by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

The dead child traffick child baby molesters are brain washed and given the wrong information that has tricked them into molesing babys and children, and mothers til they are dead. The Prophetic information I have channeled by my mediumship for many years explains they are given false information about orgasms and about what a sex addict is and they are told that women who orgasm are bad persons, that they have hot satanic air inside thats released and that a Mom who has this happen when they make love seen in spy cams placed over many beds are very bad persons when the ones looking at them as peeping toms are the very bad persons. They stare at Moms in love making love which is when women often orgasm as this article link I am posting states, that many women need to be in love to orgasm, and orgasms release endorphens that make women feel happy and relaxed and that is why many say to a woman in love “you are glowing” and orgasms are good for health and longevity as they release stress trapped in a womans body I have read in articles as educating people and getting many unbrainwashed could help stop dead child trafficking according to my Prophetic channeled information that I have done by writing for many years. 

People need to learn that an orgasm is normal, and Schools should educate children and also tell them its wrong to look at someone as a peeping tom as my readings say many children are sent peeping tom of couples having intercourse to their cells and told the Mom is a very bad person for doing in and out and cumming is the slang word they use for an orgasm, so children are being given the wrong information from the dead child traffick ring, and they are told to practice and prepare to do top secret sex therapy to moms who cum and to all their babies and kids to end cumming times, and they are told that is a Mom cums seen in spy cams then she is a very bad person, as a Mom who does that has hot lustful air trapped inside and they name them satan moms if they cum and that they are ones to get by setting them up to their CPS Secret Court to suck them and all their babies and kids off by them penetrating their private area so they will release the hot air inside and that that will save the human race when they are sex torturing and killing the human race.

God says the women who orgasm are old souls reincarnated, they are angelic beings his good ones on earth to do his work and they are many who were Gaurdian Angels in heaven flying around who he flew down to be reincarnated, and they are ones connected to their wise old souls and to their loving emotion and wise and worldy and Jesus says they have killed off half of my good people and he and God want this stopped as the antichrist has reversed information and tricked many people into murdering infants and babys and kids of every age, sons and daughters and mothers by believing his fake description about orgasms and his fake information about sex addicts, and they target moms in love who dress nice to look good for the man they love and lie they are sex addicts when they are not, and they lie a mom who has orgasms in love in love making has a libido problem when its normal to orgasm and meant to happen. God says orgasms are for procreation they are for the human race, couples make love and orgasm because they like the sensation, and the way they feel afterwards so happy and relaxed and babys are made this way, and that is why people have a sex drive in love it is to make babies, and thats the way God created humans, as if they felt nothing no one would have a desire to make love then no one would be making babies.

They send children peeping tom texts of couples, Moms and Dads having intercourse, and write ” a very bad person, see them cumming and moaning, we are getting rid of this type and taking away their babies and kids, so tell everyone in the Schoolyard that you got alot of horny pussy pot key moms with huge vagina troubles, and tell your friends you need help to get custody taken away from the Moms named who we say are sex phens with sex troubles, a sex problem you could say by the way they do nasty in and out and cum laying a top a bed being noisy. You girls are to practice and prepare to suck off babies and tiny tots, young kids we name young ums to get rid of the cum inside and that is our top secret sex therapy we are doing through our CPS Secret Courthouse, and you can suck on your neighbor in bed silently to get ready to do that to many Moms and to their infants, babys,tiny tots, and young kids” They are told this is the CPS Secret Courthouse lady doing this work with her relatives who do in home investigations in family homes and apartments all across the USA based in California around the Ventura County line where she lives and where the CPS Secret Courthouse estates are, and that their folks will help set the moms up to the CPS Secret Courthouse hearing where she speaks in a microphone and does reports to get custody taken away and your folks will say and do anything to accomplish this, they will make things up and write false reports as the point is to end cumming times, to get them all lined up in a real row for you kids to suck on them as they are labeled very bad persons and do not believe a word anyone says about an orgasm being normal as we say its not so.

The girls doing this do not know what is wrong with it, they say the CPS Secret Courthouse case worker told them to do this to get rid of them, to suck on them til they are stinken dam dead, they said if a mom cums once or three times in a row that means they are a satan mom with Serpent DNA, hot lust air trapped inside their falopian tubes and uterus, and they are told to lay them down flat on their backs all lined up in a real row each day and to suck them all off til they bleed to death in their mouths that are pure and Saintly so their bad demon blood passes through their Saintly selves, to go down on them at first on a baby changing map the instructions read today thus morning and that is what the new udder girls are a doin they are 11 and 14 and 15 and 16 who just began and they are told get totally naked okay sweetie pies? and lay a nice soft silky but babala on a nice flat ever so soft changin pad, then lay right down next to them and suck on them ever so soft and gentle as remember that is the key to do it softly and to not scream if you cum as we hate the ones who make noise when they orgasm and that is what we are ending in this whole entire universe and thats why you have been taught to suck on your friends so soft gentle and silently ever so quietly, and lay down in the camera lense shot so our dem gals case workers can get a good shot on their cells and text and go equipment, they will send me the shots, then you get a prize for thus, as you will be seen on camera and a real movie star in the adult film porn shops, then the Mom we name bad might see her baby being eaten out by you and we will play the movie over and over with you gals as the hot porn stars to make her see her baby being eaten out sucked off by naked teenagers all lined up watiing for a turn while you girls eat the mom out in a gyno chair as thats the mission to punish moms so in their next life they wont cum, and to make their babies and kids of every age cum to rid orgasmic sex from the world, and that is why we are getting more babys tiny tots young children youths now as always, we got many papers to take custody away that your nice folks made as you got primie and proper ma mas who do it in the dark facing front with their heads a top a pillow under the covers ever so silently then say night night sweetie, and thats a very nice Mom and Dad, and the couples who make noise who lay on top of the bed we say are very bad persons to get custody taken away from, so do not tell one single soul you great gals suckiing off many babys for free new clothes are doing this as many will not think highly of it, as many are fooled to think an orgasm in nomal.

An Orgasm is normal, and intended by God to happen as he designed the human race and this is a wicked sex torture molester satanic gang rapist serial killer cult who are murdering all the good people of every age by painful sex torturing.