The culprits who work for the devil who stole save life on earth crime tip jobs in 05 and for years send drugs all around areas when they put a family on their list to target to leak drugs in to kids and are doing this to many School kids and to people all around the targeted areas and started doing this in 04 or 05 and say they do this when the family’s they are trying to get have family members ages 12 to 17 and always do it everyday and sent capsules all over today again and send them to kids they know and put bottles of drugs in homes and the people think it’s relaxing for family’s they need to get secretly and they lie they have important save life jobs they don’t have as they lie and con and are phony and steal crime tip jobs and type their hanus names on them and say really their mission is to take people underground to sell humans to medical research to cut off clitorises and they brain wash the targeted areas about the targeted individuals and lie five hands over and say the opposite of who they are so it leaks in by gossips to brain wash people and they say the opposite on messenger on recipe cards that kids read

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA