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Tag: crime

The Suburb Serpent Moms and Girls

The sex torture serial killer Movie Call Sheet Scene says 10 year olds eating out new ones, premies, infants, their cast in the Chicken Hen Coupes that are in two rows under bank parking lots, the infants taken from pregnant moms we killed by cutting their clitorus, an instant death, and carved them straight up from the clitorus up with a knife, a murdering c section, they are killing murdering many pregnant moms this way, then do oral sex torture molesting to their newborns at 9 am under the roarin freeway in this Serial Killer Sons of Satan Satanic kill life on earth wicked cult, and do oral sex to them lined up by the child molester canablist serial killer bad girls from the suburbs who put them in Chicken Hen Coupes bleeding wrapped in towels, in a sack, and drop the infant victims they sex tortured in a hatch and the very bad suburb serial killer molester pedos below put them in a Chicken Hen Coupe under the bank parking lots way at the back by trees and shrubs, and they lie they are dropping off supplies, they ordered hundreds of Chicken Hen Coupes since March and lie they are for their supplies, they lie they are top secret agents and are murderers very bad girls from the suburbs who kill victims by eating them alive strapped down with shipping straps, the murder weapons sent to them on Greyhound buses, and one of these very bad girls gets on the bus at the stop before the stop by their local work serial killer molester sex torturer apartments, then that bad girl throws the shipping strap boxes in a planter, and other very bad girls from the surburbs get the shipping straps, and say ” a shipping strap delivery a day keeps us in check to eat them out all lined up in our local work apartments and houses we just got a huh a huh a huh a huh a huh!!!!! as we are all addicted to eating them alive on many shots of much needed meth and drunk on Peppermint Schnapps in our local work apartments we got five buildings on several streets close to one another and yell at each other from roof top patios hey howdy neighbor to fool all so they do not know we murder infants under the roarin freeways at 9 am each day in janitor sheds in new clothes we shed, after our half past seven breakfast meet up, where about forty nine of us chow down, and we kill many pregnant moms in our medical apparatus rooms slice them right up from their clitorus we saw cum in spy cams as we hate cumming time mothers, and hate crime serial killers we are not but are as we just pretend to get meth and to eat out hot cunts hot pussy we scream to one another all dam day, and the shot list today the Scene on the Movie Call Sheet reads many suburb 10 year old girls our CPS Secret Courthouse case worker gal trained by texting them instructions on their cells will eat out the infants babys and kids kept in the Chicken Hen Coupes, Wardrobe, Nothing on the newborns, premies, or larger babys, 10 who are three years old also are to be kept in Chicken Hen Coupes and thats the order the 10 year old girls trained to be molesters doing eat out films will chow down on many infants babys kids in the Movie Call Sheet Scenes, and some are 10 year old Boys we got in many Dog Jail Cages with steel bars underground as we have filmed that already for this movie sequence and do not say we are killing many infants babys kids boys and girls, moms, youths thirteen are on the lists also, and the 10 year olds trained by our CPS gal Rena by cell texts are to board the Freeway Computer Bus at 5 o clock exact tacktly no undies on at all the order from the movie director so they can eat each others hot cunts on the bus and video it on their cells to get shot up with a tiny prick of meth when they get off a ha ha gettin off is all we think of and we have been killing 8 pregnant moms a night from 7 to 11 Pm and no one can know about these murders, as we say they died, we lied they had a sex disease, and always frame moms to look like they got a sex problem, so take 15 infants babys kids from the Chicken Hen Coupes between 5 to 9 am for the Movie Scene for the 10 year old girls on the buses and sons from the dog jail cages to lap them up as these scenes have been planned for months, since March and thats why we ordered all the Chicken Hen Coupes”

The very bad suburb serial killer molester girls say they are not bad at all in any way to dam day hey hey they are trained to kill many and lie its to save life when they mass murder and are the biggest serial killers in the world, the worst molester sex torture addicts in history eating babys alive and they are addicted to hearing the sound they make when they die, and they say they got in at age 10 and 11 and 12 and 13 and 14 and 15 16 17 and say they were told to eat each others soft cunts out, and they lap up their friends pussys, and think its normal to talk with dirty words like this, they think nothing of saying cunt and pussy which shows they are very bad dirty girls from the suburbs just by the fowl language they use, and say very matter fact, they eat cunts on meth, like its normal, as they are a sick insane brain washed satanic cult addicted to sex torturing and murdering people of every age, and say we got in it to do that to them because we hate moms who orgasm, and thats called a Hate Crime Serial Killer, as serial killers kill and target a certain type of person, and they do not know that looking at an orgasm in a spy cam is wrong, and that they and their suburb moms have dirty filthy peeping tom eyes, and they are the very bad ones for looking at people naked in spy cams, and they say their moms told them the mission was to tie of clitoruses on moms they see cum in spy cams, and that is sex torturing, hurting a clitorus would be a sex crime, and they are supposed to be on the Sex Offender lists so everyone knows where they live, as they are very dangerous sick peeping tom voyerists exploiting people naked, and they are very bad persons who are dirty and filthy voyerists peeping toms, and their moms told them to get babys and children taken from mothers if they have an orgasm, seen in spy cams, when an orgasm is not a crime but looking at one is, and their moms say thats the whole dam mission, its to see who cums during sexual intercourse, they are told by their instructions that if a mom orgasms in bed it means shes got a sex drive libido problem, and they were told of they have three orgasms in a row it means they are serpents with pent up passion inside and should die when they are the serpents looking at them who should die, as they set up deaths done by sex torturing murders, and they are the very bad filthy cruel inhumans who work for the antichrist the Serpent, and they are the very bad persons not the nice mothers and their newborn infants, and their infants in their wombs, and their babys and kids of all ages, sons and daughters, and teenagers, they are the victims they are murdering, and these Serpent Suburb Very Bad Moms fell for the antichrists chart, that lie if a mom has an orgasm she has pent up passion and a sex problem and should die? as hes the antichrist killing off people that God created to have orgasms, as orgasms release euphoric air and are good for health and longevity, and orgasms are meant to be God designed men and women to have them for pro creation for life on earth, as couples enjoy intercourse and orgasms from their penis and clitorus, then they make babies, and thats the purpose of a clitorus that is the intention, and its also to monitor breathing at child birth, and orgasms are meant to be, and they are killing off Gods people.


To stop Copy Kat Gang Stalker dishonest thieves

By my reading crime tips

My readings say they Copy Kat many Targeted Individuals they slander and rob and readings have said that in 2005 to 2007 Gang Stalkers outright stole many of my earned psychic jobs I generated that I worked for a lifetime, and they stole the psychic jobs and money sent to me and instructions sent for me to follow to save life on earth with my psychic ability by my crime tips channeled to answer crime tip questions they took from mail ups fed exes sent to my name and address and lied that was those were their crime tip jobs by a ups they stole of mine in Feb 05 from our two story house before we moved around July 05, and readings say they lied thats our big Son of God job when its not, and knew or mail and money and instructions being sent by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and stole everything and do this thievery silently and invisibly by spy cam hackig bugging equipment and security cameras and are an I D theft bank robber postal crook cybercrime thief ring who copy kat and follow stolen instructions sent.

Readings say they stole mail that said Nancy Fox should buy many lap tops and have a staff use them for her Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County CA by her angel board channeled crime tip word spellings, Readings say they stole the mail and followed the stolen instructions that were not theirs to follow, and bought 100 white Apple Lap Tops.

They also bought a device called Get Up and Go, thousands of devices with stolen money possiblyl two thousand maybe, then bought 4,000 iphones or ipads with stolen money and they stole a box sent in 2009 with a screen box program that said, Nancy Fox can send her psychic channeled crime tips on screen boxes to associates to stop crimes, and they used the screen boxes with many they pay stolen money to from a payroll company by stolen instructions that said Nancy Fox should open a payroll company and pay people she hires from her money sent, a work force to assist with getting her channeled psychic crime tips out to stop crimes and to save life on earth, readings say message screen box equipment was sent for the Medium For God channel writer Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor in 2009 that they stole, and they lied that goes with a big Son of God job they got years back to do crime tips by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and to do reports on moms to take their kids away and they run sex slavery and human sex trafficking by stolen equipment, equipment bought with stolen money from properties they bought with stolen money , offices they rented with stolen money and Copy Kat and do ID theft, and readings have said in the years 2005 to 2007 they stole instructions that said since Nancy Fox is a realtor also and pays for the Real Estate Mass Voice Mail System to send out mass messages perhaps she could send messages on it to the community about her save life channeling so they are informed to listen when she will speak at podiums and so they can apply for jobs etc. and they stole that and send out fake bogus messages on a Realtor Voice Mail System my readings say and they say do not listen to Nancy Foxs psychic crime tips, and lie they are wrong and they lie they save people by taking them away, when they take them to slavery and call it taking people to safety and do the opposite of the Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission which is to follow the words of the Son of God thou Jesus and God to save life on earth as Jesus is known as the savior of life on earth and Courts say In God We Trust and the Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission is to listen and follow the words of God and Jesus and thats the work I do channeling them for 19 years, and they steal my jobs and instructions sent for the work I did and work I do and copy kat do plagerism and follow stolen instructions, and steal everything from all over many towns by seeing it sent and delivered in security cameras as invisible robbers.

Readings say they also bought many White Acer Crome lap tops when I bought one at Target the end of 2016 or early 2017 for $100.00 and readings say they have many of them and they have many ipads they sit hacking on in many cars they got with stolen funds at car lots, and they are scam artist copy kat plagerists doing I D Theft,

Readings say they are also lying another psychic lived in the house I grew up in Sherman Oaks and they are lying she owned my house I owned, the one story on a knoll with a clay tile roof among laden Oaks where I became so psychic in 2005, and I bought the house with my money from my two story house I sold to buy a one story that I shopped for four years, and readings say their lying that was another psychics house when it was not, and they hack me cover up channeled crime tips I write and send the psychic the redone work that covers up crimes, and fed ex and drop it off and say read mine and do not listen to what Nancy Fox wrote online and lie God and Jesus are wrong when they are right and steal all the money and gifts sent for my work and lie its for their fake crime tips.

The Son of God Save Life Words Are For Holy Spirits Not Machinery

The reading says again a big angel board psychic crime tip job was sent to me in Feb 05 they the gang stalker devil’s stole, a ups sent to my name Nancy Fox to our two story house address and they stole it and conspired by text to steal it and to lie they could vote and assign my job sent to hire me for my psychic crime tip ability to someone else to do crime tips by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras when its not a mechanical job it was sent for my words I channel from Holy spirits not for inhuman lying dishonest sneaky swindling gang stalker theives to do crime tips by machinery technology the reading says it was sent for Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor for one person to sit channeling crime tip answers on a spirit board with my psychic medium ability and in Feb 05 it was spelled out by the Holy spirits on an Angel Board ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to save the human race” and word got out so a psychic job was sent for me that said to do private crime tips by Angel Board channeling for your in born psychic gift and they stole it as they see what’s being sent by spy cams bugging and hacking everyone’s emails and they lied they could vote by thumbs up symbols to lie it’s a job to do with machinery when it’s not and they lied my job they stole was theirs and say they assigned to people the mail they stole opened and read that was not theirs to read or have was for people suggested Nancy Fox MIGHT hire and they lied they got jobs when they did not as they stole the mail that suggested they MIGHT be hired by Nancy Fox, and readings say they lied they could vote in for CIA Northern CA and their counterpart who stole the psychic crime tip ups job and they conspired to lie it’s their job position to do crime tips by machinery when it’s for one person me to sit channeling crime tips alone from the Holy Spirits to sit quietly concentrated and alone undistracted in a medium channelung trance and they lied they could vote others in to do tips by machinery and lied people got jobs who were suggested for Nancy Fox to hire and then stole more angel board crime tip jobs sent ups and fed ex off our one story porch in 2005 June or July etc and lied they got Son of God crime tip jobs and lied they could say they were their jobs to do by machinery when the jobs are for the words from the Son of God Jesus Christ and God from the Holy spirits I started channeling on my angel board in 2005 quietly alone focused concentrated in a medium channeling trance as that’s what I did each night at ten pm for an a few hours and readings say channeling medium jobs were sent by the work I was doing my own readings, by my post I wrote about it on the Angel Board Alliance web site and they stole outright my psychic medium channeling jobs right off our porch and out of our mail box on a post that were generated by my post I wrote and blogged and stole the lists of names of people that were SUGGESTED I MIGHT hire IF I wanted to hire them and it said you might hire CIA Northern CA for $1,000.00 a week to be a bodygaurd if they want to relocate and you might hire people who worked with you when you were a Costume Designer and SUGGESTED names from movies I worked on Nancy G. Fox and it suggested people from Ulysses S. Grant High class of 1977 and it suggested mortgage brokers and realtors I did escrows with as I was a Real Estate agent from 1999 to 2009 and they stole the mail addressed to my name and address opened it read it and lied they got jobs because the mail they stole said so and they stole bank authority papers bank deposit slips that said For deposit ONLY in Nancy Fox Downey Savings checking account and they had it put in the savings opened in 05 because my mom went on my house loan with me with her assets only and we opened a joint savings in 05 that only my money went into from my two story house that I bought a one story house with and my mom and I opened a savings account at Downey Savings because she went on my Countrywide loan and that account was Denise S. Fox and Nancy Fox savings with only my money in it, and readings say they put money in it and lied this is money for a job they got and it said Nancy Gail Fox and family 20 percent goes to her daughters as always and we never got this money, and it said Nancy Fox you need your owned money because you are being sent many Son of God crime tip jobs and they lied The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family money was Denise S. Fox Family Trust Fund account money sent for a big Son of God crime tip job they got to do crime tips by machinery when it’s not their job or money and they had it put in the savings account of Denise S. Fox and Nancy Fox and transferred it to another bank account and lied the Nancy Fox Downey family money of mine and my two daughters was their money for a Son of God crime tip job they got by papers they stole that SUGGESTED NANCY FOX MIGHT hire them and pay them one thousand a week from my money sent to Downey for deposit only in Nancy Fox checking account and they lied the Nancy Fox money was Denise S. Fox Family Trust Fund Account money and lied the Denise and Nancy Fox joint account was a Denise S. Fox Family Trust Fund account when it was not. It was a joint savings that only my money went into my equity from my two story house I sold and my real estate commissions and my mom did not have a Family Trust she had a Living Trust which means her money was her money when she was living and when she died her money in her accounts became family inheritance money of the Three Heirs, and my readings say they laundered it out by lying with fraud stolen papers and stole mail that said Nancy Fox should open a payroll company and pay people she DECIDES to hire $1,000.00 a week from her owned money for working for her on her Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County, so the gang stalkers swarmed around frantically stealing money and mail and texting thumbs up symbols and broke the mail box on a post in front of our one story house two times broke in my SUV stole property stole our cats gang stalked the street and mail box on a post swarming around and stole my mom’s diamond rings from her house in Sherman Oaks because they stole my letters fall 07 that said Denise S. Fox should give Nancy Gail Fox our Lordess on Earth Son of God channeling medium her grandma’s big diamond ring to wear while she’s doing her big Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission in Los Angeles County on her angel board and they lied they got Lordess on earth jobs and stole 89 pieces of jewelry from my mother my readings have said and wear the rings braclets etc and bring folders with machinery tips around and lie they got and then in 2010 started stealing my resume’ gifts that says Nancy Gail Fox Son Of God Lordess On Earth Medium For God and Jesus Christ and The Virgin Mary and it says I can speak for them at Church Ceremony’s and I wrote this resume’ May 2010 and have emailed it and posted it since then and readings say they steal clothing gifts sent for me to speak in for almost 14 years and Lordess on earth thank you Prophet gifts and steal every cent of my postal money sent for my Medium For God channel Prophet writing I write and report since 2009 to stop sex slavery intrernationally and to stop human sex trafficking and hack and rob my PayPal since 2013 April and send my PayPal they rob by hacking to CIA Northern CAs email address and to their counterpart who stole the Son of God ups fedexes in 05 and to a mortgage broker who lied she got a Lordess on earth job and ups fed exed Lordess on earth gifts are sent to her and Son of God gifts are sent to CIA Northern CA and their counterparts truck loads of gifts are looted since 09 and they send out stolen paypal and a bank card photo is attached and they tell people by text and messenger put half the paypal sent in the bank of Denise S. Fox and lie that’s the Denise S. Fox Family Trust Fund Account they are running and lie that’s where the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family money is supposed to go, some game like this, and again my mom did not have a Family Trust and sadly she died 7-5-2021 and only her money that’s inheritance money would be in accounts with her name Denise S. Fox. Readings say they run around in stolen Lordess on Earth clothes diamonds of my mom’s they stole and deposit stolen money they robbed from mail ups fed ex Paypal and say we are runnin this family trust fund account that they combined papers they took in 05 that they voted on by thumbs up symbols and lie Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family money goes in bank accounts of Denise S. Fox

It Should Be An “Emergency Broadcast Warning”

Rapist women are piped in their Keys Toyota cars lying 5,000 women amomg  girls youths want a hot sex time when they DO NOT! They are setting up RAPES by lies they tell to men online when the females would NOT HAVE ANY SEX AT ALL With No One At all! unless they are married in love have a boyfriend and they are lying they would be with anyone when they would be with NO ONE and that is RAPE they set up with their liar rapist mouths who say the opposite of the truth reverse the truth and they have on underwear on no pubic hair and readings say there are 5 in 8 cars sitting with their legs spread out doing each other’s vaginas filming short porns on their cells and they stare at kiddy porn on the car dash board screen and they are drinking alcohol parked in the new cars and shot up meth heroin and are sending lies about 5,000 females and they are lying a really hot one you men can all be with at the hotel we reserved to do that to them this is the plump Dept of Health Welfare County Worker named Marlene it’s been Mary Lee Lou Lou or just plain ol Marilyn ya all I say to the Southern States North Carolina where our suburb good two shoe girls who do eat out films were sent to do that to them there and they do not know they are girls teens mostly and young adults from the AAs at Visions Thousand Oaks in our land of good ol Cal if orn I a who we send the Medium For Bill W’s gifts to and questions lengthy letters we take from mail since 09 that are Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the Medium For Bill Wilson the Medium For God sent since 09 as Bill Wilson is in her Prophet stationary and we lie she’s not a real medium for 1,000 as her I am a medium resume’ says and we lie our full moon wicca little gal does the Medium For God work when she does not and is not a medium and did not write a word of it and we tell that lie to take the Prophet pay and gifts mail ups fed exes Paypal cash app venmo sent for Nancy Foxs work and none of it is theirs and they pretend it’s for their fake crime tips fed exed in folders that cover up they are rapists serial killers human torture addicts human traffickers child molester meth heroin junky drunks gang stalkers mass murdering the population and say they send AA people stolen property since 09 sent for Bill Wilson’s medium and they are lying to those 5 men from the Thousand Oaks meeting about 5,000 females to rape and kill them and telling them pass it on to millions of men lie they can have at it in a hotel room we arranged by me Marilee the plump county worker from the POD storage unit office on Lurline Dr and she’s far from there on the other side of The San Fernando Valley and she says she’s with Kimmy Nelson who lied she got a Stop Traffick Secret White House staff job when they stole the White House Medium job in 2010 summer or fall that says Nancy Fox The Medium For The Passed On White House Presidents and she says she’s a size 15 not really a plump 29 maybe so maybe not a Large Big Lady size from Nordstroms Lane Bryant and her counterpart is 500 pounds one may have very short dark hair a man’s hair cut and no make up and these fat pedophile rapist child molester criminals molest babys toddlers kids naked with their fat rear ends in the camera shot for the kiddy porn snuff film business they work for and lie they do really fun films and say their plump lady job is to press on baby’s clitoruses with their fists in front of mom’s they eat out by a pack of them strapped in gyno chairs to punish mom’s for looking sexy for having a cumming time is what the fakes say who lie they got Son of God jobs by stolen mail and they say if a mom cums just once they think that means they got a sex problem and should be punished and to tie them off shoot them up and make it hurts where it counts for doing that even one time says CIA Northern CA who’s in this with the six foot eight antichrist serial killer since age 9 and brain washed many to think an orgasm is bad as a game for his cult to get him people to sex torture and murder them and they are the antichrist cult full of hatred for sexy looking mom’s and moms they see orgasm in peeping tom voyeuristic criminal illegal spy cams and they say the AA people from T O and in that valley sent their grown kids to North Carolina and their peers and they sex torture and kill people there and drive around with no underwear on on meth heroin drunk the same as the suburb serial killers who have taken freeway buses at 5 am to murder people for years and got local work apartments buildings bought with stolen money by the same woman who buys them clothes at Nordstroms with stolen money and cars as they rob money by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and they are parked all over trying to get more people to sex torture and murder people my reading says someone needs to get them for DUIs drunk driving for sitting parked drinking alcohol for indecent exposure sex offender crimes for not having underwear on for having lesbian orgy’s in the cars for meth heroin they shot up for needle marks in the bottom of their feet and back of their necks for bungy cords twine dog muzzles they restrain people with for pad locks raxir bkades murder tools in their trunks for DNA in their mouths and under their finger nails of people they murdered in homicide hate crime serial killer crimes as serial killers kill a certain type of person and they kill sexy mom’s and all their kids of all ages and they need to be checked so they will be death row where they belong so they cannot murder anyone else as dangerous criminals are not allowed in society and it should be proven and on T V and disclosed to the public as an Emergency Broadcast warning murderers are parked in packs in cars all over America  do not open your door or go to a park or mall or anywhere stay inside until they are caught the same way people stay in when there is a flood or hurricane

medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

Stop The Devil

My readings say a mortgage broker woman is paying women and kids to lie with stolen paypal of mine hackers she pays robbed money to who send it to her email and she’s depositing more stolen money in ATMs for 50 liars to get to lie at The Thousand Oaks mall with her liar fraud fake stories in folders and does this paying of robbed money all over in many towns everyday for years and she’s lying to the AA Visions Meeting on Moorpark Road by the Thousand Oaks shipping mall today my readings says and says she’s going to wear the size 10 shoes she took that are sent for Nancy Gail Fox to do Prophet speaking in and she might get blue contacts to cover up her green eyes and is wearing high platforms and longer pants so no one knows she’s around 5 feet tall and is wearing a bustier bra with pads to cover up she’s a 32 A bra size and even hyphenated her last name with Fox and does I D theft and readings say in 05 to early 06 she saw in her Private Mortgage Broker office a brinks truck list that said for Nancy Fox checking deposit ONLY with a note that said you need your owned money because you are being sent many psychic crime tip jobs so she stole the crime tip jobs and instructions that said for Nancy Gail Fox you should buy many mansions and have people fed ex your angel board psychic crime tip answers for you in properties you should buy with your money and your real estate know how and we suggest you delegate to realtors to do the escrows on the homes you choose to buy as you will be too busy doing your angel board work and she stole it from a UPS Store and still does steal this mail everyday for years and from in front of a building by security camera lurking in those years and lied to banks brinks truck money sent was for a big job she got to do packages files fed exing and to over see money sent for The Son of God family and lied it was 80 persons who were suggested to be hired in mail she stole and had the money put in the wrong account and lied it was a Family Trust Fund account she was runnin and sat in her car in the bank parking lot and transfered it out on her cell and went on a diet in spring 06 lost about 45 pounders straightened her long dark curly hair cut and highlighted it to do I D theft and has not stopped stealing and lying says God and Jesus who say she was caught by a real sting operation in 07 08 09 and ordered to many prisons

Edit”My readings say a mortgage broker woman is paying women and kids to lie with stolen paypal of mine hackers she pays robbed money to who send it to her email and she’s depositing more stolen money in ATMs for 50 liars to get to lie at The Thousand Oaks mall with her liar fraud fake stories in folders and does this paying of robbed money all over in many towns everyday for years and she’s lying to the AA Visions Meeting on Moorpark Road by the Thousand Oaks shipping mall today my readings says and says she’s going to wear the size 10 shoes she took that are sent for Nancy Gail Fox to do Prophet speaking in and she might get blue contacts to cover up her green eyes and is wearing high platforms and longer pants so no one knows she’s around 5 feet tall and is wearing a bustier bra with pads to cover up she’s a 32 A bra size and even hyphenated her last name with Fox and does I D theft and readings say in 05 to early 06 she saw in her Private Mortgage Broker office a brinks truck list that said for Nancy Fox checking deposit ONLY with a note that said you need your owned money because you are being sent many psychic crime tip jobs so she stole the crime tip jobs and instructions that said for Nancy Gail Fox you should buy many mansions and have people fed ex your angel board psychic crime tip answers for you in properties you should buy with your money and your real estate know how and we suggest you delegate to realtors to do the escrows on the homes you choose to buy as you will be too busy doing your angel board work and she stole it from a UPS Store and still does steal this mail everyday for years and from in front of a building by security camera lurking in those years and lied to banks brinks truck money sent was for a big job she got to do packages files fed exing and to over see money sent for The Son of God family and lied it was 80 persons who were suggested to be hired in mail she stole and had the money put in the wrong account and lied it was a Family Trust Fund account she was runnin and sat in her car in the bank parking lot and transfered it out on her cell and went on a diet in spring 06 lost about 45 pounders straightened her long dark curly hair cut and highlighted it to do I D theft and has not stopped stealing and lying says God and Jesus who say she was caught by a real sting operation in 07 08 09 and ordered to many prisons”

They Are Killing More Babys Says God and Jesus

Stop CPS Child Traffick Tips To Stop Pedos by my medium channeling Prophetic Reading

They are killing more baby’s and kids right now in their 49 apartment buildings they bought on 5 streets close together in many areas of America they use the same system

The pedo girls are 15 and 23 and 29 30 31 to 33 and 35 and in their 50s and 70s

They have 9 baby’s they took by CPS DCFS papers mom’s they framed and they also full then out on the spot if the mom’s are sexy looking with a good figure

They say they hate sexy mom’s and sex torture and murder them and all their baby’s and kids with hatred to get rid of them

There are 49 to 89 child molestor females in each group

They are telling at 9 baby’s they are sex torturing in a naked pack drunk of meth and they are saying lay down lay down you stinken dam brats we strapped you down with plastic shipping straps 5 of us pick up at the greyhound bus and bungy cords bound your feet and dog muzzles we placed over your tight lips and oad locked with pad locks we bought in drug stores where we lie we do stop sex slavery tips we hack under the drug stores and rob stop traffick crime tip money and change crime tips and cover up the crimes we commit our names ages places where we do kids porn snuff films and do it in gyno chairs child pelvic exam stands next to our hacker room under the drug store and markets where we go down stairs with baby’s wrapped in blankets and lie we take baby’s and kids to save them and take them to molest and murder them and many are parked in new automobiles with no underwear or pubic hair drinking in nurse kidnapper outfits stalking saying they are county workers covering people for well being and lie they do sex therapy in their local work apartments in rooms under drug stores and markers and in 9 houses around Parks and say they sit parked watching the molestion murders on cells by spy cams and cell videos live and are addicted to seeing baby’s yelp and say swat teams won’t surround them with guns

How To Catch The Kiddy Porn Pedos

1.) Bungy Cords at Big Five Sporting Good Stores. They bungy cord childrens ankles together

2) Pinking Sheers At Joann Fabrics. They Cut Off Clitoruses With This is Illegal FGM

3.) Pad Locks they buy at drug stores, They pad lock white dog muzzles on victims they sex torture

4.) They buy White Dog Muzzles and other colors at Pet Stores

5) Plastic Shipping Straps They pick up at the Greyhound Bus Depots.

6) Razors they buy in markets and many stores, five pedo girls at a time buy 5 packs of razors or one with a single blade.

7) Ked shoes they buy at Ked Stores

8) New cars they get on auto rows, that have no liscense plate and a paper tag in the window.

9) They have their photo laminited and wear this around their necks.

10) They carry clip boards

11) They wear many types of Nurse Costumes.

12) They have local computer techy work apartments they sex torture people in and they should be sniffed out and people they muderered are in their apartment dumpsters.

13) They have victims in duffle bags in their apartments.

14) 9 sit parked in the new cars with no underwear on and scrub gowns they have children do oral sex to them under them in the back seat and video it on cells.

15) They sex torture kids and do kiddy porn in the back of suburbans in 9 houses around parks, and in other types of cars trucks vans parked.

16) They drink alcohol in the cars and have open alcohol bottles.

17) They shoot up meth heroin and do cocaine on the car dashbords and say they sniff toot and are drunk as skunks flashing their hairless vaginas on cells, telling men they can cop a feel

18) They have ipads, and say they are on doodle pads a doodiing away logging notes and hack and rob paypal on ipads.

19) The nurse uniforms are many styles bought at Uniform store that may be fed exed to their apartments.

20) There are 5 girls in an apartment in 5 buildings on a street times 8 or 9 streets in one area, and they lie they save children in their apartments and sex torture and murder them to get shoot up with meth and heroin, and they are in meth euphoria with a one mind tract vagina mind, its all they think of and do oral sex to each other in cars parked.

21) There are 49 to 89 of them in on area times 4 areas of The San Fernando Valley, California, Los Angeles County and in surrounding areas there are the same number of them and there are 89 times 2 areas in 10 States Nevada Arizona, Utah, North Carolina, Tenn, Ohio Colo, South Dakota, NYC.

22) They are 18 and 23, 29, 31 mostly and 33 to 35 approximately and 9 moms who are child molestor junky sex addicts are in each group.

23) They say they are County Worker assistants helping people, they lie they are covering to help people and even wear Candy Striper dresses and act like they are doing charithy work so no one suspects them, they say they are coot kids from the suburbs so wholesome and nice, and fool people, and murder victims under everyones noses.

Follow the tips, find them, match up the places named to see its them, search them for underwear pubic hair, do a breathalizer on their mouth to see they drive drunk, check for needle junky marks on necks, bottom of their feet, and they can be caught finally then 200 child molestor serial killers could be caught in the San Fernando Valley, by catching one, and then they can be caught all over California and in the other 9 States they murder in by the worst sex toturing says God and Jesus says they are in beige cars sedans tinted windows today parked literally yelling out windows saying they are all a screamin at the top of their mere quint little ol me lungs, they are lying they do save life work and are the real hated killers so hated by Jesus and by God who says someone just search them for underwear