They paid 1,000 kids to lie in the Los Angeles county area and in surrounding areas and 5,000 were paid in America to lie about nice Moms to get them and their family’s to sex torture molest murder terrorize them in apartments houses vehicles drains etc. the person paying them says if a mom cums they are called sinners and bad persons for cumming and they see in spy cams on ceilings and in shower heads etc they put in houses and apartments secretly and if they orgasm or and have passionate love making they lie they are sinners and bad persons and tell kids to lie peeping Tom is porn when the poor exploited victims in America never heard of this and they are sitting ducks in danger of being sex tortured molested murdered and should be told your being exploited and slandered so the parents know to protect their babys and toddlers and children and teenagers and themselves

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA