by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

Stop Baby Child Molester Tips Channeled by my medium

The child molester kids say they think it’s fine to suck off a baby because it tastes so delicious to them they are all evermore so dam very addicted to this act says one I  channeling. Their mom told them to do this to her when she was a Showerin she says or right after she said to suck on her long red pubs for the spy cam shot list or they would come after us as a mom with kids from two dads are ones they pick to target and she said lay down first put the cloth diaper on with ducky pins like the instructions sent by text say and said after you suck on my clitoris I will give you more head you love it anyway so lay down it’s your lucky day my little lady and still says this many years later as this was over ten years ago when it began and this girl I am channeling says she was six or seven when it began at home right before the first period class bell rang and she said today at high noon my cutie pie and then she said your taking the street bus by our house with us meaning her and a teenage youth doing the kids porn eat out films whos apartment co op condo was across the street and still may be as we live in local computer technician apartment buildins bought for us to eat out kids and many tiny bangs strapped down and place them in a mere sack and place them in a leaf crate in our apartment attics and live there mostly by our kids porn computer work stations and took street buses then to the freeway bus it was not but a few times that many of our neighbors and peers do take at 5 o clock snack tab we yell at the top of our lungs and she says she’s about 18 now and had a pretend work permit to be off campus to train at a computer lab class far from home and many are saying not to do this again many stop traffick places are calling she says and she says it’s to make moms cul by us picking them to death literally and most die fly right out of their body when we place our lips on their baby’s bottom made of silk we love to touch ever so gently and softly at first then go down on their soft hot cunts til they scream it’s not as we place nice soft dog harness muzzles over their sweet tight lips she says then the moms die usually at the sight of 29 of them sucking on their baby’s cunt and tiny tots pussy and a infant sons penis and every age kid and baby and the men with us do the tweens and teens and so does the CPS secret court gal who gave us instructions by texts and she goes down on them with the men her brothers son in law etc and it’s a ritual yes to terrorize the nicest moms who cum as the spy Watch cam committees name moms very bad persons of they look a tiny wee bit sexy a cjsngin seen in spy cams and if they cum Layin flat seen in spy cams placed over many beds in America  in ten States and that’s California.  Ohio Noryh Carolina Tennessee Utah Colorado Arizona Nevada Etc as the mission is to get rid of moms who orgasm seen in spy cam footage and to do in all their baby’s tiny tots young children and every age kid and youth