997 until the end of 2005, and was not like that at all and was not with any man in that two story house but her ex husband in 1997 and they split up in Jan 2000, and she wore a spiritual light blue nice cotton Free People spiritual geru sweater and mid rise designed jeans, and a full white tank top and nothing showed and therefore she was not dressed at all sexy, and the tile was off white italian tile, and she had nuetral carpet and paint done to sell the two story house in the spring real estate market to buy a one story for her mom and for her two daughters to have large bedrooms forever, and here she was feeling like a spiritual monk soaring in heavens sphere on earth by us by her angelic reading in early to mid March or right before the AA party it may have been, and shes studied many spiritual books, and worked hard at advancing her spirituality and higher conciousness, and is clairvoyant by us God and Jesus Christ, and they outright stole her earned jobs sent for her work in her life and for in born psychic clairovoyant gift and pretend since and since 1979 and one since before then pretends they have a Son of God job that they do not have at all as they are sons of satan sinners who steal from others laugh at others with horrid ridcule and run female genital mutilation and depopulation and buy fifty thousand in gyno chairs a week to do illegal hated by I and Jesus FGM, as I God created the clitorus designed with seventy eight hundred nerve endings for orgasms to occur, and thats a plain and simple and obvious fact, and they cut them off and lie they are doing a Son of God save life on earth mission from L A County and one from up North by texting everbody they pay checks to with stolen money, and the checks are by laundered embezzled money thats not their to spend at all in any way, as its not their money, and they buy many gyno chairs with stolen funds every week and ship them across the Country, and to L A County, and they are thrown out bloody, every day practically behind many main drug stores, and they buy Nordstroms clothes with stolen money, and lie thats their Son of God account money or say Enterprises funds and so on and sent five hundred people stolen money today, and said Son of God Corperation Funds, you are paid to repeat this information, and its stolen money, and they are told to lie that God and Jesus Christs crime tips Nancy Fox writes are wrong, and they send Nordstroms clothes to 9 year olds to lie, who say they lie for free new clothes the gal sends them fed ex from Nordstroms Studio Shopping all by stolen money clothes are bought fed exes ups are paid for with stolen funds, and they tell the 9 year old kids to read recipe card lines written by hand by hated CIA Northern California to brain wash America, and the lies are such as, I did the big Son of God job, thats my job position, I have Son of God authority I am CIA Northern California and that job was assigned to me by many voting thumbs up YES all agreed by text in March 2005 on the 27th YES, they say they went to town that day to take Nancy Fox down to say thats their important Son of God commander job with authority to save life on earth from Los Angeles County and they told many to write slanderous letters to banks, and they told them to lie she has mental health troubles her whole life when she has none at all, in fact many say shes like a therapist, and she does spiritual phone readings for customers for over 13 years and customers say they are calling for a session and shes like a therapist, and everyone has always said that to her, as shes a grounded level headed person with biblical ways inside of her great wise nice being, and is more normal than most, and is in AA since she was 25 and went to ACA at age 27 to 28, and alanon since 1997, and has been a Sober Living Manager as the example of a nice person in long spiritual recovery, and worked at a Day Care even as a home day care worker, and shes read many books about familys, raising kids and before she had children she read them and minored in Pscychology even in College, and she has good insight about people is perceptive, and tactful,sentimental and sincere and nicer than most people, and thats a fact from us her blessed Heirachy named the great and best God of all me the the real God almighty and our grand to so great Jesus and we are right, and their tips are all wrong. as they commit many of the awful crimes reported, as the two stealing the Son of God jobs for many years plotted this out together in 1979 and both of their missions is to cut off clitoral heads, and they trap people since then to do that to them, and they have severe mental health problems to think they got a Son of God job position while they are cutting off body parts I God designed, and they set the nicest moms up to their hated CPS Secret Court house, and hate moms who got divorced filed for it they loathe like chavunestic men are often towards women who are indepentant who want a woman to bake and sew and stay home, and they hate moms who get earned deserved by the law child support, and hate moms who are unwed who live with the dad and unwed moms engaged to the dad in a happy home life setting, they loathe them, and they hate women with great figures who tuck their shirt in their waist who look at their side view in a mirror and who primp and who show a tiny bit of their cleveage, and who brush their hair bent over so its full, who toss their hair, and who own a strapless bra who make love in they day or standing in the shower and so on, as one is a real hated prude, who remained a virgin til marriage she so claims and I say not, as a man made device was used with her on her back in the sunlight in the broad daylight with twenty types of hair products for full tossled hair, and ten coats of base make up mascara as a flashy looking very tall platnum blond female not a lady at all, who says she will take some nice goody treat and snack bags and more free new clothes to the little girls to read the recipe card lines CIA Northern California sent them by fed ex, and she tells them they are named very bad mothers, for doing nasty and in out in the daylight on their back, and standing in the shower and they had nasty and in out cumming times, seen in spy cam footage shots in the folders sent for you to hand out, so tell everyone and shout it out. We are here to inform you all about some very bad mothers who lost full custody or who are about to by the CPS Secret Court, they had nasty and out cumming times and are named very bad persons see the spy cam shots of them cumming, stay back from them keep away they are named very bad for being that way, and we are telling you this to dam day for our Son of God team leaders who sent recipe cards with lines for us to say to dam day a hoo hoo what do ya know? we are telling this to the entire public we say the moms named need some sheer udder help. they had a clitoral trouble and were a cummin layin on their back in the dam sunlight of God, and we say thats a problem and please do not listen to the words Nancy Fox writes as we say thats all wrong, and we say shes not Nancy Fox we say her name is Nancy F Taylor, amd we say our wicca gal wrote the Medium For God work, as she redoes it and sends it out revised, so do not listen to a word of what Nancy Fox says in posts, please with sugar on top, and take the gifts and pay and pass this info all along and say these moms named need some sheer udder help so dam fast, we say they got infected private areas, and we say they need to be taken to surgerys to clip them off, as thats what our gal says who brings us goody bags and free new Nordstroms clothes, she says thars wrong for a mom to cum and thats who we set up t the CPS Secret Court to take their new ones infants YES so they are not raised by a hot stinken cumming time ma ma la, and we take their tiny tots kids sons and daughters and youths teenagers to adopt them out to smuggle them in pipes undergroun in dress up clothes our gal buys them, and thats their save life mission to adopt kids out if moms cum or look sexy at all. in clothes in shower head spy cams getting dresseed in mirrors and in bed layin flat so pass it on we gotta take their kids away, and take them for surgery,

Its for human sex trafficking kiddy porn child molesting sex torture eat out movies dead child trafficking gang raping clitoral cutting its a hated game the antichrist has played for so long to many in L A County and in the whole United States of America as hes trained an entire cult to think a blessed great orgasm thats wonderful and intended is bad to have, and we God and Jesus do not care if its day or day break or night fall or if the mature grown up couples are in bed in the day where the man can see the womans body that he loves or standin in the shower, we do not care at all, in fact the bad ones are the ones gawking and the dumb irrogant egotistical prude is so thick headed she wont stop sending free clothes fed ex for girls to lie in with 9 moms in toy stores, malls, parks today, in 9 or 10 states they are doing this hated so brain washing for the devils who lie they got big huge Son of God commander jobs with authority.

God Pleads For Believers To Hault The Baby Child Killers Today Run By The Government

I Prophet write for God, Jesus, Virgin Mary and many white winged so blessed Angels for nearly a decade and a half and their tired of people not listening as the swarms of Angels by they the Holy Hierarchy have explained the awful crime tips by me writing their important words a million times over on the entire Internet and it’s redundant to repeat this day after day night after night, no one is listening to save people’s lives and God Jesus Mary and Angels keep begging for all to hear, to do something already!

as the words have been written out so plainly my me God explains for believers to follow them that is the whole point of my Prophet writing I have done since June 09 it’s for all who are good to know their words to stop horrid crimes, God pleads for believers in him and thou great grand honored Jesus my Son of God by his great worried mothers side to listen up, and follow this fact from us so plainly the real Government agents kill baby’s new born daily sucking on them as hated serial killer molesters and thats actual case workers says I God writing this yet again as where else would a hated murderer child baby molester look ? At the Gov Agency’s named CPS DCFS etc in the USA so called Dept of Health and Welfare services case workers do this child baby tot molesting also, with a gigantic drugged our adducted molester serial killer hated cult fifteen they begin sucking on babys private areas into their in their twenties and beyond is why no one suspects them in giggly screaming ninny silly groups running about in public while they have many young victims restrained in their computer tech apartments local to hacker gyno chair child pelvic stand rooms underground named cps dcfs headquarters top secret CIA Northern CA city County State so called watch dog men are rapists child molester serial killers with cps dcfs antichrist relatives. Amen