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My Prophecy Save The Human Race Reading Information

When I was a child I started having premonition dreams of things before they happened, and I channeled on a spirit board I got for my Birthday. Jobs were sent when my psychic gift arrived that were stolen from the mail and money sent to me at the same time, that said 20% can be spent to protect the psychic Son of God and or 20% can be borrowed from her owned money. The stolen letters said wherever the Son of God Nancy Gail Foxs psychic jobs are sent so is her money. Many stole it when I was around 10 years old, they were 18 year olds who conspired to steal my big Son of God save life on earth mission psychic job when it was sent that they knew about by stealing my mail, and another got into it in 1978 who was 18 and they heard the big Son of God job came with alot or perks, money, mansions etc. and plotted to rob the important Son of God position in 1970 and in 1978 and stole a childs money and steal it my whole life, and stole mail that said the money is for Nancy Gail Fox and her future family, children to great grandchildren, not past the 5th generation, and it said 20% would be theirs each time its sent when they are born in the future, and the ones stealing the mail and othera lied that was their 20% as the men running sex slavery sends it to people by whole life, and says here is your Son of God money and sends the 20% all over town, all over the Country and gives away the 20% that said for Nancy Foxs future family, and the ones from 1970 and 1978 lie thats their Son of God money, and lie they got the Son of God important job position by the man assigning it to them top secret, and he lies hes doing a Son of God job by stolen mail, that said secret service type men body gaurds should be paid to protect the Son of God psychic Nancy Gail Fox, and he lies hes doing the Son of God secret service job, and they say they are doing the Son of God secretly when its for me to have my owned money and hire people I choose to hire and pay from my money, and he gets the money from bank vaults and sends it all over, and says the Son of God job money has arrived, and steals my Son of God psychic jobs from mail, and lies they are jobs for the City, and lies he can assign out jobs and money, and does it for over 60 years plus, and takes the stolen Son of God jobs to City Halls, and lies ” A big Son of God job sent for the City! I can assign out many jobs!” etc. when its not his jobs or money and he does I D Theft with many others for many years, and in 1978 got another into it when she was 18 and lied he could assign her the big Son of God important job position, and conspired with her who he takes Son of God mail to for years and the others from 1970 who lied they could vote on the Son of God jobs by stolen mail that said in around 1970 give Nancy Fox her Son of God spiritual geru jobs when she is mature enough and ready to do the save life one earth work, and in 1970 they conspired to lie shes not ready when I was ready at 10, 11 years old as I had psychic premonition dreams then, and channeled on my spirit board I got for a Birthday gift, and I was a mature child, easy going, a poet, a deep thinker, quiet, and totally ready, and they lied shes not ready to steal my jobs and money to lie they could do the important Son of God job position and stole mail that said in the future Nancy Gail Fox will do her big Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission with her future family, children when shes around 50 years old or in her 40’s she will do the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family spiritual geru mission, and many plotted to steal the jobs when they were sent for Nancy Fox and family in 2005 and since then, that are for Nancy Fox and children,daughters, and it said Nancy Fox may hire people and pay them from her owned money to be a Son of God assistant, and they lied to some of the people suggested to be hired by Nancy Fox that they could to the Son of God job instead by the plotting and planning they did in 1970 and 1978 to steal the important Son of God job, and stole mail that said perhaps if there are too many psychic spiritual geru questions for Nancy Fox she may vote with her daughters, and assign out jobs to each other, and they lied they could vote themselves in for the Son of God job by mail that said Nancy Gail Fox and her family could vote, and family means children, not theives who steal the mail. They conspired again with many in the 1970’s to steal the Son of God jobs with others who were in Middle School and High School then, and told them they could do the big Son of God important job instead by everyone voting them in, and by lying Nancy Fox is not ready for this big important job when its my job and none of their business to be in, all by stolen mail, and by sneaking around and telling people someday when the big Son of God important job is sent we can pay you a whole lot of money to work with us, and the job comes with alot or perks and mansions, a life of luxury so say Nancy Gail Fox is not right for the job and that we are better suited to do that work, and they got more in it in 1992 when I had a wedding cermony vow renewal, they called people from the wedding and told them they could to the big important Son of God job instead and hire them when its sent if they vote them in, and they got many to steal my Son of God save life on earth mail from wherever I have lived, and put spy cams on porches, and steal it outright for many years, including the one from 1978 who started in at 18 years old, by them from 1970 who robbed a child, who planned to keep stealing everything, and plotted to do I D theft, and wrote fraud slanderous reports in 1970 and lied shes not the type for this big spiritual geru psychic job because shes wearing a flower power backless top, and I was 10 or 11 years old playing guitar Neil Young songs being an earthy person, a poet, an easy going calm kid, and doing my spirit channeling as said in 1970, and was totally ready then with my psychic gift, in tune with the world and they play this game my whole life my reading says, they steal my mail and lie shes not mature enough or ready when I have been ready my whole life, and felt more mature then others when I was a kid, and they are the ones who are immature, phoney, and dishonest, and greedy to steal what is somebody elses, and have come to be known as the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy. In the 1980’s while I sat sober in AA for years feeling spiritual having clairvoyant dreams, studying and reading spiritual books, and doing my own readings etc. the one from 1978 stole my big Son of God psychic jobs from mail, and files liens at post offices, and says she takes the Son of God mail with others from 1970 who voted her in to do the big large important Son of God job instead, they lied they could assign her the Son of God job position, and she writes slanderous letters and fraud reports, and lies Nancy Fox is not ready for the jobs and says anything to make me look bad and lies about me for many years, and does fraud slanderous reports and did while I was sitting there feeling to spiritual and advancing my psychic ability in the 1980s as I got sober in AA in 1985 and live a spiritual 12 step life since then and I am an over honest person and shes a lying theif so are the others from 1970, and in the 1980’s I was doing my own psychic readings with the ruins, iching, and tarot cards, I read The Prophet, The Right Use of Gods Will. Listening To Your Innter Self, I read many metaphysical psychic spiritual books in my spare time, that is what I did alone, I read Life After Life when I was 21 and Talking To Heaven, and in 1978, 1979 I started reading Astrology Books and Universal Cosmic Mind Power about peoples thoughts being connected like universal esp, so I worked at advancing my psychic ability my whole life, as I channeled by listening to birds laying in bed as a kid, and am one who feels in tune with the world, and always in tune with the world, and she stole my jobs in around 1988, 1989 and they steal them from wherever I live by a spy cam on the porch, and the sex slavery men put them in the water and power hole by the curbs, and have an I D Theft crook go and steal from them from wherever I have lived, as he did not want me reporting how to save life on earth so he lied to them in 1970 and before then, and in 1978 and lied he could assign them jobs by stealing my Son of God psychic jobs and by bringing them to them, and steals from from planes, air mail , mail loading docks etc. and by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras with all his gang stalkers for years, they hear of them being sent from all over the world, and rip them off when they arrive, and take them from post offices by her liar Son of God Family mail liens, and he told them they were doing his life mission, and thats to take women underground who would infect the population, and told the nieve gullible thieves they could get him people to take underground, and say they do the Son of God mission top secret, and murder people for the son of Satan antichrist, by falling for his nonsense and lies, he told them the world will topple over if there are too many people, and he said if a mom is passionate that means shes a floosy, and one who would infect the population, and that moms who orgasm should have their clitorus removed, and that they could trap people for him and get them taken underground, and say they are doing the Son of God save life on earth mission top secret, and they fell for what he said that if a mom has passion and orgasms it means shes a very bad person, and they frame mothers, and lie they need to take them and their children to underground shelters, and do this since 1978, and came up with their trapping system, to rob people, lie about them, brain wash everyone around them, and to do fraud framing reports, to take them underground by hand cuffs by fraud and framing reports, by forcing medical attention the people do not want or need, by lying they are taking a mom and their kids to a shelter underground, all a trick by the devil for human sex slavery, and they make fraud reports by the one from 1978 who will lie there is domestic violence in a home when there is not, and she lies the moms are home maker bums with troubles in the house, and lies they need to go to a shelter underground, and tells any lie to get people taken away. They search divorce records, legal seperation records, birth records, medical records, and choose who to target, who to set up to get them taken away and she and they spy on people haing sex in spy cams, and listen to them in bugging, and they say if they have orgasms and are passionate in love making or even just passionate dancing, and singing etc. she lies that means they have a sex problem, she lies if they orgasm it means they are a very bad person, as she and the others fell for the devils lie and trick as he brain washed them into thinking that an orgasm is lustful pent up air, and if a mom does that is means shes a whore they need to take underground to cut their clitorus off to save life on earth, that they will infect the population, and the human rae will die etc. and gave them and many others a Little Brown Book of By Laws that says a mom who orgasms has a sex problem when reports from gynocologists, studies, and research say women are supposed to have orgasms, they are good for health and longevity, and release endorphynes in a womans body, and reports explain 10 types of orgasms etc. and he brain washed a cult into thinking orgasms are bad, and to think women who have them are very bad persons, when the inhumans in his cult are the very bad ones, as they stare at people making love in a spy cam, and the one from 1978 tells kids these moms are bad for cumming, and says see the mom laying on her back cumming, that means shes got a sex problem, yuckity yuck she texts kids, and one from 1970 sends spy cam peeping tom exploatation all over towns and bugging of the sound of love making couples have in private and says get a load of this, look at this bad mom doin it in the dam daylight on her stinken dam back, and they say here is pay , you can work with us, keep an eye on the people named on lists, we say they are very bad persons by how they look in spy cam shots doin it. The one from 1978 charts body parts from her in the nude spy cams, and writes down what tye of breasts and buttocks they have, pubic hair, and they decide if they have the body type, if they are ones to set up. In 2005 she stole psychic crime tip angel board jobs sent by UPS for Nancy Fox, for your in born psychic gift, to do private psychic crime tips.

In 2005 July she stole my ups fed exed angel board crime tip jobs off our porch at 9 am and framed me in reports with fraud slanderous nots and says she’s the Evaluator for CPS DCFS and decides by how Mom’s behave if they should be set up and lied about me to do I D theft as she planned in 1978 and lied she bought her house without thinking lied it cost too much lied I bought a new living room set when I did not lied I was not working hard enough to own a one million dollar house like that when I owned it bought it qualified to buy it with my income my down payment my fico score and my bills and mortgage were about the same as the house I sold and could easily afford a three thousand a month mortgage payment with my realtor income and she lied she’s not working enough she’s not calling out when I was texting dressed up at the house showing my listings and buyers properties many times a day a busy real estate lady who worked with the right amount of buyers and sellers at a time as I was a single mother and she lied she’s not worried about money by misinterpreting AA sayings. ” I am not going to worry about money I know God will provide I turn it over to God” i said all the time. She set me up with the one from 1970 to the CPS secret court in fall 08 and readings say they were caught and told go to your County Jail you did not pay ordered slandered fees and they conspired again as always they do since 1978 as very bad persons and to the one from 1970 said ” let’s not pay say we did keep lying instead set her up to DCFS as planned” and set me in spring 09 to DCFS by lies that were dismissed and say they did it to take her big important Son of God and always planned to do her in.

Prophecy Reading Information continued

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

In Feb 2005 a crime tip job sent by ups was taken to the 1978 woman by the man who lied he could assign her to job that said, for Nancy Fox to do private crime tips on a game board, as she was told she was put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race in a spirit board channeling reading, this is for your in born psychic gift to save the human race.Then Feb 27th, 2005 when I had a 20 year sober AA party her and the one from 1970 text people, and said vote us in for the crime tip job, vote YES all agreed with a thumbs up that we are better suited to do this crime tip work by spy cam high technology equipment with the men underground instead of Nancy Fox doing word spellings on a dumb stupid game board, and write really bad report about her, and send it to the banks, so we can take her money sent and say its for a crime tip job we got, as money is sent each time a psychic job is sent to Nancy Fox and notes on the money said the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Family money has arrived, 20% goes to her family her two daughters as always since their birth, and they never recieved this money neither did I, and readings say it says this every time, and the ones from 1970 and others lie that 20 % is for them for the Son of God jobs they have been assigned, as the sex slavery man sends them the 20% each time money is sent for Nancy Fox, nand he lies thats Son of God money for a job for the City when its not, and they lied others could say they got Son of God jobs, and they wrote slanderous letters to banks, where I was often dressed in a suit and pearls as a busy realtor, and my realtor business was based on how honest and ethical and nice I am, and readings say they lied about me to banks, and may have called me Nancy Taylor possibly which was never a name I went by, I had gone by Fox-Taylor, but many knew me as Nancy Fox, readings say the day of my 20 year sober AA party on Feb 27th 2005 when I wore a spiritual geru Free People Sweater, and had done carpet paint tile to sell the house they started lying to people and lied shes got such huge problems spending so much money too quick to do carpet paint tile to the house, and wore a hot outfit to have a hot time backyard shing ding, here is pay to keep an eye on her, and slandered me to hundreds that day when here I was a realtor in that area with an all referral business, I started selling homes in that area in 1999, and we had lived there since 1997, and I did carpet paint tile to sell the house and listed it right after the 20 year sober AA party where I celebrated my spiritual life, 2 decades of being sober and living a 12 step program life, and readings say they slandered me all over town, and text with people, and said lets set that mom up to cps and dcfs, shes wearing hip hugger jeans and a cropped sweater, and did sparkly caprpet tacky gaudy tilework when it was tastefully done, I had off white glazed expsensive Italian tile put in the kitchen, and I had off white paint and smooth ceilings done downstairs, and new nuetral carpet put in that had light flecks in it, and I planned to do this work in 2004, refinanced the house to take 20 thousand out, I decided that was my budget to do paint tile and carpet to get the house ready to list and sell, and with the all the hard work I did normal people would have said your house looks great, you lost weight you look great, as I started dieting in 2004, and got back to my normal size 2 or 4 and was a 6 at the 20 year party probably I had lost about 25 pounds then all planned by a diet I went on in 2004 Dec. and everything was planned, and budgeted for by lists, and a calculator to get the house ready to sell, and readings say they lied she did all that without thinking she spent too much shes got big problems when everything I did was positive, and they text with many and said we want to set this mom up to our CPS Secret Court and to DCFS for being like that, for looking so good so fast and for doing the house so quick, they said that to them is a bad parent and bad person, when to me thats a good parent, and good person, thats a nice parent to do carpet and paint that children love to have in their family home, and thats a good homeowner and normal for a home owner to do to their house. They text and said they were setting up to their CPS Secret Court for that? because a nice mom did carpet paint tile to the family home, lost weight and bought a Free People sweater, and designer jeans that were just below my waist, and they plotted to set up a nice mom when I celebrated 20 years of sobriety on Feb 27th 2005 and text people and said give me a YES in caps and a thumbs up symbol YES set the mom up for being like that? for being ambitous and productive? and they said they all agreed to frame an over nice mother that day to take the big Son of God crime tip jobs away, to lie they are for them when they are not at all, and they set me up to do I D Theft, and started slandering me an over honest ethical real estate lady to ruin my real estate business and plotted to rob that out from under me too, and stole 7 real estate calls from my cell phone to ruin my income, and did this by bugging my cell starting in 2006 or 2007? and intercepted my real estate calls, and lied Nancy Fox has such problems, when they are the problems, and stole $5,000.00 at a time of my real estate commision money I earned selliing homes, and stole 5 grand at a time totaling 70 thousand the readings have said, and framed me in reports, and the one from 1978 says shes the DCFS finance evaluator, and she lied to banks to steal my big important Son of God psychic crime tip jobs and my money that she planned to rip off in 1978 and says she always planned to take her big Son of God job when it was sent, and they always knew they would do this, and she takes people underground for many years for the antichrist sex slavery man who brings her Son of God mail and lies he can assign her the Son of God jobs top secret, and she says she does not care what happens to the people they take away she hates them so much, she does not care what happens to their babys and kids, she says they pick them out by first her Financial Evaluator Reports done top secret that courrier services take to banks that say the Son of God Finance Evaluators Report for DCFS CPS, with the background investigator reports from those who got in on this inthe 1970’s, for the Secret Service in home investigator etc. and she lies people have problems with money who do not, and she sets them up, and lies they need CPS DCFS case files, and lies they need to get control of their money and mail, and lies they are bad persons when shes the bad person slandering and stealing from people , ruining many happy home lives, and in Feb 05 she stole a UPS spirit board crime tip job, then had many vote with the one from 1970 and they lied people could vote them in to do the crime tips by the high tehnology equipment instead of Nancy Foxs stupid game board word spellings, and said they always planned it for ages to take the big jobs and money sent, and stole letters that said Perhaps Miss Nancy Gail Fox and her two daughters can vote on their Son of God family jobs, and assign each other questions,and it said 20 % of the Nancy Gail Fox money is theirs as always, and none of us ever received this money my readings explained, and the ones from 1979 and 1978 lied thats thieir Son of God money when its not,and lied its money for a job they got, and many voted by thumbs up YES set the mom Nancy Fox up, and the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker woman voted with many others to set up a nice mom who did nothing wrong, whos over nice and not child endangering, and they told many write a really bad report to the banks about Nancy Fox just make anything up, she just had a party a hot backyard shing ding wore a cropped sweater and low jeans, and was all done up so just say that, and she spent too much too fast on carpet paint tile, and we say that means she did it without thinking and has huge problems, etc. and told them to lie in reports to banks, and lied they could take that Nancy Fox money sent for her and her kids by setting the nice mom up first our CPS Secret Court then to DCFS by our false analagys we do on moms we hate, we hate moms who spend alot on clothes, and furnishings, and who do things so fast and lie they do it without thinking, to make them look really bad, so say she spent too dam stinken much and should not have done all that so stinken fast we say thats a mom with spending problems, who should be shot for being like that, so write a really bad report and we will send pay, and keep an eye on her for us as we say shes got such huge stinken problems for doing all that so stinken fast, and for decorating with gold paint in the entry, shiny guady tile in the kitchen, sparkly carpet, for a party where she served spagetti etc. Thats how they described a nice daytime AA party from 2 pm to 5 pm on Feb 27th 2005 where I had Marias Kitchen pasta and chopped salad,and I rented party tables and table cloths, and wore a Nordstroms outfit, and did classy looking nuetral upgrades to sell the house, and readings say they described everything wrong on purpose to banks. Then stole my angel board jobs from the one story I bought, the woman from 1978 stole ups fed exes at 9 am, an made false reports, and lied the house cost too much when it did not, and lied she spent too much too dfast without thinking to set me up to do I D Theft to rob my mail and money as they always do since 1970 and before and since 1978, and they lied shes a bad person for doing that so fast, and for spending too much, and say moms like that make them sick to their stomach, the ones who shop fast to decorate, and she says shes the Evaluator to see if a mom should be a CPS DCFS case file and sat stealing 7 or my realtor calls a day from my cell plotting to steal my realtor business out from under me, both from 1970 and 1978 said they will run that buisness by running them out, setting her to first to their CPS Secret hearing court meetings, then to DCFS by all calling and lying, and readings say they stole real estate instructions from ups fed exes off the porch that the one from 1978 took, and lied the instructions for a psychic crime tip angel board channeling job was a big real estate job when they were not real estate jobs at all.She stole it all off the porch, and framed me in fraud reports, and says shes an Evaluator, she evaluates finances, and lied I bought a new living room set and spent too much, when it was from our other house, and readings say she lied to people when I had a house warming party with real estate customer in fall 2005, she told the same lies to them that she told in Feb 05 the day of my 20 year sober AA party, she lied Nancy should not have bought this house it cost too much, she spent too much decorating, and has such problems, and made me look bad to real estate customers I sold homes to, and for, and did false reports about my spending as she stole my money from banks by bank slips she stole,by banking authority papers she stole, and set me up to banks and lied I should not have banking privleges, an on over honest hard working realtor single mom who has no spending problems I am one who budgets well, and who made a great living working hard, and I planned to sell my two story house in 2001, and I updated for years, I refied it in 04 to take 20 grand out to finish updating it to list it and sell it, and I decided 20 grand was my budget, and I decided what price range square footage I was looking for when I bought a new house in summer 2005, I planned it all out very throughly and efficently as a realtor selliing my own house, as a proffesional expert in buying and selling homes, and I bought a one story with my real estate income for about 1 mil and bought it with my equity from my two story, and the payment was $3,000.00 and a second of $100.00 that I could easily afford as I made 150 K gross income, and my readings say she outriht lied the house costtoo much, and lied she did that without thinking to set me up to banks to rob me blind planned in 1978 as shes a very bad person.

Welcome back Medium For God | 


DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Girls and Women Wearing A Mask of Kindness and A Nurse Outfit Disguise To Kidnap People

Prophecy | Jun 22 2024 04:3419

Sex Torturing Murders Are Being Done Secretly. The Victims Are Taken Through The Government System By Trickery DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK!!!

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Still Sex Torturing and Murdering Alot Of People

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Say They Are Medical Research Observation Units

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Banning Cell Phones From Childrens Cells At Schools Could Stop Peeping Tom ExploitationFrom Being Sent To Children

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKING UPDATE Baby’s And Children Are In Chicken Coupes

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Stop The CPS Secret Court From Robbing Alot of Nice Familys Money

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK UPDATE! Kiddy Porn Buses Bring The Baby Kiddy Porn Cast

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Civillians Are Being Harmed In America The Way Soldiers Were In Wars By Chemical Warfare

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The Awful DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Killing Life On Earth And Contaminating Businesses

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An Angel Is Flying Around The World To Stop Human Sex Trafficking

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The DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Fooling The City Murdering Many Right Under Everybodys Noses

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The DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Buying Houses With Attics

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BOY KIDDY PORN Children and Teenagers Are Being Turned Into Child Molesters

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Prophecy | Jun 03 2024 11:1166

The Dead Child Traffickers Are Lying To Universitys, Markets, Restaurants To Slip Mickeys And Kidnap People

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A Silent Religous War Is Run Through A CPS Secret Court House By Baby Sacficers DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Wrangle Up People Like Nazis In The Hollocaust

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKING Could Be Stopped By Sex Education In Schools

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Prophecy | May 25 2024 15:3865

Gang Stalkers Secret Court Organized Crime Ring Targeting People In America

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK UPDATE! The Children And Youths Molesting Babys and Children Til They Are Dead Are Not Being Caught YET

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Children Are Being Trained To Be Baby Child Mulester Dead Child Traffickers

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Jesus Christ Explains A Hanus Kiddy Porn Ring

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Jesus Christ Has Returned

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The DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Turned Into Child Molester Pedos At Age 10. Many Babies and Toddlers Children Teens and Mothers They Took Need To Be Resuced and Saved. They…

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Prophecy | May 13 2024 17:0123

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Take Babies and Kids And Lie They Adopt Them Out

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Prophecy | May 13 2024 03:5423

The Dead Child Traffick Devil In L A

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Pedophile Child Molester Serial Killers Are Goody Two Shoe Girls

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Stop The Sex Torturing In America

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A New Constitution Is Predicated To Stop DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK DEATHS

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Stop Sex Slavery Internationally Save The Human Race

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The CPS Secret Court Does DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKING, They Rob Good Moms And Frame Them To Look Like Poor and Needy Welfare Bums To Get Their Children

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Lying All Over The Country To Get People to Kill Them Says God and Jesus

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Newborns Are Sex Tortured And Murdered Everyday By Dead Child Traffickers And Still Dying!

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Jesus The Son Of God Savior Speaking To Save All Lives

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Prophecy | Apr 15 2024 12:4256

Dead Child Traffickers Hunt Sexy Moms

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The Pedophila Nightmare In America, Sexy Mom Hater Serial Killer Dead Child Traffickers

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Prophecy | Apr 08 2024 19:50193

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS- Spy Cam Potty Gals Doing Medical Research Observation Parked All Over America

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Jesus Christ The Savior

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Prophecy | Mar 27 2024 11:43321

The Sinful Sons Of Satan Dead Child Traffick Hate Crime Cult Are Lying They Got Son of God Jobs and Can’t Be Arrested

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The Most Hanus DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKER Girls cage victims

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Think They Are Killing Off Bad People With Serpent DNA

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DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Lie They Are Doing A Son of God Job To Save Life On Earth And Mass Murder The Population

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Prophecy | Mar 20 2024 10:43160

Human Traffickers Separate Family’s

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Jesus Christ Says They Are Literally Killing More Good Ones Right Now

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Dead Child Traffickers Are Under Everybody’s Noses Tapping On Front Doors All Over America Are Serial Killer Child Molesters

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Prophecy | Mar 10 2024 16:3685


Prophecy | Feb 25 2024 23:55261

Stop DCFS CPS Federal Funding. A Vicious Circle

Prophecy | Feb 23 2024 12:3538


Prophecy | Feb 18 2024 18:03136

The Chattel Slavery Ring Run At EVIL CPS Said Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer

Prophecy | Feb 15 2024 18:0689

Dead Child Traffickers Are In A Brain Washed Cult

Prophecy | Feb 13 2024 23:1574

Sex Slavery BOOT CAMPS! Are Underground DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKING! Sex Slavery And Trafficking Is Run By An Organized Crime Ring Who Organize Crimes

Prophecy | Feb 12 2024 12:55246

Reincarnated Prophet

Prophecy | Feb 10 2024 13:45108

Dead Child Traffick Crime Tips

Prophecy | Feb 09 2024 15:5543

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKER PEDOS! God and Jesus Say Stop The Pedophile Pigs In A Trough Known As Dead Child Traffickers

Prophecy | Feb 08 2024 14:32268


Prophecy | Feb 08 2024 00:04207

Human Sex Torture

Prophecy | Feb 05 2024 11:43396

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Are Sex Torturing Babys And Lying Its Sex Therapy

Prophecy | Feb 03 2024 17:35353

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKER HOMOSAPIENS Sent Out Notices To Pick Up 1,000 People In 9 States

Prophecy | Feb 02 2024 17:43548

God & Jesus Explain Souless Teens Murder New Born Infants

Prophecy | Feb 02 2024 10:5387

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Take Money From Banks To Get Children For Kiddy Porn Call Sheets

Prophecy | Feb 01 2024 11:27112

50 DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS Surround The Prey At Parks And Put The People In Vans

Prophecy | Jan 31 2024 12:35446


Prophecy | Jan 29 2024 17:26234

Sheer Terrorizing Satanic Wickedness DEAD CHILD TRAFFICKERS

Prophecy | Jan 27 2024 04:54104

The Antichrist Lie They Have A Son of God Save Life On Earth Job Position With Authority and a Code Of Ethics By Stolen Mail

Prophecy | Jan 24 2024 11:18110


Prophecy | Jan 24 2024 05:08277

God and Jesus Explain Horrid Crimss Of Murder Are Being Done

Prophecy | Jan 23 2024 22:36174

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK A Pedophile Kids Baby Porn Ring

Prophecy | Jan 23 2024 19:49167

They Kill Souls Dead Child Trafficker CPS DCFS Case Workers Satanic Sex Rituals No Parent Should Loose Custody

Prophecy | Jan 20 2024 04:39106

Parents Are Framed To CPS and DCFS Because Of A House They Bought. Owning A Home Is The American Dream And Familys Are Supposed To Stay Together Not Be Seperated…

Prophecy | Jan 18 2024 21:01237


Prophecy | Jan 18 2024 11:55102

Dead Child Corpse Trafficking and Dumping Corpse Grounds Of The Depopulation Deep State Cabal

Prophecy | Jan 16 2024 22:15346


Prophecy | Jan 15 2024 13:49572


Prophecy | Jan 15 2024 02:5488


Prophecy | Jan 11 2024 15:27189

Murderers Are Under Everyones Noses In New Cars Parked All Over America Are Porn Star Women Who Make Snuff Films Dressed In Nurse Outfits To Fool People

Prophecy | Jan 08 2024 21:13497

Gang Stalking Child Traffickers Are All Over America STILL! God and Jesus Christ Have Explained

Prophecy | Jan 08 2024 13:3466

Dead Child Trafficker Women Are Framing Moms In Post Offices and Robbing Their Money In Banks

Prophecy | Jan 05 2024 16:36344

Youths Are Murdering Victims For Dead Child Trafficking. A Hate Crime Cult Frame Moms To Their CPS Secret Court

Prophecy | Jan 05 2024 03:54234

Peition2Congress! Shut Down Child Protective Government Agency Offices

Politics | Jan 03 2024 00:154

DEAD CHILD TRAFFICK The Antichrists Game

Prophecy | Dec 31 2023 15:10208


Prophecy | Dec 30 2023 12:59260






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People are taken through the Government system to sex torture and murder them, and it is done so its not noticed or recognized as they are con artists who fool many and pretend they are helping and act like they are investigating crimes when they are commiting the crimes, and framing innocent people to take them helplessly through the Government system by many posing as County Workers, acting like they do a Child Protective Services case worker job position, and a Secret Service in home investigators job etc. and they are the antichrist family, devils with a mask on who say they are the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker with their relative the In Home Investigator Secret Service man, and the Medic Watch Dogs their relatives, and DCFS case workers etc. and they are the antichrist family who trained a devils cult, they turned children into baby child molesters, and tell them its their top secret agents job and got them addicted to sucking on babys and childrens private areas til they are dead, and told them and many that is a mom orgasms and has a sexy body shes a serpent a very bad person with bad dna, and that killing these types of moms and all their babys and kids is saving life on earth as its all in reverse and backwards by the antichrist running the hollocaust in reverse. Readings say they have many Jewish people who frame mothers, they hate the way they are in bed because they were not brought up by their religion, and the antichrist family has told them if a mom orgasms, lays on her back that they view in spy cams they place on ceilings over beds and in shower heads then they are ones to take custody from, and they are moms to take underground to clip their clitorus off, and that that is the save life mission they are doing, and the Jewish people, and Mormons, and Born Agains and other religous people hate the moms they watch in spy cams, and they frame them and set them up, slander them, and frame them to their CPS Secret Courthouse with fraud reports, and say they do this to take custody from the moms named and choosen to go underground to get their clitorus removed, to do illegal FGM, female genital mutilation illegal surgerys, and they are told thats to stop them from infecting the population, when they are not doing that, they are mothers who are unwed and with the Dad only, and they are divorced moms with their one boyfriend only and many are with no men at all, and many are married that they plot to break up to take the mom and kids helplessly away, and many are pregnant mothers they take newborns from by slicing them open and kill them the minute their razors cut their clitorus as they cut their stomachs straight up to get their newborns from the womb as the antichrist eat them alive as blood sucking vampires addicted to eating flesh with their pedo bad girl suburb cult they got into this, as the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker woman texts childrens instructions on how to do oral sex to their friends, and how to go round n round on their clitorus, and the dumb stupid kids fall for this and think its to prepare to do vagina soothing to babys, and they are turned into baby child molesters in their own homes under the covers when they pretend to do homework with a friend, and they are sent spy cam intercourse shots to their cells, and lied to, and told the moms doing this are very bad persons, when its normal love making and intercourse, and the children get freaked out, are shocked seeing intercourse shots, and say oh my goodness sakes we have to get custody taken away from that bad mom, and they are told yuckity yuck kids take a peek at the very bad moms having hot nasty in and out a layin on their back and moaning, hear the sound on your cells, that means we gotta take custody of their babys and kids of all ages by you guys a helpin okay dokay? and they run around lying about nice moms by peeping tom voyeriism spy cam shots they saw on their cell phones, and are sent charts and instructions from the antichrist family that say if a mom moans shes named a very bad person, a proper mom only has intercourse layin on her side in the dark facing front, a mom on her back is named a very bad mom, and they are choosen to get to lick them in gyno chairs, and for you guys to suck on their babys and children in front of them restrained to punish them for being that way as its a human sex torture operation that they trained children for, and the childrens mothers tell them a nice mom does not let the man view their body, and they should not lay on their back in bed in the daylight, and then they take the Ladot Commuter Freeway bus at 5 A M with no underwear on, the CPS Secret Court case worker gives them that instruction, and pretends shes doing a Child Protectiion Services job, and they go to Kiddy Porn rooms, and are told ” take your clothes off kids” ” take a baby out of the play pen with your name on it dears” or ” put the costume on with your name on the tag” and ” you will be a porn star babe” and these stupid nieve kids don’t know they are baby child molesters in Baby Kiddy Porn Movies. Their names are right on the Call Sheets, for the Scenes, and they are lied to and told this is allowed when its illegal, and they are told if the CPS gal and her County Workers authorize it its allowed when its not, it is breaking the law, they are told this is to help women who cum, their slang word for an orgasm, and just saying cum to a child is child abuse, so is showing them intercourse shots, so is telling them to drink Peppemint Schnapps on a freeway bus with no underpants on to finger and fondle their friends, so is shooting them up with meth when they get off the buses, and they are told to ” lick a mere quaint la babala, to sit on the clown sticker as their camera mark on the floor totally but naked or in a costume” as they do Kiddy Porn and Baby Porn movies, and the antichrist has trained many children to molest babys and kids, and then they start doing it until they are dead to get shot up with meth they get them addicted to and they make them hate the moms who orgasm by staring at peeping tom shots on screens, and they sit in a devils ring naked staring at them and masterbate each other to get ready to sex torture and murder victims with hatred, and yell at the babys and kids the whole time ” lay down lay down you stinken dam brats lay flat on your back like your mom did in bed that we saw in bed to punish your mom and to teach her a real needed lesson, so lay flat we are eating you out restrained with dog muzzles on til you are stinken dam dead as you got the same dna as your mom” and they are in a eat out frenzy eating many babys and kids alive all day and night, packs of them do this naked drunk and on meth and get heroin after as they turn children into serial killers and make them addicted to sex torturing babys and kids and their moms, they are addicted to seeing them die, and say ” we did it again we offed more bad persons the choosen ones on the lists” and hard to fathom so many are serial killers addicted to sex torturing victims until they are dead, and say ” its allowed by the CPS Secret Court Gal and her DCFS relatives and the secret service investigator men their relatives allowing this, and by the others who give them free new clothes, and goody treat snack bags and prizes, they told us the mission is to stop moms from cumming, that they hate them and if they cum it means they are named bad, and they are changing the entire population and we are a special part of this operation thats ever so very top secret, and that we have very important job postions for them who text us spy cam shots of moms cumming laying on their back in the dam daytime and they say see kids look at the bad persons a cummin away, they are dirty filthy very bad moms for being that way, your nice conservative mothers are not like that, so your job is to eat their babys and kids out to make them cum, and to do that to moms in gyno chairs, and your job is to pick up the long white and grey platic shipping straps from the Greyhound bus at 9 am while the older girls and their moms are eating out a newborn under the freeway in a janitor shed we put in the tunnels you walk in under freeways, and they do that each day for us in front of the moms who just gave birth” and say ” they fling the moms away on a leaf bed garden truck thats open back like a bag of leaves, then rape her to death in the hotels we reserved and lied we are doing the Son of God Save Life on Eath Mission From Los Angeles County, California run by texts also from other Countys, and we have 9 hotels in the L A County area and surrounding areas we do this to them in, and lick babys kids in front of them and film it as its a sex torture serial killer operation, torturing many humans brutally and murdering them in very painful deaths, and they die the minute they poke their clitorus or bite it off, as they bleed to death, and they say they do it with sheer udder hatred for orgasms, and for sexy looking moms with passion held within, who God says are reincarnated Angelic beings, they are the Good Ones these bad ones are killing off, as the Good Ones they kill are in touch with emotions, feelings, their souls, and they are reincarnted Angels who have orgasms that feel blissful in love to them, as the antichrist wants the good ones gone so he trained a cult to sex torture and murder the nicest most innocent people who think a infant whos just born is a very bad person? who think killing a baby is saving life on earth while they are murdering, who think a Child Protective Case worker who tells them to lick their friends and to drink and not wear underwear on a bus are doing a Child Protective Services job? who think exploiting people to their cells is allowed? who think Moms should be stooped humped grinded in hotels because they saw them cumming, they don’t know a nice person lays down to stop rape, they think molesting and murdering is saving life on earth, they think the babys are bad born with dna, and think nothing of them being torn up bleeding starving and freezing wrapped in a towel in a chicken cage? they have no instinct to rescue them to be a good person? because they are brain washed to think murdering is saving life on earth, they think the human race will die if they don’t hurry to eat out babys and kids strapped down til they die, when they are killing the human race, and the world is becoming desolate, there will be no people left on earth if they are not stopped, as their mission is to murder 900 million by these very bad persons who are self righteous and think they are better than thou, they think they are great people by scouting out on security cameras for sexy moms to set them up, they are many who are conservative, prudes, old fashioned, religous, and they are the biggest sinners on earth as they harm people, and they say they do it to get rid of them because they name them bad for being the way they are,when they are the good ones who don’t hurt anyone.

They search Property Title Records to see who just bought a house, and they check to see whos married or not, and whos unwed? they find in Marriage Divorce Seperation Records and they get Pap Smear Records Medical Records, and say they are Secret Service In Home Investigators, top Secret CIA Northern California, CPS DCFS Evaluators, Women On Patrol who evaluate mothers, who are really lying Gang Stalker women, County Nurse assistants who are really child molester serial killer, gang stalkers, bank robbers, hackers who steal, they are kidnappers who get people by papers on clip boards, and they scout out for victims on security cameras, and by driving around drunk on Peppermint Schnapps. Others find them on bank delivery records, and see who to set up to rob them, and by seeing jobs sent in mail and in ups fed ex as they are on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras as invisible criminals. They vote with thousands in their two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who take people to sex slavery who to set up, and did thumbs up texts YES now a clap clap text symbol or tree as the son of Satan conspriacy who work for the antichrist, many since the 1970s, they were brain washed then by fake instructions in the Little Brown Book of By Laws, they were told Moms are bad if they have passionate sex and orgasms, a trick by the antichrist to get the people of all ages to sex torture and murder them and one trained as a teen is a so called CPS DCFS Evaluator, who does framing evaluations from a law office, she frames them and lies they cannot have their own money and mail by their behavior shes evaluated, which is all a game, as she frames them and says anything to set nice moms up as she hates cumming times seen in her in the nude spy cams, and she makes a list and takes it to the pedo child molester women who sex torture babies and kids with thier big fat naked rear ends in the Baby Kiddy Porn camera shot that DCFS films on cells, and she takes the big pedo molester women lists who say they are the Department of Health and Welfare Case Workers County Workers for the CPS Secret Court and DCFS as they all have titles for this Baby Kiddy Porn Snuff Movie Human Sex Torture Serial Killer Hate Crime Human Trafficking Capturing Organized Crime Operation run secretly beneath the Government, right under everybodys noses.

They pick the Moms 

Brain wash five hands back to leak in lies.

They stalk and say they are On Patrol. they write fake notes and frame nice mothers.

They install 4 spy cams when someone moves in a new property over the front door on the over hang over bedroom doors.

The mortgage broker fake investigators frame them with fraud papers, they order credit reports, bank statements like they are doing a loan, and they mark them up, cut them up, paste in fraud , copy it and set them up, then they lie they need to investigate the moms by the secret service in home investigators then his relatives they call spyware bugging service men install the gang stalking peeping tom equipment in the houses and apartments. The the Evaluator fake frames them, writes fake reports and sends them all over town all over the Country to politiicans also that say top secret from the Evaluation Group for the Secret Service In Home Investigators and CPS DCFS etc. and sends the framing reports done by the On Patrol Gang Stalker Women and the law office Evaluator, and they say read their report and nothing else, and lie their framing and fraud is a fact when its all a lie, and they say do no listen to anything the mother says, they lie her information is not right when theirs is a fact and the truth as they are nice honest women they frame who do not lie. The fake Evaluators lie, and so does the mortgage broker fake investigation department, and so do the secret service in home investigators, and the CPS Secret Court case worker and their DCFS relatives, and the pedo molesters in Nurse outfits who say they are County Workers, and so do their moms who hate sexy looking mothers who have orgasms they see in spy cams, and so do the ones who say they do in depth background reports when the people have No Record, and they lie on messenger 24 hours a day, and say read our reports attached pass this sentence along for pay, and brain wash by sending out stop traffick paypal they rob by hacking, and they block communication from the world, and stop calls, get emails, so stopping the communication blocking could stop them, the dead child traffickers, by stopping everyone from reading their fake framing fraud reports.

Everyone should block them on their cells, hang up on them, block their messages on messenger, and stop their communication as they lie so much so no one will know how they kill people.

No one should listen to them, not at malls, parks, Schools, Courts, no one should take paypal from them or gifts that are stolen property, no one should look at their folders with peeping tome exploatation as they are very bad persons, who kidnap, molest, commit the worst sex torturing murder crimes in time says God.

Prophet Premonition Dreams & Clairvoyant Visions Of Crimes Sent By Jesus Christ

I have Clairvoyant visions, remote viewing, and Prophet premonition dreams of things before they are happening and while they are happening and see crimes by Jesus Christ showing me to stop them.

Above are stairwells that I had visions of years ago. My readings say they go down to the sex slavery rooms and that a Born Again Christian woman who frames moms and takes car loads of kids from mothers had them put in by construction men.

I also dreamt of them putting people in sacks down pipe slides late at night for their human smuggling human traffick etc. Readings say they do this at 2 A M, and put them down hatches in Streets that are dark.

I dreamt of two rows of Chicken Coupes with babys and kids in them the other night, a vision dream sent by Jesus Christ. Jesus then wrote by me and explained they are under the very back of many bank parking lots, the us men hacker pedo girls and women put people they mutilated and sucked on for hours restrained in their local work apartment buildings and houses on many side streets near each other in a white sack, then they drop them off in the hatch to the Chicken Hen Coupes, and sew them up after they terrorized ate their private skin on many shots of meth, drunk on Peppermint Schnapps shots, and go there 9 or 10 in a giddy girl pack acting in glee saying literally ” Oh me oh my another dear baby we must take care of later and attend to, the poor things” describing what they did to the 9 week old infants, 2 day old Sons they name them from premie incubators, they move into Chicken Hen Coupes as the hated devil mass murdering every age person, all the very good ones in the entire population as its their save life mission in reverse which is to kill the very good ones old souls reincarnated by them the very bad evil cruel wicked ones who do this inhuman terrorizing painful mutilating to every age person from birth on up. They drop the victims in at many times in a day at the very back of a bank parking lot by trees and some have planters and shrubs. Then some go in a long or short steel heavy metal pipe by jumping in a street man hole to the Chicken Hen Coupes full of many babies of many ages and young kids they took there from up top, and two or three or one say they tend to them, they change cloth diapers with ducky pins, probably suck on them, and video Baby Kiddy Porn on cells and text n go cells and a device hidden in their sachels named an ipad maybe also, as they film vaginal sucking all day and night, of themselves sucking on one another and on many victims they literally molest with their long sharp sick tongues and describe them as long and soft a little wee bit rounded, soft and short and a little tad bit wide, pink and brown and thick like their lips and clitorus are ones half white, and they say on a loud speaker ” give me a short tongue lap up on the new sweet looking girl dressed in the outfit we bought last evening alrighty?” They feed them from baby food cans, they drink from a tin pin, some have grey dog muzzles on, and they take them wrapped in many blankets towels of many colors, big beach towels when they are bleeding by what they did to them ate them alive til they are raw, then put them wrapped in colorful towels in a plain white sack, a garment bag sack it could be named that says Jesus Christ, there are 199 satan cult pedo serial killer girls and teens and young women with older aged women, some are their 9 hated moms.

Last night in a dream I saw a pregnant woman laying on a table, and they were doing a C Section with a razor from her clitorus straight up her stomach. They take many babys this way says Jesus and God.

I D Theft Gang Stalkers Do To Targeted Individuals

For years I have written fact letters that explain me an over nice sincere patient better than average Mom was set up to DCFS, after 4 years of prior gang stalking, vandalism, theft and an apparent cat napping went on to work against me and our happy family life I built up, to set me up by lies to do I D theft as I do not receive mail and money as I should for 15 years since this was done to me as I was lied about to DCFS in spring 09 and the lies were dismissed without prejudice so for years I have explained I think someone may be using fraud incorrect DCFS papers to steal my money as after the not needed case was closed I saw incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and I feel my money may be stolen by incorrect DCFS papers, that are wrong, as they said the mother did not provide her psych eval from UCLA when I was not at UCLA and I provided my psych eval diagnois done by a Mental Health Court hearing, and a lie that was dismissed a year before the case was closed in July 2010 was back in the incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes that I never received, and was told the last day of Court there were no papers, the case was being dismissed, and it was, and closed, then I saw papers with mistakes that I never recieved and than having obvious I D Theft after that it seems I D Theft is done to me by incorrect papers, and that I figured out with logic and facts of what was done, an over nice mom was set up then I have I D Theft since, that is logical and obvious to me the victim it’s been done to.

My readings say Yes, they steal my money by incorrect DCFS papers with mistakes and they planned it out to do I D Theft to me as after this was done 15 years ago I started my new business Medium For God and changed my career and proffesion to that of a Medium, and before that I was working as a Realtor for 10 years and made a good living selling many homes and provided well for my daughters and the DCFS case file ruined my 10 year realtor business I had built up in the suburbs where we lived for 12 years, and it ran us out of town,back to The San Fernando Valley where I am from, so I started my new business in Sherman Oaks, California where I was raised, and do my Medium For God business on the internet for 15 years from The San Fernando Valley, and mail and money does not reach me as it should, or work from my resumes’ I have sent since 2009, and paypal does not reach me as it should for over 11 years, and my readings say, Yes, they are stealiing all your Medium For God mail, money and paypal by incorrect papers with mistakes, and planned it out to do I D Theft to steal everything sent for your psychic ability, and have stolen 19 years of my Angel Board channeling jobs, and money by this stalking liar vandalism group for 19 years, and that many did this before then, some because they do not want me to have my psychic questions sent in the mail, because they commit the crimes that questions sent are about, and thats human traffick, fgm, depopulation, gang stalking on spy cam hacking bugging equipment, and security cameras, organized crimes.

Readings say in Feb 2005 they stole an angel board channeling job sent for me that said for Nancy Fox for your in born psychic gift to answer crime tip questions privately and they stole it in a UPS, and in Feb 2005 I was told in an Angel Board reading “Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race”as my second Mom a neighbor I grew up next door to on Ranchito Ave. died, and contacted an Angel Board reader and spelled out ” I died I have to speak to Nancy Fox” a million times over on her Angel Board, so I went and did the Angel Board reading in early Feb 2005, and readings say an Angel Board job was sent to me due to this divine intervention from heaven that brought me that message.

In 2005 I got alot done and accoplished to much I set out to do and planned for, as in 2004 I decided 2005 was the year to sell and buy, and I decided in 2004 I am going on a low carb diet and loosing weight and doing a make over on myself, and I decided I was going to finish updating our two story house with new carpet, tile, and paint to have it ready to List, and did all of this work starting at the end of 2004 and accomplished what I set out to do. I did refinance paperwork on the two story house in 2004 and spent 20 thousand of that money in Feb 2005 updating the house to sell it, I started working on my fico score in 2004 to qualify to buy a house in 2005, and I started the low carb diet in 2004 and lost weight, and got back to my regular size in 2005, and I did my skin at a dermotologist in my planned out make over I did on myself, and later I capped my teeth and whitened them in 2005. I went shopping and bought new clothes for my regular size, as I got back to my normal weight by the low carb diet, so I built up a new closet of clothes in 2005 to work in and to socialize in, and the make over was a sucess and I was so happy about it, and updating the two story house went well, and was a sucess also, as I got the 20 thousand out in the refi from 2004 and when the loan funded I got the work done in about 10 days, and had gone to a tile store, carpet store, and picked everything out and was all prepared, to have the updating to the house done, and it went very well and was done in about 10 days or 2 weeks in Feb 2005. I decided to have a 20 year sober AA party at the 2 story house since it looked so good, and because my AA Birthday is Feb 9th, and I thought I might as well have a party with the new carpet, tile,and paint before I list and sell the house, and did on Feb 27th, 2005. Then I found a house I was interested in on the MLS in April 2005 as I was a realtor looking for their own house to buy and had looked for a house since 2001 and wrote many contingent offers on houses before then. The house I wanted to see went into escrow, and then in the middle of May it came back on the market, so we went to see it that day, and they happen chance had an Open House, and I loved it as I felt I would when I first saw it listed, and wrote an offer that was accepted, had the 40 thousand 3 % deposit in the bank, and got a loan approval letter from Countrywide, and I got a swing loan from my 2 story house to buy it, for the deposit, a swing loan is where you borrow your home equity from your house you have listed to sell. I opened escrow, and my swing loan money from my 2 story house went into a Downey Savings savings account, then I transferred it to my checking account there Nancy Fox, and bought the one story house with my two story house money, and then wrote checks from my Nancy Fox checking account, and updated the one story house before we moved in around July 1st, 2005. Then I sold the two story house for $750,000.00 and paid off the swing loan I borrowed against it with my Seller Proceeds, and everything went so well that I set out to do and planned for in 2004, and I got so much accomlished by a lot of hard work, time, and energy and sold many homes and estates also that year, and then the stalkers started ruining it all, as in 2005 after moving into the one story house the mail box in front of the house was broken onto the ground, this vandalism was done again in spring 2006 and my suv was broken into that was parked in our one story house driveway, and property was stolen, stalkers stalked, parked, cats went missing etc. and worked against all I worked so hard for and accomplished and just the stalking ruined my real estate income, as I was stalked when I was driving also, and it was negative energy that ruined the serene great ambiance in the one story house, and by stalking alone I lost almost half a million of my money I invested into the house, as they ruined the value of it, as they caused negative vibes, and got cootys on the property is what I say to myself, and I was asked are you under survellence? when stalking went on in 2008 or 2009 and I said ” no I would never be under survellence? I am sober in AA a very long time? ” as AA’s don’t lie, cheat or steal, I do not drink or do drugs since 1985, I got sober Feb 9th, 1985 and work a 12 step spiritual program, to be the best person I can be, and I am over honest, and there would never be a reason for survellence on a person like me. Survellence would ruin a homes equity, and it lost its value by all of this, as it ruined it. I bought it because it felt serene, and had laden Oak trees, a covered porch, Church bells chiming, and a private driveway to be peaceful and private, and the house had felt so good and wonderful, and I bought it for that feeling in the house, and for our family home as it had the perfect floorplan, I needed a one story for my mom to live with us as she told me that what she wanted to do in 2001, and thats the reason I started shopping for the one story house then, and it had large bedrooms for my two daughters with a large bathroom with double sinks, and alot of cabinent space, and a laundry room inbetween their bedrooms, so it was perfect for my two daughters in their teenage young adult years, and it felt like a writers retreat, and it felt so spiritual and serene, it was just what I was looking for since 2001, as I decided I wanted to buy a house with a spiritual ambiance with a clay tile roof to have a certain look and feeling, and shopped for the house for 4 years as said, I shopped for it everyday on the realtor MLS as a realtor looking for their own house, and wrote offers on similar houses over those years when I was looking, and bought the perfect house that was just what I was looking for with a perfect floorplan I loved, and it was in the same City as our two story house that we had lived in for over 8 years, so same suburb City, same School district, the perfect floorplan for our family home, and a great feeling it had, and I planned to never move, I said ” Last House!” ” I am never moving again” then the stalkers ruined it, then set me up by lies to DCFS in spring 2009, then the lies were dimissed without prejudice in 2009, and it said ” the Mom has major life stressors” that’s what the stalker, vandalizer, car break in thieves probable cat nappers and liars who lied to DCFS caused. I am the victim it was done to, and thats not a reason for a DCFS case file, as there should not be a DCFS case file on an over nice Mom who does nothing wrong. It ruined our happy family suburb home in the area where we lived for over 12 years, and it ruined my 10 year realtor business I built up there so in 2010 I started my new business Medium For God in The San Fernando Valley, in Sherman Oaks, and have worked from Sherman Oaks, Encino, and Noho, and my business is obviously robbed, and I feel its the gang stalkers who are robbing me with incorrect DCFS papers that have a dismisssed without prejudice lie and mistakes, papers I saw weeks after the case was closed that were wrong, and incorrect and I have felt this for years, that thats how I D Theft is being done as a Targeted Individual

God And Jesus Gave Me The Job

I set up my Medium For God Prophet channel writer business in 2009 in Sherman Oaks, California because I became a full medium channel writer then and decided I am going to channel write with my heart and soul to stop sex slavery internationally completely

And that’s what I decided to do and that’s what I have been doing for 15 years and am still doing by my Medium For God Prophetic channel writer business I own alone registered to me in L A County as Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor the ONLY OWNER the medium and the channel writer

In 2005 I started channeling God and Jesus on my Angel Board and did this everynight and in the day sometimes for 4 years then became an open vessel medium with the ability to write the words of God and Jesus Christ and do my Prophet writing since then and report it to stop crimes, to save the human race, to save life on earth, to stop human sex trafficking, and to stop sex slavery internationally on the internet from The San Fernando Valley, California Los Angeles County

In 2009 Dec I started writing resumes’ that explain I am a medium channel writer and I started ordering my Medium For God channel writer business cards then Nancy Gail Fox Medium For God with an Angel printed on them, I also ordered address labels and Prophetic stationary at this time in 2009, and have the same business cards still.

I added Gods Medium on my aol email address I have had since around 2000, and I set up more email addresses in 2010 such as and later set up and I set up Jan 2013 and made that my paypal email address April 2013 and connected all my emails in my paypal account that I set up by my Medium For God business registration that says Nancy Gail Fox aka Fox-Taylor INDIVIDUAL OWNER April 4th, 2013.

I email my resumes’ and Prophet work for many years, and started posting on wordpresses Sept 1st 2012 and set up a P O Box in Sherman Oaks then in Jan 2012, and I email out my posts from all my emails to stop sex slavery and traffick etc, that I put paypal on in April 2013, and I expected alot of money to stop human sex traffick to be sent, and money does not reach me due to obvious I D Theft as a group of people lied my paypal email was their email and changed my aol account information, and I told aol that is only my email and its my paypal email address and got the information changed back to mine but still it appears they have robbed me for over 11 years.

I worked on the internet in Sherman Oaks from 2009 to 2013 spring, then moved to Noho and opened a PO Box in Noho by my Medium For God business registration, and linked it to my bank at that time also at Chase Bank I had a Medium For God Business account at this time and a Fox-Taylor account also and no stop traffick money came to my P O Box or my paypal and its gone on for ages, I did my Medium For God work on the internet from 2013 to 2016, and did 100 youtubes in 2013 and since then also, and I have 4 facebooks, many wordpresses, twitters, tumblr instagram etc that I work on posting day in and day out that have my paypal on them as I set up a Prophetic Communication Internet business to stop traffick etc

In 2016 I moved back to Sherman Oaks and worked there again from 2016 to 2017 and registered my business there, and ran an ad in the L A Times Newspaper, and sent many emails from my email and no mail no money there either.

I registered it again in Encino and worked there for a few years, then back to the North Hollywood area, and live in Noho again where I have lived on and off for over 11 years.

This is my medium Prophetic channel writer business I do on the internet alone in a medium trance writing crime tips.

My readings say some doing I D Theft say Medium For God jobs were sent in 2010 and they assigned them to a wicca psychic, and say they assigned someone else the Medium For God work when God and Jesus assigned me the job to be their medium and communicate for them, and they did not assign that wicca psychic who is not even a medium or channel writer, and readings say many say they gave a full moon wicca that job when it was sent to Nancy Fox in fall 2010, they took it from mail as they take all her mail, they say they stalked, stole vandalized cat napped ran them out of house and home on purpose in 09 and agreed to do this in Feb 05 when they saw alot of money sent for Nancy Fox Downey Savings Checking deposit only, with notes that said, Dear Nancy please spend your owned money to protect your family because you are being sent many angel board jobs to save live on earth because you were told you were put on earth to save the human race in a game board reading therefore you need your owned money to protect your family to hire bodygaurds, to buy many mansions lease offices we suggest hire a staff buy them new cars and clothes open accounts so your staff looks nice in upscale clothing and cars, and this is for your in born psychic gift, and its your owned money sent for deposit only. The gang stalker theives saw this by spy cam hacking bugging security camera equipment, and stole the money and robbed deposit bank slips out of the mail box they stalked and did thumbs up text symbols and agreed by the two or more sons of satan conspiracy to steal Nancy Foxs jobs and owned money because they run depopulation and fgm and human trafficking and the CPS Secret Court framing, they are gang stalkers on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and readings say they planned to set me up an over nice mom to rob me blind to steal my stop sex slavery internationally psychic crime tip jobs because they run sex slavery and traffick, and they conspired Feb 27 2005 the day I had a 20 year sober AA party, and readings say they slandered me did thumbs up texts to steal my money and jobs and to lie my crime tip jobs were theirs to do by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and gang stalked stole cat napped slandered and set me up an over nice mom to DCFS in spring 09 to do I D theft, to rob money and because they dont want me reporting thier criminal operation with my psychic tips, and readings say they stole my angel board jobs and 7 thousand cash of mine right out of our mail box on a post in front of our house every month, and stole Brinks trucks deposit slips of mine, and they stole instructions that said Nancy Fox you should buy many mansions with your owned money to protect your family, and some of them lied they got big realtor buyer jobs to buy many mansions with funds sent to banks, and buy estates and houses and lease offices with stolen money for almost 19 years and about 20 went and got a realtor liscense from 2005 to 2009 to do the big robbery, and stole angel board jobs sent fed ex and ups off our porch at 9 am, and steal all my money and psychic jobs sent for 19 years by this awful gang stalker ring on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and readings say they set me up in fall 2008 to their CPS Secret Courthouse and planned it all out to frame an over nice mom, In 2009 spring I was lied about to DCFS and the lies were dismissed. Readings say they lie they got control of the mother and childrens money and mail and online payments P O Box money mail by the DCFS case file papers when everything was DISMISSED in 09 15 years ago, and say they planned it out and set her up on purpose to take all her jobs and money and still are, In 2010 they stole Medium For God channel writer jobs sent for my channel writing I sent out starting in 2009 in The San Fernando Valley from Sherman Oaks California, readings say jobs were sent for my work I wrote and sent out that they stole, May 2010 A Stop Traffick at CPS DCFS Welfare Services Internationally channel writer job was sent for my resume’ I emailed to all the United Nations in May 2010, and readings say they lie my job is theirs and stole houses that were arranged and letters they stole said they bought Gods Medium houses for Nancy Fox to channel write in in Studio City in the Fryman Iredale Area south of Ventura Blvd off Laurel Canyon, and they stole the houses, the job, money sent and 5 hotel rooms at The Royal Crown Plaza reserved paid for for Nancy Fox and family May 2010, that said for Gods Medium like your email address and then stole more jobs in Aug Sept 2010 that said Nancy Fox The White House Medium the medium who channel writes for the past USA Presidents to stop sex slavery since 2009, and they stole that and other jobs and lied they could assign my earned jobs sent for my medium channeling work to a full moon wicca in fall 2010 and hack my work send it to her with changed crime tips that cover up depopulation trafficking crimes they commit

The Two Or More Lied Sons Of Satan Conspiracy

The readings say

In Feb 2005 my Angel Board Crime Tip job sent to my name and address to hire me to do channeled crime tips privately with my in my in born psychic gift was stolen, the person had the UPS of mine sent to their address then they and their counterpart had sneaky liars vote them in to the job by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras instead of my psychic crime tips, and they all agreed by the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy to lie my job was theirs, and wrote slanderous letters about me nice Nancy Fox in Feb 05 when I celebrated 20 years sober as a spiritual long time sober AA lady and that month I did an Angel Board reading that spelled out ” Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race” readings say word got out so a job was sent to me due to that and for my psychic ability to do crime tips privately on a game board and they stole my earned job, and they the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy text thumbs up symbols YES set her up to the CPS Secret Court hearings and to DCFS to do I D Theft, and they started lying about me an over nice mother the month I celebrated 20 years sober and I had lost weight by a diet, and done carpet paint tile to the house to sell it, and they made up slanderous letters and lied to people and said ” shes got big problems to do all that to the house, and to loose so quick and to wear a cropped sweater” a Free People spiritual sweater from Nordstroms I wore to my 20 Year Sober AA party, and told many lies about me nice Nancy Fox when I was feeling so spiritual and connected to heaven by the Angel Board reading and because I had accomplished so much, I was feeling so happy I lost weight, did new paint tile and carpet to the house, and celebrated 20 years sober. A month was going great by all I did and accomplished and readings say they slandered me and stole my job, and my money from banks, and they lied my Son of God Nancy Gail Fox channeling psychic crime tip job sent for my in born psychic gift sent to my name and address by a UPS was their job when its not at all and they are called The two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy in the readings since 2008 my channeling readings name them this.

Readings say they set it up to take me down to set me up to DCFS to do I D theft and they lie and steal all day and night for over 19 years.

They broke the mail box off the post two times at the one story house I bought and closed escow on in the middle of June 05 probably they smashed it on the ground twice, they probably are the ones who broke in my suv parked in our driveway May 9, 2006 and stole $500.00 worth of property, and they stalked the house parked drove around the street in 2008 and early 09 in white BMW’s, sport cars, in a Yellow Corvette, that could be the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker the sister in law of the in home investigator who frames nice mothers and pretends he does secret service in home investigations, and he probably was the one stalking in a black cadillac with tinted windows that drove next to me when I drove my daughter to School in early 2009.

In fall 2008 10 liars lied to the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker the readings say, the 2 counterparts who stole my angel board psychic crime tip job in Feb 05 to do I D theft to me lied by liar letters in Oct 08, and a realtor lied, AA people etc. and readings say the 10 were caught for slandering me an over nice mother and they were told to pay Nancy Fox or Nancy G. Fox-Taylor slander fees of $700.00 each and never did, it was raised to $7,000.00 each and they said ” Lets not pay say we did and keep on lyin instead and set her up to DCFS like we planned”

I was set up by lies to DCFS in spring 2009.

Readings say in around May 2009 their arrest warrants were sent that said you have 1 year in your County Jail because you did not pay $7,000.00 to Nancy Fox or confess and aplogize in writing to her, you did not get the receipt to us you paid slander fees therefore you have 1 year in your County Jail for lying about a nice mom, and they said ” lets not pay say we did set her up to DCFS as planned and keep on lyin” and stole their own arrest warrants from mail and slander fee demands as they steal all the important mail by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and by lurking on security cameras as they are very bad persons who also stole my angel boards jobs sent ups and fed ex off the one story porch by security camera and spy cam lurking, and still they say ” they will not admit what they have done,they will never admit it” and they stole stop sex slavery internationally psychic crime tip jobs sent to Nancy Gail Fox to do psychic crime tips, and The Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission From Los Angeles County by angel board word spellings and they lie ” They got big important Son of God job positions with commander authority” and do I D theft and they are the Son of Satans lying they got a Son of God job.

The 2 Counterparts were ordered to their County Jails for 1 year in May 2009, and a mortgage broker woman got prison time because she was caught for framing and the CPS Secret Court hearing set up she did in Oct 2008, and many kids were ordered to Juvy then, and they hack and rob my Medium For God paypal and send it to the 3 Sons of Satans who were ordered to County Jails and Prison, and the in home investigator 6 ft 8 man in his 80’s probably now who stalked in a black cadillac with tinted windows was ordered to prison in spring 2009 along with the mortgage broker and an AA and a realtor who lied in Oct 2008 to the CPS Secret Court hearing his sister in law runs, whos a supposed CPS case worker, and they stole their arrest warrants and tossed them out, and said lets set up Nancy Fox to DCFS and keep on lyin and pretend we are covering the Nancy Gail Fox Son of God family for safety by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras secretly by stolen mail that said Nancy Fox needs her owned money sent to deposit in her Nancy Fox checking account, they stole mail that said Nancy Fox needs body gaurds, limos, and people protecting her like secret service men protect a Politician, like the body guards in town cars with walkie talkies cover a Govenor, and she shes to have a Motor Cade and be in a limo going very slow as shes to live to be 107 years old to get all her psychic crime tip work done to save the human race and the world and they stole the instructions sent for me to follow to protect my family and myself, and lied they got the job to cover Nancy Gail Fox and her family, and said they are doing top secretly by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras without them knowing, when its supposed to be nice honest good protective people covering in person, and they stole the money sent to Nancy Fox that said for deposit only in Nancy Foxs checking with a note on the money that said ” spend this to have top security for your family” and they lied that was money for a job they got, and they lie they cover for safety and well being, and steal mail that said ” Nancy Fox is to have a staff that treats her with kid gloves, shes to have many assistants to delegate to, and she should buy many mansions with her funds sent to the banks so friends and family can live in them to protect her children wherever they go, to School, to Ballet, Horse back riding etc. as Nancy Fox will be reporting the occult” and the 6 ft 8 man is the occult leader who stalked in spring 09 in a black cadillac with tinted windows when I drove my daughter to her High School in around April or May 2009, and his sister in law is the CPS Secret Court case worker who bought a house near the High School in a gated estate community with gaurds at the gaurd gate in 2007 or 2008 2009? for around 4.7 million where I was to have a friend or relative live to gaurd my daughter in 2009 when she was 17 and in the years before then from 2005 from because of this devil, and they stole mail that said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on the streets she loves where she sells real estate, in Country Club Estates, Windy Mountain, Pathfinder North Ranch, and on Golf Course Road North Ranch, and they bought estates on that Oak Tree estate Street and set up their CPS Secret Courthouse build a rooms in those estate garages, and stole the names of people suggested for me to hire from Ulysses S Grant High classes of 1970 and 1976 1978 and 1977 mostly and told them to do reports in the Golf Course Road estates to set up moms in the CPS Secret Court build a rooms built in the garages with a microphone and podium where the CPS case worker will read them, and they set up moms to the CPS Secret Court and lie they are doing a Son of God Save Life On Earth Job From Los Angeles County and Ventura County around the County Line, and they also got many parents to frame moms in the Estates on Golf Course Road whos kids were in 1st grade in 1997, the parents framing mothers have sons and daughters, and many of their kids were in Kindergarden in 2000 on the L A County side of that area, and many frame them in their suburb tract home neighborhoods on the L A County side and some are moms and kids from the Ventura County side around County Line all the way to Newbury Park, and some are in Oak Park, as there are 3 School Districts in that area, so they do the opposite of saving life on earth and lie they got Son of God jobs, and lie they investigate moms when no they set them up with framing and slander, and the one who stole the ups Angel Board job Feb 05 and angel board jobs off the porch of the one story in July 05 says those are her great people from Grant High, she says they voted her in to pretend that she got a big important Son of God job position with commander authority, and they stole message box equipment and letters sent that said Nancy Fox should send her angel board psychic crime tips to 5,000 people so they can pass them on to save life on earth, to save the human race, to stop sex slavery internationally and it may have said that in 2009 and said for Nancy Gail Fox the Medium For God channel writer the Son of God psychic Angel board reader crime tipster, and they lie about nice moms and slander them to 5,000 in the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who set up nice mothers to their CPS Secret Devil Occult Court and do the opposite of saving life on earth, readings say millions are dead due to this that could have lived.

Today their arrest warrants are sent that say 50 AA Visions Meeting Hall AA members are on the list because they wont stop lying and stealing, and many of the kids who were ordered to Juvy in spring 09 are ordered to many Prisons as they are baby child molesters for 15 years, they molest the babys and kids of mothers their suburb moms set up, and they hack and send the owned Medium For God paypal that is Nancy Foxs to stop traffick and sex slavery to the 3 counterparts email addresses, to the ones who stole Nancy Foxs angel board jobs Feb 05 and her jobs off the one story porch by spy cam lurking and to the mortgage broker, these 3 were caught for framing Nancy Fox by lies to the CPS Secret Court case worker in Oct 08, and they are stealing Nancy Foxs paypal, it is sent to their emails by the hackers, they message and say ” my great girls you great kids keep on takin paypal and keep on sendin it to us remember we are all sayin we got the big huge important Son of God job taken away that was sent to Nancy Fox in Feb 05 by us agreeing to pretend we are better suited for that utmost important job and thats why we did her in then and said she did her hair and make up all up and wore a sexy outfit to a hot shing ding is what you call her AA party, and we said she did gaudy tacky shiny tile that looked cheap and did too much to the house for a single mom who barely could make ends meet and agreed to set her up way back then to take her big large huge important Son of God crime tip job and we did not take it we assumed her identity by lying shes not the spiritual Saint Son of God psychic medium clairvoyant as mail states so keep takin the mail of hers and her ups fed exes paypal cash app venmo gifts Prophet pay and all sent and say thats for us we took that big Son of God job away, by voting ourselves in and by you great girls being in on it with your parents way back then, and I say I took it away as I say she should have been ashamed for so many to stalk the house, as to us that means they did not like her when really its by what I say to people to make them so stinken dam mad as I do to everyone, as I hate people who act so nice in person and so sincere in public, and then behind their backs they complain or say someone is fat or write a list and put it in a God box of who they are mad at, so I tell everyone the private information to make them mad to set up hate crimes, and always do it for years to many as thats my mission to make people suffer who act nice in person so I took those jobs away I say by lifting them the notices say I got again ha ha” This person was ordered to go to 1 county jail for 1 year in spring 09 for not paying 7 thousand in slander fees, as they were all to confess and pay up to stop all this, and its gone on and on to this and a Motorcade did drive around me on the Freeway in around April or May 2009 and seemed to escort me when I got on the freeway until I got off at an offramp. Readings say that was an instruction sent and they called and said ” oh we don’t need that” and ” oh the Son of God instructions are for us” they lie they could be voted in to do a job they stole in the mail, and they follow the instructions for about 19 years that said Nancy Fox should buy many mansions on streets she loves where she sold real estate, in North Ranch estate areas as said, Gated Sherwood Estates, on Golf Courses and Lakes etc. she may delegate the estates she wants to buy with her funds sent to banks to realtors to go the leg work as she will not have time to do real estate as all her time and energy will be spent doing Angel Board channeled Crime tips, and they stole that mail and called and emailed realtors, 20 realtors at 5 offices, and said ” hey I am doing the Son of God job instead send me some flyers so I can pick out some houses as I am choosing what to buy by flyers” when it said Nancy Fox can pick out estates and homes she wants to buy by searching the Real Estate MLS and email them to other agents who can do the footwork for her, and she may buy them by the custom designed map we sent, a suggestion to buy estates and homes near and in areas where her daughters are, the equestrian horse back riding center by a lake, Ballet Class, their Schools, friends houses, some are in North Ranch and Gated Sherwood Estates, etc. and the Son of Satan two or more lied conspiracy followed the custom designed map, and still are buying properties with stolen funds, as they steal money from bank parking lots in California and lie thats their Son of God job money, and they steal Medium For God money since 2009 from mail ups fed exes, and from paypal for over 11 years by hacking, and they follow Medium For God housing instructions for 15 years, and lie the Medium For God instructions go with their Son of God housing instructions sent years back when they do not, and when none of it is theirs at all to follow, and they have stolen many Medium For God house apartment instructions that say Nancy Fox should buy many properites in Sherman Oaks since 09 south of Ventura Blvd etc. They got 5 estates for her in the hills of Studio City it said in May 2010, and they lied the Medium For God channel writer houses were for their Son of God job etc. and it said 20 estates for Nancy Fox in the hills of Encino are bought or buy them with her funds, in around 2018 2019. Nancy Fox should buy apartment buildings near where she is in the Noho Arts District where shes lived on and off for 10 years for people she hires to live in to assist her with her Medium For God work to stop sex slavery and traffick, and they stole the mail and bought 5 apartment buildings on a street, on 9 streets close together in Noho.


10 girls got in this in 7th grade in many suburb Schools the readings say, they are the child molesters hacking the crime tips about them and changing them and they lie to banks that the money sent for the Medium For God great work of art writing work is for their crime tips they fed ex in folders which is altered work , they copy kat, hack copy paste change the crime tips, fed ex the wrong tips and cover up crimes, and lie to banks the Medium For God money they take and deposited is for their tips when its not so people will think their tips are right and so they won’t know its for my Medium For God work, and they steal it by hacking paypal etc and from mail ups fed exes they steal, and readings say 5 of them in 89 places call and lie to banks all day and night.

They are lying on messenger about mothers and daughters, and do this evil 24 7 to capture them to sex slavery, and they won’t stop lying to their suburb friends where they are from and they got into this in around 2007 in 7th grade as said, and they were told its to take moms and kids away to get rid of them, and they are lying about 1,000 people on messenger and so are many others they work with, make up arists, Title Representives, Mormon Realtors, etc, and their Mothers are lying also, and many lying do not know these pedo girls molest rape sex torture murder the people they get them by lying, and they think the kids are adopted out when they take them from their moms they set up and they are not, and they are nice moms who should not loose custody, the evil wicked conspiracy doing this think if a mom looks sexy they should loose custody and they go by how they look in privacy in spy cameras when no one should see them getting dressed changing clothes showering etc. and they say a mom should loose custody by her undergarments when of course she should not, as CPS DCFS is for dangerous Moms not nice good ones, and how a mom looks in a spy cam has nothing to do with parenting, and they frame nice good great wonderful moms with happy loved kids with everything fine in their happy family home life, and they take people to a horrific sex torturing death, and think they are adopted out and think the moms are taken to remove their clitorus, and say they get them cut off so they cannot orgasm, and they think an orgasm is sin, and they think moms who buy clothes are sinners, and they lie they are bad mothers because of those sins, passionate orgasmic sex and shopping which has nothing to do with parenting at all in any way, and they run around lying the moms named on their lists are bad moms, meaning they think they are bad because of what they do that they think as a sin, when its not, its normal love making with the dad they do peeping tom on, and normal shopping for clothes and for things for the family home, and they say if a mom looks so good in the day to see her man they name them bad, when some Moms do this when their kids are at School so the kids wont know they had sex with the man they are in a relationship with and its obviously nothing to do with parenting if the kids are not there,

5,000 may be lying about mothers and daughters on messenger

Stop Gang Stalkers From Framing Nice Parents To CPS DCFS etc.

The gang Stalkers think a Mom who spends money on furniture and decorations for their home are sinners and say they decide by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras and by calculating receipts who a sinner is, they say they should not buy anything they dont need they should get by with what they have and make do.

They make them greedy sinners and say those are ones they set up to CPS and DCFS and lie they investigate people and say they go by receipts and tby what they bought that they already have and say they should have empty rooms if they move and leave the home originalnl and wait to update it and to buy furniture they lie if they buy furniture that’s needed that’s frivolous spending on not needed expenditures even though it’s a one time spending period on furniture they will use forever and say they are Mormon Jewish Jehovahs Witness Born Again and think a Mom should not spend money and they think they should get fixed mortgage rates and think of interest they will pay over the lifetime of the loan and think of paying their loan balance off and don’t like it if a home owner updates their house to get more money when they sell it or for an appraisal to refinance and don’t care if they double money they invested in it with carpet etc they spay it should be as is and that a Mom should not care about style and the look in their homes,, ,they hate Moms who shop for throw pillows curtain rods even if it’s bargain shopping and they have boring old contempory furniture empty walls, many have 4,000 alnd 5,000 square foot tract homes estates many golf. Drink at Happy hours together every day and spend $1,000 on marketing and food each month and $200.00 on clothes they wear 2 months and have sparse homes and hate Moms who paint garden decorate even if they don’t spend a lot making their house a home.

They lie these types of Moms are greedy sinners who should loose full custody for being that way and sept nice Moms up to CPS and DCFS and say if they bargain hunt to decorate it makes them so sick and if they buy in bulk and slot of clothes on sale at once to wear for years they think it’s wrong and think they should not care about their looks or their homes that their greedy sinners to them for being thus way and target many who are selling and buying and say set the Mom up for buying things that are not needed or necessary that they already have and hate them for buying bras if they have one they say one bra with many hooks is enough and they are sinners to them and they decide who to set up to CPS DCFS and say their homes are boring sparse with dated furniture and they were raised to live this way.

10 months old babys they took by setting Moms up are being molested by girls and young women who are daughters of many of the ones doing this framing my readings say

They Are Outright Lying They Did The Medium For God Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission Work From Los Angeles County, California

Their lying my paypal cash app venmo and P O Box mail sent for my internet work from the internet is for them because they took the Son of God instructions in 2007 that said For Nancy Gail Fox to put her game board channeled crime tips in folders, and to hire people to fed ex them, and they say they took the mail sent to her, for her to follow the instructions, and they follow the instructions, and lie they got a job to put crime tips in folders all neat and organized, and tabbed to leaf through as instructions they stole said, and say they thereby they got the big huge gigantic fed ex folder realtor buyers job, by taking the mail and assigning it to themselves, and say they are doing the big Son of God job because they get Nancy Foxs Medium For God work by hacking, and put it in folders, and fed ex the folders with her work, and lie the money sent to her paypal cash app venmo P O Box addresses is for their fed exed folders, when its not, its sent from the internet from my Medium For God Prophetess Communication Internet Business I do since 2009 in The San Fernando Valley from wherever I live, which has been Sherman Oaks, Encino and The Noho Arts District where I live and work from now as a real medium Prophetic channel writer, and I have done my Medium For God Prophetic channel writer business here, on and off for 10 years since 2013 and readings say they trapse out 40 minutes from the suburbs to steal what is mine to stop sex slavery internationally, to stop human sex trafficking and sit in new cars they got with stolen money at many car lots, they put stolen money in car lot accounts, and lie thats their Son of God car lot account funds when its not their money to spend, they steal money and deposit it and follow stolen instructions sent years ago that said Nancy Fox might want to lease and buy luxury cars for people she hires with her owned money sent to the banks etc. they steal instructions and follow them and say in 09 they started stealing my Medium For God Prophet writer ups fed exes and unloaded looted them at the loading dock at the mall, and sent them to houses where many looted them, who lie they got a Son of God job, as they do it the theivery by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras as gang stalkers robbing a targeted individual. They are sitting parked in cars they got with stolen money and they are hacking on ipads stolen Prophet gifts, and they are lying ” we are doing the big huge giganic Son of God job we got in our suburb community years back, we are getting Nancy Foxs mish mosh she types unscambling it redoing it, sending it out to our full moon wicca gal who copy pastes it and send it to another who has it fed exed by some putting the crime tip work in folders all neat and organized as instructions say that they took and follow”

Their lying the great amounts of so much hot dang pay sent is for us men thou ladies and gents they gentiliest we got the big huge gigantic Son of God years back we say that paypal is for our crime tips in folders that were fed exed when its sent from the internet for my internet work not for their folders.

Their lying we are covering a gravely disabled realtors business whos a woman from our suburb community by hacking sitting parked, and say we are doing the big giganic Son of God job based in our suburb community, jobs we got years back by taking mail and assigning jobs to ourselves. They stole my game board psychic crime tip jobs sent for my psychic crime tips years ago the readings say when I lived in a suburb City and worked as a realtor, and its a big game they play, to lie about me so no one will know my crime tips are accurate, as I am a normal person and a real medium and I am not gravely disabled or a retard, and I am not working as a real estate agent for 15 years and I do not live in that suburb City for 15 years. I stopped working as a realtor in 2009 and changed my career and proffesion to that of a psychic medium and in 2009 I decided to set up my Medium For God Prophetic channeler business in Sherman Oaks and did and then made it an internet communication business and that is what I do for 15 years in The San Fernando Valley not in the suburb City where I was a realtor from 1999 to 2009, and anyone can do a Real Estate Liscense Look Up on the California Realtor DRE web site and see I am not a realtor and my liscense name was Nancy G. Fox-Taylor. Obviously I am not working as a realtor, I am Prophet writing all day and night for 15 years to stop crimes, and readings say they have stolen every Medium For God Prophet gift sent, car presents, gift cards, Prophet thank you cash, paypal for 11 years by hacking, and say they trapse out to the San Fernando Valley to the areas where Nancy Fox lives, and types from, and get the work by hacking, and redo it, and send it out, copy paste scan it, and lie the money sent for Nancy Foxs internet Prophetess Medium For God work is for getting the work by hacking and for fed exing it when its not for them at all and never was. They are lying all over many towns and Citys they are the Medium For God Group reporting to stop sex slavery internationally and say they got the big huge Son of God job to put crime tips in folders and to fed ex them and to buy many mansions, and many of their Moms got realtor liscenses to lie they got realtor Son of God buyer jobs, by writing their names on stolen mail, and they say they started busing it out to the San Fernando Valley on street buses from their suburb communitys when Nancy Fox moved to the San Fernando Valley in mid 09, they hopped on many buses to take her Prophet pay and gifts, and do it ever since, and took many freeway buses at 5 am to the San Fernando Valley stations, and 10 of them are in a car hacking on ipads parked, and there are 5 car loads of them now hacking and robbing paypal and they do this wicked theivery for over 11 years around the clock, they say 99 of them bus it out at 5 am to steal gifts and pay, and they are 10 and 16 now the newer group of theives who hack and steal, and the others have done this since they were 13 14 16 17 18 years old, they started in mid 09 busing it out to steal money and ups fed ex gifts, and loot the trucks and lie the gifts are for a Son of God job they got years back, they stole Nancy Gail Fox Son of God Angel Board game board channeling crime tip jobs from the mail box on a post they stalked in 05 06 07 08 09 and stole the mail from Post Offices running there after School, some kney by spy cam and security cameras and text them and said ” hey kids my great girls go take the Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission Mail and send it to us and we can assign it to you, remember you and your folks can have a whole lot of money later on by being in on this with us, remember we voted by thumbs up texts to assign us the crime tip in folders job for us to do crime tips by spy cam sting operation equipment instead of Nancy Foxs dumb stupid game board crime tips, we say our way is more accurate by the men underground on spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras so go take the mail girls, and remember I am saying I got the big huge important Son of God Save Life on Earth Commander Job Position with my counterpart who took the Son of God UPS fed exed jobs off the porch sent for Nancy Gail Fox, and my counterpart says she got the big important Son of God job to over see buying many properties and got her realtor liscense to say thats her big important job like your Moms, and she says she got a big fed ex job to put our crime tips in folders and to fed ex them instead of Nancy Fox fed exing her Angel Board game board psychic crime tips in folders as mail states that we all took and take, so go to it you great girls get the mail again and send it up and tell your Moms and some of your Dads in on this to go unload the money at the bank parking lots as we are pretending thats for us”