Gang Stalkers Rob Targeted Individuals Money

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

My readings say that gang stalkers rob my money and they are lying to 10 banks right now with a liar made up story.

Their lying Nancy Fox has big problems so we are running account with her money we deposited that we took from her mail ups fed exs paypal cash app venmo by hacking and by our reports that say she has such big problems when they are the problem.

The report lies she bought a house so quick without thinking with family trust fund account money she funneled into her account when NO I bought a house I shopped for and planned for 4 years and I bought it with my own money I transferred into my account in 2005, and I qualified to buy it, got loan approval had the down payment with my real estate income and my equity from my two story that was listed For Sale then in 05 that I got a swing loan on to buy the one story house I found that I shopped for for 4 years as I was a realtor then looking for my own house everyday on the MLS I searched for a house for myself and wrote 5 offers on houses before then and ran Buyer and Seller Net Sheets and Cost of Homeownership For One Year net sheets as I was a realtor running numbers on the MLS program like I did for my buyers and sellers as a real estate expert, and I wrote 5 offers from 2001 to 2005 that were contingent on selling my house, and they were not accepted, so in 2004 I said I will refi my two story take money out and have carpet paint tile done to have it listed for sale in spring market of 05, and did the refi on the two story and spent about 20 thouands on carpet paint tile for the two story then listed it the end of Feb 05 as planned, then I saw a house I wanted to see in around April 05 on a street where I saw a house as a realtor years earlier, so I already knew the Street the house was on, a one story clay tile roof house about 2500 square feet that was exactly the style I was looking for, similar to the 4 of the houses i had written offers on over the 4 year period I was looking, and it was the same City we had lived in since 1997 and the same County, Los Angeles County, and the same School District we had been in since 1997, the same Elementary School, and a great convenient location for Schools and to sell homes from, and I wanted to see the house when it was listed when I studied it on the MLS in about April 2005 then it was contingent in escrow, then in the middle of May 05 it was a BOM Back on Market! and I was so happy and went to the Open House that day, wrote an offer that was accepted, and gave them the 3% down I had in the bank from my real estate commision money I made selling homes, and I got a loan approval letter from Countrywide Home Loans, I had a 790 fico score I worked on since 2004, and I had almost $400,000.00 in equity in my two story home that was listed For Sale as said, and I got a swing loan bridge loan on the two story I bought the one story with, and the Buyer Net sheet payment I ran on the MLS May 13th 2005 said $3,000.00 a month mortgage payment and $100.00 second loan payment, and I could easily afford the house and bought it in 2005 and planned to never move from the house and was run out by gang stalkers who stalked, vandalized stole property broke in my suv stole cats probably and this went on in 2005 to 2009 then I was slandered and set up and have I D theft since.

Readings say they are telling the same liar story they made up years ago to banks today and they are lying she just funneled money into her account without permission without thinking and did that so fast and has such problems, TOTAL LIES THEY ARE TELLING BANKS my readings say.

As I got a swing loan on my two story house, and that money of mine went into a savings account and I transferred my money to my checking and bought the one story with my money, and I am over honest and over ethical and I was a realtor then,

Readings say they stole $80,000.00 of my home equity money I made on my two story house and my real estate income money from the bank, readings say they transferred it to a floater account, and lied thats family trust fund account money and that they are runnin that account secretly because she bought a house so fast without thinking when it was my money they stole and transferred, and there was no family trust fund account, readings say they stole $5,000.00 of my money from the bank at a time, totaling $80,000.00 from 05 to 09 to frame me to make it look like it was nuts to buy a house in 05 when it was all calculated and planned for many years and when it went very well as I was a realtor then an expert in buying and selling homes.

Readings say the same gang stalkers stole money of mine in Feb 05 that was sent when a psychic crime tip job was sent to my name and address by a UPS, readings say letters they outright stole said Nancy Fox money you own is sent to a bank where you have an account for Nancy Fox deposit ONLY, and they stole my job sent ups and stole my money and lied the money went with a job they got, and they plotted to set me up an over nice mom to their CPS Secret Court and to DCFS to do I D Theft to rob my money, and they plotted it Feb 05 by texting thumbs up symbols, and lied shes a very bad person for doing carpet paint tile to the two story house, to spend money so fast and do all that made them so stinken dam sick and to loose weight so fast by dieting, and to buy new clothes, the gang stalker Secret Court devils say they hate nice Moms like that who do their house all up, and who shop alot and they set them up to their CPS Secret Court and do them in by cat napping the family pets YES and by fake Patolin and writing fake framing liar notes in logs about what a nice seeming Mom is doing, and say they go by shopping, and lie moms shop alot and before 2005 I had not bought a lot of clothes, I bought them after I lost weight on a low carb diet I started in Dec 04, and normally I did not buy a lot of clothes for years as I wanted to loose weight first to build up a closet of clothes to wear for years, to be my regular size was my goal I accomplished and I am still that size 19 years later, and normally people have to buy clothes when they loose weight on a diet and that is Normal, and normally people update their house to sell it and that is Normal, and readings say they wanted to do me in an over nice Mom because I lost weight bought new clothes and did carpet paint tile to our house to sell it and plotted to frame me to their CPS Secret Court by lies and to DCFS, and I was lied about to DCFS in May 09 and thats a fact, and that was after years of vandalism theft stalking etc that went on from 2005 to 2009 and readings say they plotted it all out to steal my money from the bank in Feb 05, as they know what money and jobs are sent to people by spy cam hacking bugging and security cameras, and target people when big jobs and money is sent to do ID Theft to Rob them.

Readings say that many did this to my jobs and money when I was a child also, and in 1979 and in 1989 readings say big psychic jobs of mine were sent and stolen from mail when I owned a Studio City townhome/condo, readings say in 1988 or 1989 while I sat in my Studio City condo townhome with years of sobriety doing spritual work they ripped my jobs right off, and stole my money at the banks that says for Nancy Fox you are being sent a big psychic job therefore your money is sent at the same time and readings say they write slanderous liar reports everytime money and a psychic job is sent to Nancy Fox, and they did this when I was 10 doing Ouija Board readings in 1970, also, and in 1979 as said, and in 1988 or 1989 and in 1992 when money was sent when I had my Wedding Ceremony Vow Renewal, readings say the gang stalkers called 100 Wedding Guests every month, and said they were going to take the Son of God save life on earth job when its sent to Nancy Fox and pretend its their job, and they got 100 in on it then and many in on it in 1970 when I was 10 years old they plotted to rob a childs money, and did steal it, and they did this in 1995 and 1987 or 1988 the readings say, they readings say when we moved to the suburbs they stole my money from 5 banks in 1997, and notes that said prepare for your big Son of God save life on earth mission,

Readings say in Feb 05 they stole an Angel Board channeling job that said for Nancy Fox to do psychic crime tips with your in born psychic gift to save the human race, they heard I was told in an angel board channeling reading in Feb 05 “Nancy Fox you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race”They stole my UPS as they know by spy cams on porches and mail boxes curbs and by security cameras, and spy cams on Mail Man Trucks, the readings say they always see mail sent to alot of people and steal it, and rob their money and do I D theft, and they steal money sent to banks by security camera stalking, and rob many people this way and say they are the spy watch cam committee for individuals who have been a case file, and they frame people to be case files who would never be a case file to rob them, and they steal money and lie they got control of the mother and childrens money by the case file, and keep stealing from adult grown children also, and deposit it in accounts and say they are runnin that family trust fund account by the case file, when the case file has been closed for years, I was framed to DCFS in May June 09 and the lies were Dismissed without prejudice in Court in 09, and my older daughter was Dismiss from case, she turned 18 in 09, the case was closed in 2010, 14 years ago No Monitor, and it was all a big liar set up after 4 years of prior gang stalking vandalism theft etc etc etc etc, and I have I D theft since.

My readings say they have been stealing my postal money by this group for 19 years and my money out of it, and my fed exes ups deliverys and they deposit it in secret accounts and lie they are runnin a family trust fund account, money of the mother and childrens by the case file etc. and readings say they have robbed stolen my angel board money for 19 years, and stole 7 grand a month of angel board cash out of our mail box on a post when they gang stalked the house and street and mail box on a post, and they stole my money from ups fed exes off our porch in 05 06 07 08 etc and steal them from wherever I live, and they stole banking authority papers and lie they have banking authority and rob my money this way by a gang stalker at 10 banks today lying Nancy Fox has such problems, she bought a house that cost too much without thinking etc. when that person is the problem, and readings say they stole my ups fed exes off the porch in 05 06 07 08 early 09, and my jobs from Studio City mail in 1988 or 1989 etc and always do this, and readings my paypal is sent to their email address, they pay hackers my money to hack and rob my paypal and send it to this persons email address, and to one who stole my money and sent it to a floater account in 05 06 07 08 my real estate income I made selling homes, and my two story house equity money they robbed to a floater account secretly my readings say, then lie she could not afford that house when I could, and when they were stealing my money that would have paid the mortgage as they frame people by robbing them, and lie they cannot afford a house when they can, they make it look like they cant by stealing their money that would pay the mortgage, and they steal income a person makes and home equity money and lie to banks, and steal my paypal cash app venmo by paying hackers robbed money of mine to steal it, and they send it to 3 of the gang stalkers, and the other one is a mortgage broker who frames people in her fake mortgage evaluation organized crime ring framing department, and my paypal etc is sent to their 3 email addresses and they rob my money deposit it in banks and lie they are runnin that family trust fund account the mother and childrens money because of the case file, and they steal my Prophet rent money since 2012 fall from wherever I live, the gang stalker girls who hack and rob my paypal cash app venmo steal loot ups fed ex trucks by security camera stalking with fraud papers and they steal bundles of my Medium For God P O Box mail and deposit my money they rob from my mail they stole, and steal my Medium For God money and mail for 15 years since 2009, some of the same gang stalker girls and women from 05 06 07 08 09 rob it, and they send it to people on messenger facebook and say shovel half the paypal in your so thick pocket take it at atms off your paypal card and deposit the other half in this bank account, and they text a photo fo a bank card or messenger it with the account number, and rob my paypal that way my reading says unfortunately they will not stop lying to banks post offices ups fed ex and they are bank robber crooks doing I D Theft right under everybodys nose