New Tips To Stop Gang Stalkers

New Tips To Stop Gang Stalkers

They are targeting people who are buying a house and go by how they act by spy cams on clothes

They go by how they at home by spy cams and bugging and by who they call or don’t call about a house their buying by bugging cells.

They are targeting people who write an offer when they go in an Open House or in the first house they are shown

They lie if people write an offer quick they have me tal health problems and lie they bought a house without thinking when they thought about it, searched for houses studied houses did their homework

K,They are home buyers who are looking for weeks months or years for a house, studying then on the Internet etc driving by looking and looking on map quest Google Earth at many houses and know what type of house they want since location price etc. and narrow the home search down then walk in an open house a listing they know all about and if they love the house they write an offer.

The gang Stalkers lie they just walk in an open house or the first house and write an offer without thinking when they have done a lot of thinking, reading, studying and searching and. Calculating and planning as buying a house is something a buyer often does quietly and keeps it private.

The gang Stalkers say they should call 5 people for opinions and get 5 mortgage brokers opinions and often buyers don’t need outside opinions or want them and often they are loyal to a mortgage broker they have been working with .

Targeted individuals are home buyers renters buyers who buy online to relocate the readings say they lie they bought a house or rented without thinking when they did alit of thinking planning and the escrow period after an offer is accepted is when a buyer does evaluations gets mortgage information and does inspections etc not usually before they write an offer so often if a buyer wants a house they write an offer immediately and do not wait.

They have a loan approval contingency period usually during escrow.

An appraisal is done to see if they are paying the right price for a property the realtor gives them comparables also to study and escrow by a Title Report with comparables so alit of homework reading and studying and approval is done durimg escrow.

The escrow officer decided what signatures they need during the escrow also.

The lender decided what signatures they need and they need the appraisal to be the right price and they approve the loan for the buyer by income assets down payment and their fico score and they decide on loan approval.

The point is alot of work and thought goes into buying a house with a lot of experts giving the buyer information so they often write an offer right when they walk in then do all the evaluating and calculating investigating etc.

Gang Stalkers lie they just walk right in and buy a house that cost too much without thinking and they lie they have mental health problems for buying a house or for renting and say they have to run them out because they were not thinking straight and because of the way they acted and lie they help people by running them out and by setting them up to their secret court they say they do this to get control of their money and mail and have spy cams on Mail Man trucks also and while their framing them and lying thet bought a house that cost too much they rob their income. Transfer their earnings to a floater account five thousand at a time steal their mail and money out of their mail box when 5 an hour gang stalk the property that they call being On Patrol and they frame them in notes and others rob their ups fed exes off the porch by spy cams and steal 7 work calls a day of the persons by bugging cells and they hack emails steal jobs and money that’s the persons and frame them to look like they can’t afford a house they bought by robbing their income

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