The suburbia slut sex addict serial killer torture addict child molesters are hacking in many new Trans Ams they got by stolen money they put in a car lot account and lie that’s their Son of God funds and say they are all a drinkin and allowed to by lying and pretending they got Son of God jobs and because they are CPS secret court assistants wearing a marmalade jam color today as they have hundreds of kidnapper nurse uniforms and they say it’s a cover let not intended to cover up their totally waxed pubic area and part of their job description has been since the get go is to fondle mens penises every hour in fact usually day after day for umteen years since it all began in early 06 for most of them when they all got on it by texts that said hey you guys great girls in the suburbs could you do us a favor and go take the Son of God Save Life Mission mail sent as you great girls and your mom’s and dads are named to be hired for a big huge Son of God Save Life On Earth Mission ( my Son of God channeling jobs they stole that girls moms dads names were as suggestions for me to hire them the readings have said) hey could you kids zoom past the mail box with your moms and dads? Write your names in red sharpie on the Angel board crime tip jobs sent to Nancy Fox and her kids The Angel Board Reader Family Son of God Family and send them to us then we can say you got big important Son of God jobs as we are doing this top secret and saying the jobs are not right for Nancy Fox to do crime tips on a dumb stupid game board. Readings say they are my jobs I generated by a post I wrote posted blogged on the Angel Board Alliance web site in summer 05 and because I channeled on my angel board every night and because I am psychic my whole life. All stolen my jobs I earned for 19 years and before then, many are dead because my crime tip earned psychic Prophet jobs and questions are stolen the readings say every day for many years.  Readings say girls moms and dads were named in mail they stole as suggestions for Nancy Fox to hire and a thief who stole mail addressed to my name and address text the list and said hey you guys great girls moms and dads we are doing a much different mission top secret, we are pretending that’s our big important job and writing reports that say Nancy Fox does not work hard enough to do a big important job like this to save the human race, we are saying that’s not for a person like her etc so write bad reports whatever you can think up make up tell any lie as she’s nicer than most people and works hard as a realtor so say anything and I will send pay to your front door fed exes and you can have a whole lot of money later on for being in on it and a safe full of money as it states the family’s Nancy Fox hires can have her money in a safe she will get it from banks so they can guard them with their lives, and stolen money in safes may have been dropped off at houses in 05 06 07 etc and the text said we are doing oral copulation to moms we pick out by how they cum and says that’s a sex addiction if mom’s orgasm and we are paying you to lick them and will pay you millions at the end as the real notices we take say   perhaps Nancy Fox can hire local girls moms dads others in town for this grand spirtual mission to save life on earth and many can make a salary get new cars by her paying for them millions in reward money at the end for guarding Nancy Fox and her kids. All stolen by id theft devil’s who text girls moms dads and said be in on it with us or else and black mailed many also with threats of setting them up if they did not do what they say, and they outright stole ripped off many earned psychic Prophet channeling clairvoyant jobs and lied they got important Son of God commander jobs with authority when no they did not. They were named to maybe be hired by Nancy Fox if she wanted to hire them and pay them one thousand a week from owned money sent to banks and this killer stole the mail that suggested they might by hired and stole private personally owned money and stole the list of girls names mom’s dad’s realtors suggested for Nancy Fox to hire if she wanted to hire them kids who grew up in School with my kids the readings say, kids from their activity’s also and their parents known since 1997 1st grade 2000 Kindergarten a custom designed list of names they stole and live far away from that suburb area hours away from L A County and obviously the list has nothing to do with them and it had realtors names that I did escrows with from many real estate offices and mortgage brokers names who I did escrows with, a custom designed list based on my life they stole and nieve sheltered suburb kids were turned into postal crooks lying framing sneaky thieves and turned into child molester sex addict alcoholics meth heroin junky drug addicts who were so stupid to fall for this to drink on buses at 5 am with no underwear on eating their friends vaginas to practice  to molest babys kids tots moms to get off a bus and get their fix fir short porns they did on cells on the bus to walk to a kiddy porn snuff movie set with fgm gyno chairs babys in play pens they suck on and say  9 men do them from behind when they eat out kids and moms hand jobs they give many men etc their parked all over now

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA