All A Game

by medium4jesusgod Medium For God DBA

All A Game

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They the two or more lied sons of Satan conspiracy who outright steal Son of God jobs and personal money that’s not theirs are saying

In Feb 05 the day of Nancy Foxs sober AA party they voted she was not the type to do her own spiritual channeling psychic crime tip jobs sent that they stole, a job sent by ups that said to do private crime tips, to spell them out on a Ouija board since you did this this month and were told you are put on earth to do goodwill and to save the human race. They outright stole this spiritual mystic job and papers inside that say perhaps you and your two daughters can vote and assign each other questions and the thieves lied they could vote by thumbs up texts symbols on many conspiring greedy sinful cell phones and vote themselves in to do this Son of God top secret by spy cam machinery high technology hacking bugging and security cameras instead. Many conservative suburb types to athletic tom boy types to religious conservative women, Catholic, Jewish, Christian, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc. and they lied they could vote others in and pretend they got the big large huge Son of God job position with commander authority to save life on earth that’s says still that is for Nancy Gail Fox because she’s the God and Son of God Communicator,eighty others in on the wicked texting thumbs up game lie they got Son of God jobs and lie the personal money of Nancy Gail Foxs is theirs for a Son of God job when its not at all. They wrote slanderous reports in Feb 05 and lied shes not the type because she did new carpet tile paint to the house and had a twenty year sober AA party in the day on Feb 27th 05 and wore a Free People sweater and designer jeans in a light blue shade, a spiritual mystic sweater from Nordstroms.

They lie she’s not the type because of the way she did the house and dressed, elegant glazed off white Italian tile, neutral carpet and paint and a free spirit fashionable outfit they lied was gaudy and said someone dressed that way and who did carpet tile tile to their house so fast is not the type and lied a spirtual AA long time sober celebration was a hot shing ding and lied they are so much better suited for that Son of God position and money sent because they are earthy athletic outdoor

sportsman types, conservative Jewish House wives, Catholic conservative house wife’s etc because they dress conservative and so on when the spiritualist mystic job is nothing to do with dress or carpet and paint and in fact my mediums dress was much more sophisticated and classier than their style and dress as squares some may be seen as and she my medium in this life and many more lives in the past is classier than all of they who sin in this very wicked game as a thief is sinful and many were doing this mid August 1992 also

They then stole earned angel board jobs and money out of the mail box on a post in front of the one story house I bought in May June 2005 and brinks truck deposit slips, banking authority papers out of fed ex ups deliverys off the porch around July 1st 2005 and lied that was their money for a Son of God important job they got by voting by thumbs up symbols text on cells Feb 27 05 and its a big wicked game says God and they are still lying and stealing.

They lied shes not the type because she did the two story updates so fast then bought a one story and ran around buying furniture for the family room as in 2005 Feb I updated the two story to sell it to buy a one story for my family, a one story for my mom who never got to live there because the wicked ID theft ring ran us out, and I bought the house for my family as said, a one story for my mom, large bedrooms for my daughters, a large family room the kitchen opened to, like a great room and ran around and bought family room furniture for my family for our family home in 2005 and got it all done ready to live in, to enjoy our family life, and they are lying she did all that so quick so fast, and to them thats not someone who would do an intracite crime tip folder fed ex house buying job like instructions say that they took that were sent for Nancy Fox to read and follow in 2005, 2006, 2007 when I sat at the one story channeling God and the Son of God and Angels on my Angel Board each night at 10 pm for 2 or 3 hours by a white candle light because I was told I was put on the earth to do goodwill and to save the human race and started doing my intricate in depth channeled crime tip work right then and there in early July 2005, and I am a natural born detective intuitive clairvoyant and I just happen to be a good excellent real estate agent way back then from 1999 to 2009 and sold many homes and estates as a good to great Real Estate agent, and readings say they stole my instructions that said for me do delegate buying properties with my owned money that said for Nancy Foxs checking account deposit ONLY, and God says it says perhaps Nancy Fox can delegate the house buying to other agents for a nominal referal fee and she many hire friends and family to fed ex her in depth channeled crime tips for her for the properties she buys with her money as the owner. They are still lying shes not the type to do packages, files, fed ex work or to buy so many properties, when putting crime tips in packages, filing and fed ex work would be delegated to others, and when I was the type to buy alot of properties as that is what I did every day for 10 years, and sold 5 to 7 homes and estates a year, and always had 4 real estate listings, and was a very busy realtor, and often previewed 50 homes a week, 20 homes a day and worked hard as a realtor, and am definetly the type to search the MLS to find many homes and to write offers, and do escrows as that is what I did for 10 years and could do it now without a real estate liscense as I am not a realtor for 15 years, my liscense expired about 13 years ago, and that is what I did every day searched the MLS to find homes and I am very fast at that, and thats a fact and I am an expert at this, even without a real estate liscense I could do find homes etc. faster than most and readings say thats the wicked game they are playing, lying a person who was a 10 year excellent realtor is not the type to buy so many homes and estates, and their lying shes not the type because in early 2009 she got Wacovia Money and that was a Wacovia Loan my Mom got in fall 2007 for me to get through a frozen real estate market, the global financial crisis, a financial hardship year of 2008, and I planned for it to last from fall 2007 to spring 09 and it did, and that was money from a loan in fall 07 as planned. Their lying shes not the type to do the big Son of God intricate crime tip work because she got Wacovia loan money in early 09, as its all a Game to Steal says God